"Ye Xing, stupid..." Squeezing into Li Ye Xing's arms, Tiliris said softly, "Mr. Death is hinting at Ye Xing, it's time to hang out with Tiliris in a few nights."

"If you just hug and sleep, you can stick it..." Li Yexing said while putting on plastic gloves for his hands.

"Then... drinking at night?" Tiriris asked, tilting her head.

"You want to get me drunk? Don't even think about it, sleep well tonight, I will wake up early tomorrow, and I will prepare breakfast for you with Rita..." Through the gloves, he tore off the wings of the fried chicken , tore off a large piece of meat and handed it to Tilly Lisi's mouth, Li Yexing said softly, "Come, take a bite."

"Tiliris has eaten, this is Yexing's dinner..." Tiliris whispered as she stared at the chicken in Li Yexing's hand.

"hurry up..."

"Tiliris can't..."

"Okay, then I'll eat..."


Before Li Yexing could retract her hand in time, Tilly Lisi swallowed it in one gulp, and ate Li Yexing's fingers together with the large piece of chicken with crispy skin and seasonings between them.

"Look at you..." Pulling his fingers from between Tiliris's slightly oily lips, Li Yexing simply folded off a whole chicken wing and handed it towards Tiriris, while Tiliris opened her mouth wide and swallowed the wing in one gulp. With Li Yexing's slight force on her fingers, a complete bone was pulled out of Tiliris' mouth.

"The food is really clean..." Putting the chicken bones aside, Li Yexing gnawed on the remaining wing tips. After scraping off all the meat on the bones, Tilly Lisi straightened her body slightly and changed her posture. Sitting sideways, leaning against Li Yexing's arms, she picked up the vodka bottle and took a big gulp. Then she raised her head and watched Li Yexing silently, her glossy lips still pursing slightly.

Raising his eyebrows, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, then subconsciously raised his head to look at Hank across the counter, only to see that Hank had pulled out an unnamed book from somewhere, and was reading it with frown.

Heh, this old thing...

Without the attention of others, Li Yexing lowered his head, squinted his eyes and kissed Tiriris's lips. From between his lips, vodka flowed down the corners of Tiriris' mouth, down his chin, and along Tiriris' slightly revealing lips. The white neck with blue veins slipped into the collar.

After a while, his lips parted, and Li Yexing's throat squirmed. Facing Tiliris' gaze, he whispered, "This vodka smells like fried chicken."

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Tilly Lisi thought about it, took another sip of vodka, and rinsed her mouth vigorously.

Suddenly, a burst of familiar music sounded, which was the melody engraved in Li Yexing's genes. Accompanied by the prelude to "Looming Dread", Hanke put down the book, stood up with a slight frown, picked up the phone, and glanced at the screen , he connected the phone, and at the same time asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter? Fisher?"

"Agor? That snake head?"

"Festival, this is not a small amount of money for us, I have to ask Minister Casimir xx..."

"Understood, I'll go right away..."

Quickly put the phone back in his pocket, Hank walked out of the counter quickly, put on the gray coat hanging on the hanger next to him, and said to Li Yexing in a deep voice: "Sorry, Li, there is something temporary here, about a few days later There is a problem with the supply of alcohol for that festival..."

"It's closing time?" Li Yexing asked in surprise.

"No, it's too early..." Hank shook his head and said, "Li, I have to trouble you to look after the shop for me next, you can pick up the drinks yourself with Miss Tiriris, but don't forget to collect the bottles it is good."

Chapter 126. The Song of the Macho ([-])

As the glass door was pushed open, a gust of cold air rushed into the bar, shattering the warmth. Hank in a gray coat, watched by Li Yexing and Tilly Liss, stepped into the darkness outside the bar step by step. , with the sound of the engine, a black van passed by the bar with its headlights on, leaving two rows of ruts.

For a while, there was only the strange noise above the head in the bar, which was faint and echoed endlessly.

"Mr. Reaper actually didn't receive the call..." Suddenly, Tilly Lith, who was leaning against Li Yexing's arms, said softly, "Tilly Lith didn't hear Mr. Fisher's voice."

"I probably guessed it..." Li Yexing muttered softly.

Obviously, after Fisher, Mr. Death couldn't sit still anymore, and he needed to drive outside for a drive.

"Come..." After a moment of silence, Li Yexing tore off the chicken leg from the fried chicken, handed it to Tilly Lisi's mouth, and said to Tilly Lisi softly, "Hurry up and eat it, or it will be completely cold if you don't eat it."

