"Mom, it's like dropping a depth charge into the Mississippi River..." With those dead fish eyes hanging, Fisher glanced at Hank at the counter, seeing that the old Hank was calm and didn't intend to He made a move to stop him, and he whispered while mixing wine for Tillilyfa: "But it doesn't matter, I'm used to it..."

As he said that, Fisher put the small glass with lemon slices in front of Tilly Lifa, and he said with a chuckle, "Come on, try it, salted fish vodka, this glass doesn't cost money, it's mine A work of confidence."

Taking off the gloves, revealing the hand covered with black scales, Tililyfa picked up the glass in front of her, looked at the light yellow transparent liquid in the glass, hesitated to go up to it, took a sip lightly, tightly Then, she was slightly taken aback and said, "It smells so good..."

"Right!" There was finally a gleam in the dead fish's eyes, Fisher sat back behind the counter with a light smile, put his hands together and said: "Recently, I have been thinking about whether to withdraw from the first agency and go back to country A to open the door." A bar or something, it’s not bad to think about it.”

"Just think about it, don't do it..." Putting down the wine glass in her hand, Tillilipa stared at Fisher with her vertical pupils, and said solemnly, "Otherwise, I'll kill you."

"Of course it's just a joke..." Fisher waved his hand and said, "After all, I know too much. Rather than being silenced, it's more suitable for me to have a free meal in the first agency."

Chapter 110. The Song of the Macho ([-])

Finally unable to stand the noise lingering in his ears like flies, Hank looked away from the magazine again, frowned slightly and said in a low voice: "Stop making trouble, we still have guests..."

Hearing this, Paglis, Anna, and Li Zhiyu, who were about to fight together, raised their heads at the same time. After confirming that Hank was not joking, they silently let go of each other's hands and backed away while arranging the messy clothes. With that, Jiang Xueyang, who turned into the battlefield itself, was exposed, disheveled and flushed.

"It's so lively..." Deborah smiled after witnessing the war from the beginning to the end, then raised her glass and stretched it out to Tililyfa, she chuckled and said, "It's hard to imagine that in the future Miss Tillilee is going to take over such a team."

"What is this?" Looking at the wine glass facing her in Deborah's hand, Tililyfa asked in confusion.

"Ah..." Deborah was taken aback for a moment, and then explained softly, "This is a toast."

"Cheers?" Tililyfa tilted her head, still a little puzzled.

"Like me, come, Miss Tililyfa, pick up the wine glass..." Under Deborah's command, Tililyfa picked up the wine glass like the other party in doubt, and then, Deborah He smiled lightly and said, "Then, lightly touch the wine glass, very light..."

Tilly Lifa thought for a while, then lightly bumped the wine glass in Deborah's hand with the wine glass in her hand, making a light "ding".

"Very good, next, after clinking glasses, drink up the wine in one gulp..." Nodding approvingly, Deborah raised her neck, drank the whiskey in the glass in one gulp, and put down the glass , let out a breath of hot air comfortably, but saw that Tililyfa was still silently staring at the wine in the glass. After a while, she turned her head and asked softly, "Is there any point in drinking like this?"

"For Ms. Tilly Lifa, maybe not..." After a moment of entanglement, Deborah said with a smile.

"It's meaningless..." Looking at the reflection in the wine glass, Tililyfa raised her head and drank the remaining half of the glass of vodka in one gulp. Suddenly, a wave of heat hit her throat and spilled into her stomach, holding the glass Tillileefa's movements froze in an instant, her brows were tightly frowned, and she bared her razor-like shark teeth. Her bloodless face instantly flushed red. After a long time, she stuck out her forked tongue, Difficult to say: "Cheers... Cup..."

"Ah, I knew..." Deborah sighed softly after seeing Tililifa's uncomfortable look, and said helplessly, "For Miss Tililifa, it's too early for vodka... .”

