Responding to Li Yexing was the silence from Tiliris. The petite girl with silver hair and red pupils didn't reply, but just took a deep look at Li Yexing.

"Okay, don't stay here and listen to the bed, it looks weird..." Facing Tiliris' eyes, Li Yexing felt a little guilty for no reason, so he stretched out his hands and gently stroked Tilili Si's shoulders, while gently pushing Tilly Lisi forward, said: "Hurry back, the fried chicken is almost cold, and we agreed to help Hank look after the store..."

"Oh..." Pushed away by Li Yexing, Tilly Lisi responded in a low voice.

Leaving the staff passageway, the sound of the party upstairs became faintly visible again. Tilly Liss would squat down, gently put the box full of glass bottles on the ground, and then roughly tore the box open, removing the dark green color inside the box. Li Yexing's wine bottles were placed in a long row on the counter. After finishing all this, she stepped on her boots and trot all the way towards Li Yexing. On the other side, when she saw Tilly Lisi running over, Li Yexing immediately opened her arms. Taking advantage of the situation, she hugged Tiriris on her lap.

Moving her buttocks and choosing a suitable posture, Tiriris leaned in Li Yexing's arms, and Li Yexing and Li Yexing stretched out their hands towards the counter. The former held vodka, while the latter held a bottle of exquisite beer. The people slammed the wine bottles against the counter at the same time, knocked off the bottle caps with the edge of the table, and then gently collided the wine bottles in their hands together.

"Cheers, Tiriris." Li Yexing said with a light smile.

"Cheers, Nightwalker." Tiriris responded softly.

In the next second, the two of them brought the wine bottles to their mouths at the same time, raised their necks and drank them. After a sound of "ton ton ton", the two of them suddenly put down the empty bottles in their hands and shot a loud sound at the same time. wine burps.

Staring at each other under the dim light, Li Yexing couldn't help laughing after a while, and even Tilly Lisi raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Chapter 127. The Song of the Macho (Nineteen)

Through plastic gloves, Li Yexing put his hands through Tiliris' armpits, and tore off the fried chicken on the counter bit by bit from the bones. After a while, the whole chicken was dismantled cleanly. Ye Xing picked up a small piece of chicken and fed it into Tiliris' mouth, and then took a small piece of chicken and fed it into his own mouth while Tiliris was chewing on the chicken.

The chicken was not marinated, and there were no condiments such as cumin powder and chili powder. It was somewhat bland in the mouth. After swallowing the chicken, Li Yexing picked up the wine bottle and lightly touched the vodka bottle in Tiliris' hand. Touched it lightly, raised his neck and took a big gulp.

Under the dim light, the silver-haired and red-eyed tyrant girl took off her slightly bloated white padded jacket, revealing a white knitted sweater, outlining the girl's petite and exquisite figure. A pleated skirt with regular red and black blocks was cut out, and together with the black thermal stockings that covered the girl's knees, it divided the girl's snow-white and soft skin, and outlined the standard absolute area on the thigh, while the little feet were covered in brown. Wrapped in warm cotton boots, only half of the ankle is exposed.

The soft silver hair hangs like a waterfall, reaching to the waist, and is scattered behind the girl's back. The bangs on the forehead are slightly curly, as if just waking up. Although they are neglected, they are not messy. Under the bangs, It was the girl's red eyes, crystal clear like jewels, they were quiet, like a lake, but there seemed to be something hidden under the surface of the lake, inexplicable, inexplicable, flickering slightly under the shadow created by the dim light, It complements the drunken red glow on her cheeks, her nose is pretty, exquisite and cute, her cherry lips are small and slightly shiny, and Tilly Liss's face is just like in the past, without any expression, because of this she is out of the world His face inexplicably added a trace of pure and flawless divinity.

Unlike any of Li Yexing's girls, time has not been able to imbue Tilly Lisi with even a trace of worldliness. For ten years, she seems to have never changed, Angel in general.

In the past ten years, with more and more monster girls around Li Yexing, Li Yexing has rarely had the opportunity to be alone with Tilly Lisi quietly like now. When alcohol slightly invaded the brain, his thoughts gradually became more and more chaotic. The time in Li Yexing's eyes seemed to be reversed in an instant, Li Yexing murmured softly in a trance: "It's incredible..."

Hearing Li Yexing's exclamation, Tilly Lisi didn't reply, but tilted her head slightly, her eyes flickering with inquiries.