With her cherry lips slightly parted, Tiriris directly bit off a large piece of meat from the chicken leg without saying a word. On the other side, seeing that Tiriris' cheeks were stuffed, Li Yexing immediately stuffed the remaining chicken leg into it. In his own mouth, the two of you took a mouthful of each other, and quickly divided up the whole chicken leg.

Cooperating with Li Yexing, she scraped off the remaining meat on the bone with her teeth, and when Li Yexing pulled the chicken bone out of her mouth, Tilly Lisi poured a whole glass of vodka for Li Yexing, facing Li Yexing Expressionlessly said: "Cheers, Night Walk."

"Cheers..." Picking up the wine glass and touching the wine bottle in Tiliris' hand, Li Yexing raised his head and drank the wine in the glass. Exhaling a breath of hot air, she turned her head to look at Tiriris, only to see that Tiriris was raising her neck, pouring most of the bottle of vodka down her throat like pouring water.

After belching a wine that smelled like fried chicken, there was no image at all. Tilly Lisi raised her head and looked at the wine cabinet opposite the counter. Seeing this, Li Yexing immediately took off the plastic gloves covered in grease, and gently Patted Tilly Lisi's thigh and said, "I'll get the wine."

Nodding to Li Yexing, Tilly Lisi stretched her legs and slid down from Li Yexing's thighs, and stood obediently aside, while Li Yexing quickly got up, walked around the counter, and put the piece of wine on the back of the wine cabinet. The entire row of vodka was placed on the counter. Seeing Tilly Liss eyes shining, he whispered, "I'll go to the wine cellar at the back and get some beer."

"Tiliris is going too..." Tiliris said softly as she gently stretched out her hand to grab the corner of Li Yexing's clothes.

"Then let's come together..." Li Yexing responded casually.

Stepping on the wooden floor, the two walked towards the wine cellar on the first floor of the bar, pushed open the wooden door printed with "employee passage, no idlers allowed", walked through the narrow corridor, and the two arrived soon The wine cellar of the Frenzied Bar.

It is said to be a wine cellar, but it is actually just a larger warehouse. It is much larger than the arsenal of Li Yexing's office. The room is lit with dim yellow lights. Although the cellar was not damp, there was dust floating inside, and there was a faint musty smell, and there were some spider webs in the corners of the ceiling.

"Let me see, Burgundy sour beer..." Searching in boxes one by one, Li Yexing quickly found his target, perhaps because considering that Li Yexing often comes to drink, Burgundy A lot of sour beer was purchased, and all of them were piled up in conspicuous positions, followed by the favorite vodka and tempting cider of the Li family girls.

Patting the box under his feet, a layer of dust was stirred up. Li Yexing bent down and was about to pick up the box, but saw Tilly Lisi walking over quickly and picked up the heavy box with one hand. Facing the gaze from Li Yexing, she blinked her ruby ​​eyes, and said expressionlessly, "Tiliris is here to get it, Yexing's hands are full of oil."

"Okay..." Facing the girl who had been with him for ten years, Li Yexing didn't think there was anything to be hypocritical about. Knowing that the other party could easily lift a car, he nodded and said, "Carry it to the counter." Just next to it."

Leaving the wine cellar and turning off the light in the wine cellar, this time, the person walking in front was replaced by Tiriris, and Li Yexing followed behind, and walked through the narrow corridor with Tiriris, and stayed in the bathroom on the first floor. In front of the door, suddenly, Tilly Lisi's footsteps stopped.

"What's wrong?" Li Yexing asked softly.

Without answering Li Yexing's question, Tiriris, who was standing still, raised her head silently, and looked at the bathroom beside her. Li Yexing was slightly startled, and then raised her head, vaguely, he seemed to hear There were several voices.

It was Jiang Xueyang's panting, it sounded like a girl who was being bullied, it was mixed with Li Zhiyu's incoherent crooning mixed with Korean, and there were faint smiles of Paglis and Anna Voice...

"The sound insulation in the bathroom seems a bit poor..." Li Yexing muttered in a low voice, "Maybe I should use my mobile phone to record Xiao Jiang's voice, and send it to him when I feel a whim..."

"Ye Xing..." Looking back at the top of her head, Tilly Lisi tilted her head slightly, and asked Li Ye Xing softly, "Does it look like us yesterday?"

"It's not like..." Li Yexing shook his head and said, "I wouldn't call myself a bitch."

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