On February 2015, 2, the second day of Valentine's Day, the holy Sunday, the small town of Loples in Itonia was as quiet and peaceful as before. After a heavy snowfall, Deborah Harper drove from Durand Technology Medicine from the outskirts came here, ready to have a good drink with their new sisters.

Two years ago, Deborah was just an ordinary girl from country A. She had a pair of parents who loved her and a sister who loved her even though she always looked mysterious. She grew up under the beacon of freedom and democracy. , enjoying the presumptuous and beautiful youth, everything seemed so happy and beautiful, however, all of this was quickly broken, as she was imprisoned, her sister was coerced to do bad things, Deborah's youth as a human being was completely destroyed. ended.

At the beginning of July 2013, Deborah, who turned into a monster, left her hometown and followed a group of researchers in white coats to the icy and frenzied land of Loples. After various tests and continuous observation, at the beginning of 7, Deborah was finally a little free.

"Miss Harper, you can choose to work here, or you can choose to work with Mr. Li, but if you want to display some personal value, I still recommend you to stay. First of all, our accommodation conditions are better than those of Huanya Armed Forces. Well, secondly, there is no shortage of clerks in the Armed Forces of Asia. They have a scary head of the secretariat who can work [-] hours a day, but his work efficiency is high, and his temper is notoriously bad in Los Angeles. ..."

Looking at her future boyfriend, Andre, a senior researcher at the First Agency Nibelungen, Deborah hesitated and said, "This place seems... a bit remote, if you want to buy something..."

"It doesn't matter, if you are willing to stay here, we will also provide you with a special car, as long as you don't drive out of the five small towns around Loples, you can use it as you like..." Andre said with a light smile : "I didn't say that, the Huanya Armed Forces can't give you this kind of treatment, after all, even the boss behind the scenes doesn't have a car."

In this way, Deborah stayed in Durand Technology Medicine. As Andre's secretary, her work was very messy, but it was also very simple. In addition to running errands and occasionally cooperating with tests, she also needed to do experiments. As an assistant in the room, he helped Andre, and learned some practical biochemistry-related knowledge by the way.

Overall, it's a stable [-]-to-[-] job with very little overtime and a frighteningly high salary... Of course, Deborah at the time had no reasonable idea of ​​the per capita income in Lopulus cognition.

In short, this is the current situation of Ms. Deborah Harper's life. The work is not tiring, but it is still fulfilling. Occasionally, she has sex with her boss and boyfriend, and then laughs at the other party who can't control her lower body. Having to have a physical examination for a long time, I will come to Loples for a drink on Saturdays and Sundays, like the middle class that capitalists call.

After talking about Deborah, let's talk about her new sister, the third lady of the first agency, the future commander of the frenzied team - the slander girl Tililya.

After passing Li Yexing's assessment, Tililyfa finally left the small island that bound her and came to the outside world. When she first set foot on the land of Itonia, she was full of love for everything around her. Out of curiosity, here was the first time she drank alcohol, visited a fast food restaurant, visited a clothing store for the first time, and saw so many real soldiers for the first time.

Didn't do it, the real fighters, those mercenaries from the Ring Asia Armed Forces, from their eyes, Tili Lifa saw full of strength and cunning, which was completely different from the garbage that the security forces used as emergency rations.

At this moment, Tilly Lifa was eager to become like them, but because of her body and the local climate, she became severely lethargic. After spending a whole month getting used to it, according to Kasimir and Li Yexing's intentions, Miss Tillilee's military career has officially begun.

You have to get up before dawn, and you have to run 2 laps around the airport before dawn. After those Huanya old hooligans crawl out lazily, the training officially begins. The cold weapon combat training is in charge of a female instructor named Hitomi Qiandao , another female instructor, Kanan Mafal, is in charge of melee combat. In the afternoon, I will receive F[-]A tactical courses and shooting training from Li Yexing. In the course, every Saturday, in order to test the teaching results, she needs to use a special signal weapon that can emit gunshots to fight against an entire eight-member elite team under the Central Asian Armed Forces in a closed training ground, and cannot use stealth Ability.

