"In the short term, it is indeed enough to meet the needs, but you know, Mr. Li, what I want is not that kind of thing..." Shaking his head lightly, Casimir said in a deep voice: "What I want is to be able to get out of Combat AI, with flexible combat capabilities and learning capabilities, BOW with human-like communication capabilities and infiltration capabilities, what I want is..."

"It's a BOW that can turn into a cute girl." Tilly Lian, who was held in Li Yexing's arms, pursed her mouth and said, which can be said to be to the point.

"Oh, really..." After being exposed by his not-so-intelligent baby daughter, Kasimir scratched his head with a smile, and whispered: "I was always thinking before, using my genetic How could there be such a big intellectual gap between Tilly Lian and Tilly Lith, now it seems that there is a problem with the way of education..."

Speaking of this, Kasimir patted his chest with a sigh of relief and said: "Fortunately, this time I listened to the opinion of the woman Angelica and implemented love education for my new daughter. There is a small problem, but I believe that under this new education model, Tilly Lifa will definitely be able to replace Tilly Lian to take over the armed forces of the First Agency and become a qualified commander."

"Something wrong?" Li Yexing asked subconsciously.

"It's just a matter of details." With an impeccable smile on his face, Kasimir curled his lips and said, "Don't worry."

"My lord's military power is going to be taken away?" There was a clear difference from Li Yexing's focus, and Tilly Lian instantly became alert.

"You don't care anyway..." For his daughter who was raised by feces and piss, Kasimir's tone was a little less respectful when facing Li Yexing. He tilted his head and smiled lightly He said to Tilly Lian: "Baby girl, you can be your Mrs. Li with peace of mind."

Hearing Kazimir's words, Tillylian thought for a while, then turned her head and kissed Li Yexing's side face "paji", and then said coquettishly: "Kiss brother-in-law, Tillylian wants a kiss." A troop!"

"Why do you want that thing?" This is not buying game consoles, figures, and sexy lingerie for my girls. Even if you dote on your wife like Li Yexing, you can't help but shiver in your heart. Li Yexing frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "We're going to live a peaceful life from now on. We won't fight and we won't command..."

"Tillylian just wants it..." Just as Li Yexing knew how to make Tillylian happy, Tillylian also knew how to act as a tortured little fairy in Li Yexing's arms. Looking at Li Yexing's side face, he said in a petite voice: "If you don't fight, you don't fight, and if you don't command, you don't command. Elder sister likes to collect figures so much, why don't you never touch them after buying them?"

Tilting his head slightly, Li Yexing thought for a moment, and felt that what Tillylian said made sense!

mom!He was actually limped by a stupid (old) woman (grandmother)!

Speaking of this, Li Yexing probably understood that Tillylian didn't want an army for command or war, she just wanted it, and to put it simply - I don't need it, but I can't live without!

"Okay..." Li Yexing finally compromised after being rubbed by his sister-in-law's flamboyant little face for a long time. After thinking for a while, he chuckled and said, "Then I'll go back and discuss it with Mu Qing." , row Duergen and the team under you."

"Hey, dear brother-in-law is so kind to Tilly Lian, come, reward! Give me a sip..." Wrapping her arms tightly around Li Yexing's neck, Tilly Lian lightly pecked Li Yexing's side face, and finally As if she didn't feel that it was enough, she buried her small face into Li Yexing's neck and sucked it vigorously. She didn't raise her head until she sucked out a small strawberry, and rubbed her small face against Li Yexing's side face vigorously. , acting coquettishly, making Li Yexing feel ecstatic, and his heart almost melted. Then, while Li Yexing closed his eyes to enjoy this short-lived charm, Tilly turned her head suddenly, tilted her head Little Nose opened the corners of his mouth to Casimir who had witnessed the whole process, showing a smug smile, that smile seemed to say: "Papa Casimir, can you do it?!"

When you have a man, you forget about your own father. Tillylian is really a filial daughter, but think about the sad past of Tillylian who ate nutrition cream for three days and underwent surgery, was shot by Gatling and sold to Eastern European villains. Mir has some prejudices... and it doesn't seem to be surprising.

"That's right! That's it!" On the other side, Kasimir clapped his hands excitedly, ignoring Tillylian's little expression that seemed to be demonstrating and showing off: "That's it! Education of love! I There must be nothing wrong with your thinking!"

Hearing Kazimir's words, Li Yexing subconsciously asked, "Did you sleep that little hunter of yours?"

"Then Jialia will not break my neck?" Shaking his head vigorously, Kazimir said with a light smile, "Forget it, Mr. Li, language is poor after all, please witness it with your eyes!"

For some reason, seeing Kasimir's confident appearance, Li Yexing felt an ominous premonition inexplicably...

What training security forces? !I'm afraid it's not all an excuse!Casimir...Could it be that he couldn't bear to remake that hunter chick after he was disabled, so he brought me here to save the scene? !

With a sense of uneasiness in his heart, Li Yexing hugged Tilly Lian, who had turned reddish from the endless coquettishness, and followed Kasimir through the familiar and unfamiliar corridors. After a while, accompanied by As the three of them walked into the hall together, everything in front of them suddenly became clear.

After more than half a year, Li Yexing took Tilly Lian, followed Casimir, and returned to the final battlefield that became a watershed in Li Yexing's life.

Chapter 44. Macho European Division ([-])

The hall in front of me is the hall where Li Yexing once fought with Victor. Although it has been repaired, traces of serious damage can still be seen everywhere, and the huge and conspicuous black Umbrella logo on the ground has completely disappeared. All the way forward in the hall is the huge round metal door more than three meters high, with a small fist mark embedded in the door.