"No, it's nothing..." Li Yexing shook his head lightly, feeling the warmth from Tiliris, and said, "It's just that it's a little unbelievable, whether it's time travel, those battles, or even you guys, this is a big deal. Ten years of madness, almost like a dream..."

When he first came to this world, Li Yexing had no hesitation, no sadness, no worry, no pain. The former owner of this body was an indulgent human monster. He was devastated by his life, and there was neither hope nor pain in his world. Without despair, he is like a walking dead, never caring about his own life, but unwilling to die honestly. These emotions affect Li Yexing's mind like a flood, and they almost turn Li Yexing into another person. Alone, just as Li Yexing was standing on the dividing line and was about to step over, Tilly Lisi suddenly appeared from behind Li Yexing and grabbed the corner of Li Yexing's clothes.

So far, Li Yexing is still Li Yexing. He did not choose to lose his humanity and completely become that mad dog. Instead, he chose to live with the memory of that mad dog, because he knew that behind him, there would always be a girl.

Tiriris was like a ray of light, dispelling all the haze in front of Li Yexing.

After drinking the last sip of beer in the bottle, Li Yexing took off his grease-stained gloves, hugged Tilly Lisi tightly in his arms, and pressed his cheeks against the girl's soft silver hair. Li Yexing lowered his head slightly and said softly He said to the girl in his arms: "Tiliris, sometimes, I feel that you are so beautiful that it is unreal, beautiful like my dream, my imagination..."

Her body swayed slightly in Li Yexing's arms. Tilly Lisi turned around and put her arms around Li Yexing's neck. She straightened her chest and lightly touched Li Yexing's lips. The touch of the touch and the breath with a little alcohol turned into a collision in the depths of the soul. Tiliris looked into Li Yexing's eyes and said softly to Li Yexing: "Yexing, Tiliris is here, Tiliris is Yexing's." Tilly Liss."

This time, it was Li Yexing's turn to stop talking. He desperately hugged the girl in his arms, pressing his face firmly between the girl's neck. For some reason, Li Yexing suddenly felt like crying.

"Actually, Tiriris is the same..." As if feeling the turbulent emotions from Li Yexing, Tiliris raised her head slightly, looking at the dim light above her head, letting Li Yexing's warm breath overflow into her body. Between the neck, she raised her hand and let her slender and white fingers pass through Li Yexing's slightly hard short hair. She parted her cherry lips and whispered softly: "Tiliris was born as a weapon in the laboratory. Every day, every day Hours and every minute are all written into the form designed by parents for Tiliris. Tiliris's life is designed, there is no sadness, no happiness, and the only surprise is that Miss Kelly secretly Prepared chocolates, Tiliris’s life is black and white, the only thing to do every day is to repeat all the things she did yesterday, Tiliris can clearly remember every day in the European branch, because Tilly Lilith's every day in the European branch is the same..."

"Until that day, Tiriris was soaked in water as usual. At this time, it's good to just sleep. You don't need to think or do anything. In the dream, Tiriris heard a lot of voices, guns The sound of the explosion, the sound of the explosion, Tiriris was awakened, her eyes opened, and the first person she saw was Ye Xing..."

"Ye Xing's eyes are so clear, they are completely different from those of parents. Tiliris sniffs and can smell a good smell from Ye Xing's body. Ye Xing will make good food for Tiliris, and will be with Ti Lili. Si speaks from her heart and tells strange jokes to make Tiliris happy. She will buy new clothes and game consoles for Tiliris. No matter how powerful the enemy is, as long as Tiriris calls Ye Xing, Ya Xing will be able to stand up immediately..."

She closed her ruby-like eyes and pressed her body against Li Yexing's. Tilly Lisi tightened her arms and held Li Yexing tightly in her arms. She gently stroked Li Yexing's short hair with her fingertips. Lightly evoked a slight arc, that smile, like light in the dark night, like fire in the cold, like flowers in the desert...

"Nightwalking is not Tiliris's dream..." Under the dim light, Tiliris mumbled softly like a dream: "Nightwalking is the color of Tiliris, it is the light of Tiliris, it is Superman."

Chapter 128. The Song of the Macho (Twenty)

The moon is dark and the wind is high at night, when murderers and arsonists.

Under the cold, the wide street was pitch black, and in the shadows, crowds of people moved around. Those men and women were wearing thick coats to keep out the cold, standing together, with a faint light in their eyes, in this cold night , They are as silent as wild wolves hunting on the ice field.