The schedule is very full, and all kinds of training can be called painful one-sided abuse, but Tilly Lifa is very happy. She feels that she is one step closer to being a perfect soldier. To be a perfect soldier, the first thing to do is Can meet various challenges, such as - vodka.

Putting the empty wine glass on the counter heavily, Tillilyfa stared at Fisher and said, "Have another glass!"

"Are you sure?" Tilting his neck slightly, Fisher hesitantly poured the vodka from the bottle into Tillileefa's cup while raising his eyebrows and said, "Miss Commander, the blood vessels in your eyes are about to pop out. "

"That's it..." Deborah sneered and echoed: "The vodka is still too strong, do you want to change to a milder wine?"

"Instructor Li said, soldiers, you can't shrink back, you have to be brave to face all kinds of challenges, there is no reason why I can't do what my sister can do!" Repeating Li Yexing's set was purely to fool her but Treated by her as a spiritual support, Tililyfa gritted her fangs and drank the vodka in the cup. In the next second, she let out another painful cry like a small animal.

"Instructor Li..." Looking at Tililyfa, whose face was flushed and she kept flicking her forked tongue and spitting out steam, she seemed to suddenly think of the one who was willing to feed her exorbitant medicine for free and find a job for her Good-hearted person, Deborah leaned on her chin and murmured softly: "Now, what is that instructor doing?"

Chapter 111. The Song of the Macho ([-])

What is Instructor Li of the Huanya Armed Forces doing?That's a good question.

Wearing a thin blouse on the upper body and fleece pants that are more home-style on the lower body, Li Yexing stepped on black cotton slippers, facing his computer, and sat silently on his boss chair. In front of him, silver The petite girl with red eyes was wearing a white vest with a Kirby star pattern on her upper body, and pink shorts on her lower body. She squatted in his arms without saying a word, holding the knees that hid half of her small face with her hands, The little feet with light blue blood vessels stepped on the edge of the boss's chair, and the little nutmeg-like toes twitched gently every now and then. They stared expressionlessly at the man in front of him who was constantly emitting bursts of gunshots together with Li Yexing. On the computer screen, on the screen, accompanied by burning flames, Gerald Butler, an actor from country A in a black combat uniform, faced that tough face, and the old man beside him in a gray suit and wearing glasses moved toward the The militants all around fired.

"It's so stupid..." After a long while, Tilly Lisi sighed.

"Stupid?" Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, and then explained with a light smile, "Don't pay too much attention to the details, Tilly Liss, this is just a way of expression in a movie, of course you can't fight like this, but if you follow the real battlefield Audiences may not buy it if it is filmed, this is a movie, and everything is based on the box office."

"No..." Shaking her head lightly, Tilly Lisi raised her hand, pointed her index finger at the traditional European and American tough guy's face on the screen, and said expressionlessly, "Who is this?"

"Gerard Butler..." Li Yexing replied subconsciously.

"No, Ye Xing..." Shaking her head slightly, Tiriris frowned slightly, she pointed to the man on the screen and said: "The person who obviously protected Mr. President is Ti Li Lisi's Ye Xing, this old and Who the hell is that ugly bearded white man?"

"So you are struggling with this?" Tightening the silver-haired girl in his arms, Li Yexing chuckled and said, "This person's prototype should be me, or the fusion version of me and Leon, it's not surprising. Think about it, how could this kind of political propaganda movie actually find an Asian face to escort the president of country A?"

"Tiliris doesn't understand politics, but Tiliris knows it's a lie..." Tiliris said indifferently: "Deceive yourself."

"No, I think this movie is pretty good, at least it's Gerald Butler who replaced me..." Li Yexing shrugged and said, "If they really find a K country with small eyes Come play me, I still have to be disgusting?"

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