Suddenly, the audience was silent.

He obviously succeeded in intimidating the mob, but seeing the smiles on their faces, Li Yexing always felt that he was being tricked. He stared at the citizens in the audience and curled his lips, causing a burst of soft laughter. Raising the horn again, he reached into his bosom and took out a few folded and crumpled white papers.

Unrolling the white paper to reveal rows of neat and elegant English, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly and smacked his lips.

"Oh, mad dog, your secretary's handwriting is so beautiful..." Yegel squinted at the speech in Li Yexing's hand, and muttered softly: "That guy Kai doesn't know as many English words as I do, and his handwriting is ugly. It's like the shit a fly pulls on a piece of paper..."

"Then replace your adjutant..." Li Yexing replied casually, but forgot to take off the speaker. Immediately, the voice was transmitted through the speaker throughout the street. The lieutenant of the warlord, Kai, who was at the forefront of the citizens, had an ugly face just like the words he wrote.

"Ahem, the official start..." Clearing his throat to dispel the embarrassment, Li Yexing picked up the speech and began to follow the script...

"Good evening, citizens of Loples. I am Li Yexing, a senior instructor and pre-war commander of the Uniasia International Security Contractor. Welcome to come here. Tonight, we...we..."

The more I read it, the more I felt something was wrong. Li Yexing squinted his eyes and looked down under the light. He saw that the speech was long and full of all kinds of official clichés that Li Yexing thought were a bit fake. The thugs, who were full of anticipation, looked at the speech in their hands again, and Li Yexing muttered in a low voice: "This speech is quite Mu Qing's style..."

Forget it, let's get out of the script...

In front of the eyes of hundreds of people in the audience, Li Yexing refolded the speech and put it back in his arms. Li Yexing coughed lightly again, then suddenly raised the horn in his hand, and shouted loudly: "Yo! Loppler The scum of Rath! The villains! Mercenaries, warlords, gangsters, thieves, robbers, and the most amiable and respectable technical workers! I am your villain leader! The mad dog of Lopulus! Lee ! Night! OK!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

Suddenly, frenzied cheers rang out.

"I know! You're fucking looking forward to this so-called festival! You're desperate to make a scene! You want to eat meat and drink and watch other villains juggle on stage and then get drunk like a lump of mud that will freeze to death on the side of the road at any time Same!" Raising his throat, veins popping up, the horn made a sharp sound because of Li Yexing's ecstasy roar, but Li Yexing didn't care at all, he pointed to the sky with one hand, raised the horn and shouted: " So! Now! I will not talk to you about those long speeches! I will not tell you about unity, discipline, loyalty and honor, and the construction of spiritual civilization! What I want to say is! Eat what you want! Drink what you want! No stealing! Don’t fight! Don’t even fight! Don’t try to test the temper of me, the Italian and Yegel by picking quarrels and provoking trouble! I swear I will take your skin off!”

Facing the gunshots, cheers, and laughter from the audience, Li Yexing threw away the trumpet, waved his arms, and cheered with a flushed face, "Now! The Lord announces! The New Year Festival of Roples! It's official! It's fucking beginning! !"

Chapter 129. The Song of the Macho ([-])

When the small vendors were in place and the crowds began to flow, Li Yexing, Yegel and Qiaoba got off the crooked metal platform. As soon as they got down the steps, he stretched out his hand and waited aside, and was about to try to send the newly launched The coffin of the electromagnetic gun was inserted into the snowdrift to dissipate heat, Tilly Lian said: "Dear sister-in-law, bring me a cup of hot water, damn it, my throat is dry..."

"Here we come! Perverted brother-in-law!" Tillylian, who was wearing the black and white Lolita outfit, turned around, searched for the black backpack beside her, took out a black thermos cup from it after a while, and threw the coffin Behind her, she trotted to Li Yexing, and while handing the thermos cup to Li Yexing with both hands, she slightly raised the corner of her mouth and said, "The perverted brother-in-law is just so majestic..."

"Prestige?" He opened the thermos cup with slightly raised eyebrows, took a sip of hot water, Li Yexing squinted his eyes slightly, spit out a mouthful of white mist, then turned his head, and chuckled at the monster girls who had been waiting for a long time Asked: "What do you think? How about my ceremony opening speech?"

"Full marks." Tiliris, who was tightly wrapped in a white padded jacket, gave a thumbs up to Li Yexing and said expressionlessly.

"Succinct and clear, crisp and neat, very gentlemanly." Rita, who was wearing a white coat, replied with a chuckle.

"Do it! Just do it!" Kanan, who was wearing a black padded jacket, replied with a smile.

"It's cool..." Hitomi Qiandao tilted her head slightly, and said with a smile on her face, " doesn't seem like the opening remarks of the festival..."

"In an instant, the emotions of the audience were aroused!" Alexisa, who was wearing a black coat, patted her hands wrapped in black leather gloves and said with a smile: "As expected of my dear..."

After listening to the evaluations of the six girls, Li Yexing turned his head and asked with a light smile to Bai Muqing who was standing silently beside him, "What about you? Muqing? What do you think?"

After witnessing the mobilization ability of Li Yexing's unique speech, Bai Muqing would never pour cold water on Li Yexing because of subjective reasons. She turned her head and whispered with her lips: "The speech I prepared for okay?"

