"Of course he accepted it, he can only accept it, he must accept it..." Sitting lightly beside Alexisa, letting his fingers brush Alexisa's smooth back, Li Yexing chuckled Said: "It's better to say that he was ecstatic to get my invitation."

"It seems, my dear, you like him very much..." Enjoying Li Yexing's touch, Alexisa narrowed her eyes slightly, and squirmed her body like a big cat. Then, she whispered: " Ming Ming Kou Kou hates him very much, saying that he is a scum with no bottom line."

"What? Are you angry?" Li Yexing asked softly.

"Of course not, you also need to form your own team. If my dear thinks he is suitable to join the first agency, then he must be very suitable..." Alexisa whispered: "I just think, dear You seem... to take good care of him."

"Maybe..." Turning over and riding on Alexa's back, Li Yexing knelt on the bed, took off his upper body suit, put his hands on Alexa's shoulders, and whispered while massaging Said: "That guy is not a good person, he can even be said to be a villain, but he also has something he wants to protect, just like me..."

As he said that, Li Yexing said in a low voice: "Maybe it's because of empathy. I want to give him a hand. As long as he moves within the rules I drew, he can live well. In this way...maybe there will be more in the future." Save a lot of trouble."

"Save a lot of trouble?" Alexisa was slightly taken aback, then sneered and said, "Honey, do you think he is qualified to be our trouble?"

"Arias is very capable and cunning, but his structure is a bit small..." Li Yexing shook his head with a smile: "He is indeed not qualified to be our trouble, but that doesn't mean he won't be Everyone else's trouble, don't forget, Lisa, I have a good relationship with the DSO and the BSAA."

"Oh, my dear, if you don't mention it, I will forget..." Turning over abruptly, facing Li Yexing who was leaning slightly, Alexisa narrowed her orange snake eyes slightly, Turning the corner of his mouth lightly, he said to Li Yexing: "My husband, the father of the future head of the Ashford family, the acting speaker of the black Umbrella, is actually so close to people from the BSAA..."

The arc of the corner of her mouth became more and more dangerous, and Alexisa murmured softly: "Honey, you won't become a ghost?"

"Of course not..." Li Yexing shook his head and responded with a chuckle, "Who would make trouble with his family business?"

"No, I don't believe you..." The white catkin slowly stroked Li Yexing's chest, holding Li Yexing's tie, Alexisa pulled Li Yexing to her side little by little. Tu Rulan said: "Knight, I want you to prove your loyalty..."

"How about a full-body massage?" Li Yexing asked in a low voice, seeing that the delicate green lips were getting closer and closer.

"From the inside out..." Alexisa murmured with a chuckle.

In the next second, under the dim light, Li Yexing kissed Alec Lisa's lips, letting the other party restrain him with his limbs like a snake, letting the chaotic and hot breath hit him, and letting the pink beauty spread between the two. The space between people swells and overflows, filling the presidential suite with the Queen's happy smile.

Using the night view of Washington DC outside the window as a canvas, tonight, only the enthusiasm of a knight can paint his loyalty to the Queen.

Chapter 109. The Song of the Macho ([-])

The beginning of the new year is approaching, and the snow covered the whole of Itonia with the cold air. The snow on the roof of the rows of icicles melted together and hung down the eaves. In the darkness, brown boots stepped on the snow. , leaving behind a row of footprints mixed with mud, the girl with long dark golden hair tightened her green military coat, raised her head, and stared silently at the top of her head with those lizard-like vertical pupils. That flickering light.

"Frenzy Bar..."

Accompanied by the girl's soft words, heat escaped from her lips. The girl hesitated for a moment, stretched out her hands wrapped in cotton gloves, and gently pushed open the glass door in front of her. Suddenly, a warm current rushed over her face. Come, drive away the chill that envelops the girl.

"Stamp your feet first, don't bring the snow in..." Before the girl stepped into the bar, I heard the old man next to the counter who was wearing reading glasses and had a small belly say in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the girl silently stomped her feet at the door, shaking off the snow on her boots.

"Hello..." Hanging the rag that wiped the table on his arm, the beautiful young waiter with a single ponytail and a somewhat slender figure turned his head with a business-like smile. He just wanted to talk to the newcomer What the customer said, after seeing the customer's face clearly, he was slightly taken aback.