"Nibelungen..." Li Yexing whispered.

"That's right, Nibelungen, my back garden..." With a hint of complacency on the corner of his mouth, Kasimir chuckled and said, "I have to say, old things are very interesting to me... Although I Just reward him well.”

With that said, Director Kazimir stepped forward again, leading Li Yexing and Tilly Lian towards the metal gate on the other side of the hall. When he reached the gate, he skillfully opened the door hidden in the wall beside the gate. Then, he swiped his authorization card on the instrument, and suddenly, accompanied by a rumbling sound of mechanical operation, the gate of Nibelungen slowly opened.

"Please come in with me, Mr. Li..." With a weird smile on Li Yexing, the unique temperament from the evil scientist rose a little bit in Kasimir's body. Li Yexing, who was holding Tilly Lian, couldn't help being slightly stunned. He seemed to see the shadows of many people on Kasimir's body. At this moment, that expression seemed to be similar to that of previous "Resident Evil" games The big villains in the movie overlap!

If it wasn't for the fact that his posture was too low and it was too easy to use, Li Yexing almost forgot that this Director Casimir was an absolutely dangerous person!

"Mr. Li, what are you looking at?" On the other side, seeing that Li Yexing suddenly stopped and stared at him motionlessly, Casimir was a little confused. He raised his hand and touched the clothes he didn't wash that day. Then he asked with some doubts, "Is there something on my face?"

"No..." Li Yexing shook his head, and whispered to Kazimir, "Go in."

"Oh..." Nodding in a daze, Kasimir turned around and stepped through the gate of Nibelungen, still thinking about Li Yexing's inexplicably complicated eyes just now, accompanied by the sound of machinery running , the Nibelungen gate closed, and Casimir walked straight through the automatic gate ahead.

Standing in front of the closet in the preparation area, Casimir habitually opened his closet with his authority card, then took out a complete set of protective clothing from it, and began to put it on proficiently. In laboratories of this level, the protective clothing used is extremely difficult to wear. Most of the time, two people need to help each other put it on, but Kasimir himself has indeed practiced a set of unique skills in wearing protective clothing alone... okay , is not considered a unique skill, in fact, Dr. Angelica can also do it.

Habitually, one person put on the protective clothing, and Kasimir was about to pass through the automatic door on the other side, when Li Yexing, who was holding Tilly Lian, said from behind, "Hello!"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm in the mood, and I'm a little distracted..." A smile appeared on the already serious face, and Kasimir turned his head to Li Yexing: "What's the matter?"

"Tililian and I just go in like this?" Li Yexing asked, "Don't we need to wear protective clothing?"

"You guys..." Looking at Li Yexing who was hugging Tilly Lian, Kazimir was stunned, and after a moment of thinking, he shook his head and said: "No need, it was originally used to protect researchers. There are no viruses that can threaten you in the super-dangerous zone, just remember to disinfect it before you come out."

"Okay..." Faced with Kasimir's perfunctory, Li Yexing just nodded.

Following Kasimir through the automatic door, Li Yexing, who was holding Tilly Lian, finally returned to Nibelungen again. The white light in the corridor was as dim as ever, just like the last time he came, but this time, Nibelung There were a few more researchers in Gen's corridor. They were wearing the same protective clothing as Casimir, and they were talking in groups of three or four. It was respectful, even with a hint of fanaticism, but when they saw Li Yexing and Tilly Lian behind Kasimir, they were all stunned.

It wasn't that Li Yexing was stunned because he wasn't wearing protective clothing, but because he was stunned when he saw Li Yexing himself.

The researchers who can participate in the Nibelung's internal projects... all belong to the first agency!

"It's a saint..." Li Yexing seemed to hear someone whispering, and then, that weird name spread like a virus among the researchers. Gradually, the corridor became noisy, The researchers focused their eyes on Li Yexing, their eyes were greedy and fanatical. Even Li Yexing, a battle-tested monster, felt a little shivering. The visor sees the green light in the researchers' eyes.

"Calm down, my like-minded colleagues..." Clapping his hands lightly, causing the surrounding researchers to turn their attention to himself, Casimir said loudly: "Today, Mr. Li represents our The cooperator, representing the lord above the joint committee, has come to inspect our work on behalf of the Ashford family. At the same time, he will provide experience in the reform and training of the security department of our European branch. Let us use Warm applause, welcome his arrival!"

Immediately, clattering applause rang out.

Seeing the researchers applauding desperately while looking at him excitedly, and slapping their hands in protective clothing loudly, Li Yexing only felt a burst of embarrassment, but Tilly Lian in his arms raised her small nose, her face Shang Man was full of pride, as if the applause was for her.

Seeing that the applause couldn't stop, Li Yexing suddenly felt like the leader of the former Soviet Union standing on the podium. Taking advantage of these individuals being idiots without applauding until they were out of breath, Li Yexing raised his hands, making a downward gesture while Said: "Can we skip the stage of commenting? Don't you want to show us your hunter girl?"

As soon as the voice fell, the applause stopped immediately. The researchers looked at Li Yexing blankly, and then looked at each other, as if Li Yexing had said something strange. After a long time, a researcher in the crowd raised his hand and said weakly. : "Director Casimir... Didn't you say... the new project... should be separated from Mr. Li's maintenance as much as possible?"

"To be precise, he was separated from Mr. Li's maintenance during the development stage. Now the development stage is over. As an important part of the reform of the Ministry of Security, Mr. Li is very important to Tililyfa's senses." Smiling, Kasimir nodded to the researcher, seeing that the researcher wanted to say something more, Kasimir gave him a hard look.

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