"Of course, it's great. I can't write anything like that in my life..." Li Yexing, who thought Bai Muqing would be arguing with him, was slightly startled when he saw Bai Muqing was a little frustrated, and stepped on the icy road, Hugging Bai Muqing from behind, Li Yexing said softly, "But, it's not suitable..."

"Isn't it appropriate?" Raising her hand, and gently covering the back of Li Yexing's hand, Bai Muqing said in a low voice, "In order to highlight the theme of this ceremony, I prepared the speech very carefully. , if this speech can be used to expand the influence of the Ring Asia Armed Forces in Lopulus and surrounding areas..."

"Mu Qing, we, the Italians, and the military guys hold this festival for fun, to make everyone happy, and only when everyone is happy can what you said come true..." Li Yexing explained softly Said: "Supporting Huanya for so long and dealing with those guys for so long, you should understand that each of them has a not-so-good story behind them. They are all adults, and many things can be seen even They are more thorough than you and me, so don't keep trying to teach them how to do things, they, or we, have an independent set of principles for doing things."

"You're right..." After a while, Bai Muqing turned her head and said with a cold face, "Wild dogs and scoundrels mingle, only Miss Bai is disliked wherever she goes. I'm neither a good secretary nor a good secretary." boss..."

"Okay, relax, you still have things to do next, don't you?" Li Yexing patted Bai Muqing's shoulder lightly as he let go of his arms holding Bai Muqing, and at the same time turned his head and winked at Rita, Rita understood when she saw this, she walked forward quickly, and while gently hugging Bai Muqing's waist, she said with a soft smile: "Come on, Miss Bai, there are still a few groups of people who want to talk about the order of the program later on." We need to negotiate..."

"Ah, everyone is shopping at the festival, but I'm still busy..." With his hands crossed behind his head, Kanan squinted and came to Li Yexing's side, and pouted at Li Yexing. He lightly pecked Kanan's lips, then took out a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket, and lit cigarettes for the two of them.

"Huh..." Breathing out a mouthful of white mist, Kanan waved his hands and said, "Okay, I'm going to get busy, wait a while, and I'll go to the stall where you and the eldest lady... "

"But speaking of it, I really didn't expect that Yaxing-kun actually set up an ice cream shop..." With a black command knife on his waist, Chishima Hitomi said with a subtle look: "When I was in Hokkaido before, I thought that Yaxing-kun Just kidding..."

"Why are you joking?" Li Yexing shrugged and said, "I really want to sell desserts."

"Okay..." Quickly following Kanan's pace, Hitomi Qiandao smiled lightly and said, "If I have a chance, I will go to the ice cream shop of Mr. Yexing and Missy..."

"The lord should go too..." Carrying the coffin that hadn't cooled off completely on his shoulders, Tillylian pinched his waist and raised his nose and said, "The rooster head and the rooster head team are still waiting for the coffin from my lord." Command!"

Seeing Tilly Lian's leaving back, Li Yexing couldn't help but whispered: "Durgen's is not called Rooster Head, others are called Moxigan Head."

"It seems that I'm the only one left here with nothing to do..." When the girls around him dispersed, leaving only Li Yexing, Tilly Liss, and Alexisa, Alexisa smiled while covering the corner of her mouth : "So honey, do you mind if I come to be your first customer?"

"Of course I don't mind..." Smiling at Alexisa, Li Yexing held Tillyris's hand, and was about to take Alexisa to sit at the booth that he and Tillyris had prepared earlier. Sitting, suddenly, I saw a figure as tall as a hill wearing a black suit squeezed out from the crowd.

"Miss..." Attracting the attention of the people around him, the giant butler Haman bowed slightly to Alexisa and said, "Just now I met Mr. Redfield from the BSAA, and he said that he has something that he wants to I want to talk to you face to face..."

Immediately, Alexisa's complexion fell, she raised her hand, and while gently kneading the bridge of her nose, she said displeasedly: "Tsk, BSAA, it's really time..."

"After all, we invited you here..." Seeing that Alexisa was a little unhappy, Li Yexing patted Alexisa on the shoulder and said: "If it wasn't because I wanted to talk to you, I guess Chris wouldn't." I deliberately spared time to participate in a festival in a border city of a small Eastern European country..."

"Forget it, let him save face, after all, he is your dear friend..." Sighing softly, with a little helplessness on his face, Alexis stepped on high-heeled boots and followed Butler Harman Walking towards the crowd in front of him, he said with some reluctance, "Honey, I'll go find you after I've taken care of the BSAA..."

"Lisa..." Looking at Alex Lisa's back, Li Yexing called out hesitantly.

"Don't worry, I know..." After waving her hand at Li Yexing, Alexisa chuckled and said, "As much as possible, I can get along with the family tattoo of the Ashford family who killed my eldest brother and second sister. A man who pours a bucket of dirty water on friendly communication, right?"

In this way, in the end, besides the crooked metal stage, besides the messy staff, only Li Yexing and Tiliris remained.

Chapter 130. The Song of the Macho ([-])

"Everyone...all gone..."

When the girls left one by one, only the staff of the festival were left around, Tiriris murmured softly.

"Everyone has something to do, I think it's a good thing..." Shrugging at Tilly Liss, Li Yexing said with a light smile, "They should get in touch with ordinary people more and develop their own social skills. Circle, don't always stay at home and circle around me..."

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