"Captain..." Running quickly to the side of the middle-aged man with a small belly, Jiang Xueyang, a beautiful young waiter and part-time sniper of the frenzy team, whispered: "It's the third lady."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Hank finally moved his eyes away from the magazine in his hand. He lowered his glasses slightly, glanced at Tililyfa, the third lady of the first agency, who was walking towards the counter, and said frivolously. : "This is really a rare visitor, Miss Tillilyfa, why are you here?"

"Appointment." Tililyfa's answer was clean and short.

"I called her here..." On the other side, the girl who was sitting in front of the counter drinking wine in silence finally turned around when she heard Tililyfa's voice. The business attire is still sexy and charming. The two long legs are wrapped in black stockings, protruding from the hip-wrapped skirt and into the black high-heeled shoes. The girl has long brown hair neatly coiled behind her head , although the skin is a little pale, but it has a unique morbid beauty, and there is a smile in the blue-gray eyes, reflecting the figure of Tililyfa, and there are fine cracks faintly visible on the neck.

"Miss Harper..." Seeing the other party greeted her, Tililyfa sat beside the other party with a blank expression.

"You can just call me Deborah, Miss Tililifa..." Moving the high stool, she moved closer to Tililifa who was on the side. Deborah looked at the bartender who was spread out like salted fish He chuckled lightly and said, "Mr. Fisher, please have another bottle of whiskey..."

"No..." Before Fisher could move, Tililyfa suddenly said, "Vodka, please."

"Vodka?" Deborah was taken aback for a moment, and then said in surprise, "Miss Tillilypha, are you sure you want to drink vodka?"

"My sister's recommendation..." Tililyfa softly explained, recalling the petite girl with red eyes and silver hair.

"Oh..." The twin-tailed loli with different eyes and ponytails who always spoke to her because of the size of the dumpling flashed in her head, and Deborah nodded in a serious manner.

"What kind of world is this..." Tapping the counter of the bar lightly with the index finger, Paglis, the frantic team commando with red hair, pouted her mouth, as if about to spit bubbles, said drunkenly: "Our bar is Don’t entertain humans at all?”

Hearing Paglise's words, Hank frowned subconsciously, but before he could say anything, Anna, a field medic and part-time bartender sitting next to Pagliese, raised her hand, ruthlessly He slapped Paglis hard on the ass.

Accompanied by the sound of "pop", Park Lisi straightened up suddenly and let out a scream. Then, she turned her head and gritted her teeth while staring at Anna fiercely: "You are going to die! The cow!" !"

"It's just that you're not very good at talking..." Holding her chin with one hand and raising her eyebrows slightly, Anna mocked with a light smile, "However, I can't ask too much of you, after all, you're just a muscular head... .”

"I'll kill you! Cow!"

"Oh! You muscular orangutan~"

"Death to me!"

"You think I'm afraid...Aha~ No, don't, Paglis, you son of a bitch! Don't...stop! Stop! No...don't stop..."

"Wow! You are too disgusting, aren't you?!"

Sitting by the window, silently painting her nails, Li Zhiyu, a field biochemical expert and part-time attendant of the Frenzy Squad, took a cold look at Paglis and Anna who were making a fuss, without hiding the mockery in her eyes. When the nails were finished, she He raised his hand to look at it, and then stretched out his hand to Jiang Xueyang who was watching the show, and asked with a blushing face, "Brother, is it good?"

"Nice..." Seeing Li Zhiyu's light pink nails shining under the light, Jiang Xueyang nodded, and said with a smile: "But in the future, don't call him 'brother', and be called 'Ouba' by Zhiyu. It's really weird..."

"Brother, do you think I'm too old?" Li Zhiyu asked in a low voice with a cute and pitiful look.

"How is it possible..." Jiang Xueyang scratched his head and said with a sneer, "I'm used to it."

"Hey!" Li Zhiyu was just about to pull Jiang Xueyang into his arms, when Paglis, who had already pressed Anna on the counter, suddenly turned her head, pointed at Li Zhiyu and laughed wildly excitedly: "Don't try to sneak away! When I blow up the mouth of this cow, I will tear your plastic face off right away!"

"Huh?" The smile on his face disappeared instantly, Li Zhiyu stood up expressionlessly, and asked indifferently, "Who are you talking about?"

"Aha!" The smile on his face became more and more distorted. Paglis, who had become the king of war, laughed wildly while screaming at Anna's tormented waves: "Of course it's you! A clone from country K!"

"Don't...don't be like this, Paglis, don't be like this..." Seeing the fire in the harem, Jiang Xueyang was completely panicked, he waved his hands and said weakly: "Don't quarrel, it's wrong... .”

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