Suddenly, in the darkness, footsteps sounded. It seemed that something had stepped onto the crooked high platform in front. Suddenly, the quiet and crowded street started to move. Those people raised the guns in their hands with solemn expressions. , Open the insurance, for a moment, the dark streets are full of murderous threats, the thugs are staring, staring at the high platform standing in the darkness ahead, as if they are waiting for something.

After a moment of silence, a blue light suddenly lit up on the high platform. The blue light was not strong, but it was particularly conspicuous in the boundless darkness. Accompanied by the blue light, there was also the faint With the sound of machinery buzzing, the crowds on the street began to move agitated immediately, white mist was blown out from nostrils, the trigger was pressed with fingers, the muzzle of the gun was raised slightly, and panting could be heard faintly, and thousands of pairs of eyes gleamed in white, making that even more intense. The blue light was reflected in the pupils, until the blue light bloomed in the darkness, and suddenly, a dazzling red beam of light burst out, tearing the darkness into pieces, and the sharp sound resounded through the entire street.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

Accompanied by bursts of beast-like roars, the war finally began. For a while, the flickering gunfire turned into a light source, accompanied by dense gunfire resounding across the sky, rifles, heavy machine guns, and even machine guns roared with the roar of the crowd With a sound, chains of ammunition shone in the darkness, straight into the sky, and swept through the darkness like halos of light. Amidst the roar, several explosion-like loud noises were particularly abrupt. With a piercing sound, the flames of the explosion blossomed in the air like a flower, illuminating the entire Lopulus instantly like a flare.

It was not until the magazine was emptied and the hot bullet casings melted the muddy snow underfoot that the sound of gunfire finally died down. The most intense firefight was over. When the darkness shrouded the street again, the eyes were full of restlessness. , at this moment, they are waiting, waiting for the official start of the war tonight...

Suddenly, the high platform hidden in the darkness lit up with a dazzling white light, instantly illuminating the three figures standing on the high platform, and then, the light spread like a snake, crawling rapidly around the high platform, The shops and buildings on both sides of the street are decorated with colorful lights. Under this light, the citizens of Loples crowded on the street finally raised their guns and roared loudly. For a while, The sound was like a tsunami, no less than the shocking gunfire before, they were cheering, they were celebrating, celebrating that this city, which had never had a festival since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, finally ushered in its own festival !

Luples New Year Festival!

"Damn..." Standing on the crooked high platform, watching hundreds of male and female thugs cheering excitedly on the street, Li Yexing's facial muscles twitched slightly, wearing a black combat uniform from Huanya. He tilted his head and said in a low voice to Yegel, the warlord of Lopulus, who was wearing a neat green military uniform, a green military overcoat and a military cap, and said in a low voice, "I didn't expect these guys to be so enthusiastic." ..."

"Ah? What did you say?" Yegel, who had injured half of his ear in the Lopulus incident and couldn't hear Li Yexing clearly, moved towards Li Yexing subconsciously.

"I said! I didn't expect these guys! They would be so excited!" Li Yexing yelled at Yegel at the top of his voice.

"It's nothing to be surprised about..." Standing on the other side of Li Yexing, the godfather of Italian gangsters in a lace black coat, Chopper shook his head with a chuckle and said: "Although these guys are not good people, most of them are They are not big villains, they are just more temperamental, so they were swept into the trash dump of Lopulus, that's all, if there are festivals and good wine, they have no reason to be unhappy."

"Okay, according to the next procedure, what are we going to do?" Seeing that the crowd below seemed to be venting something, cheering endlessly accompanied by gunshots from time to time, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows lightly asked.

"Give a speech..." Chobana replied with a smile, "This is your job, Mad Dog of Idonia."

"Wait? Why me?" Li Yexing frowned slightly and said, "Aren't you the mafia leader?"

"But only your secretary prepared a speech for you, didn't he?" Jobana shrugged, "My deputy didn't prepare a speech for me..."

"What about you?" Li Yexing touched Yegel on the other side with his elbow, and said in a low voice: "Yager, you have the most soldiers below, so you have to do the opening remarks."

"Ah?" Turning around, facing away from the audience who were about to go mad, Yegel pointed his ear at Li Yexing and said, "I've said it all, but I can't hear you clearly!"

"Go to your mother..." No longer placing any hope on the leaders of the two major factions of Lopulus, facing the cheering citizens, Li Yexing picked up the trumpet on the ground and lightly weighed it in his hand. He raised his eyebrows lightly and said, "Quiet, okay, friends, quietness, stop making noise, quietness...Mom! Quietness! Don't let me rush down and screw your heads off!"

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