"Come on, be fair..." Leon licked the cream on his lips, pushed his own chocolate ice cream in front of Ada, raised his eyebrows lightly and said, "I'll give you a taste of mine too."

"Ah—" Ada opened her mouth directly.

Although he was already elated, Leon tried his best to suppress the corners of his mouth that wanted to rise. He picked up the fork, scooped up a small piece of coffee ice cream, and put it into Ada's mouth.

"Let's evaluate it..." Li Yexing moved a chair and sat opposite the two of them while the two of them were eating each other. He folded his hands on the back of the chair and supported his chin. Da asked, "What do you guys think of my ice cream?"

"Not bad..." Leon nodded.

"Ordinary..." Compared to Leon, Ada's evaluation seemed much harsher.

"Normal..." Rubbing his chin lightly, Li Yexing continued to ask, "Look, is there any room for improvement?"

"Room for improvement?" Ada was taken aback for a moment, and then a look of surprise flashed in her eyes. The corners of her lips curled up slightly, and she said uncertainly, "Boss Li, are you really planning to open an ice cream shop?"

"Is there any problem?" Li Yexing asked back.

"No problem..." Leon waved his hand and said, "I don't think there will be any food safety problems with the ice cream made by BOW. Maybe BSAA will hand out a food safety certificate to you."

"By the way, Helena didn't come?" Li Yexing asked casually, not wanting to get too entangled in this aspect.

"She's with her sister..." Leon replied while eating ice cream, "And the boyfriend her sister made."

"Where's Shirley?"

"He's here too, but unlike me, she's here with a mission, as if she wants to take blood samples from that little Wesker on a regular basis."

"It's really good..." Burying his face between his arms, exhaling a breath of hot air to warm his numb face slightly, Li Yexing said with a light smile: "This time it will become the High Oak City Alumni Association... .”

"Chris is here too?" Hearing Li Yexing's words, Leon subconsciously raised his head and asked.

"Well, I have invited all my acquaintances here. This festival will be held for three days. You can enjoy the enthusiasm of the Lopules people..." Li Yexing raised his head and showed his eyes as he tapped his arm lightly with his index finger , said to Leon with a sigh: "But I guess Chris won't live too comfortably. He didn't come to enjoy the vacation, he came to my family Lisa."

"It's not surprising..." There was a rare smile on her face, and Ada whispered while cutting small pieces of ice cream with a fork: "The Ashford family's fantasy legalizes the research and development of BOW, and even We also need to set up related industrial chains, that Mr. Hero of BSAA is going to go crazy..."

"I think Lisa's idea is right..." Li Yexing said in a deep voice: "The world is changing, we can't blindly avoid it just because we are afraid of this change, we have to face it squarely."

"Stop it, Li..." Leon waved his hand and said, "Maybe you are right, but I don't want to discuss this with you, at least not now, it's a matter of principle."

"Okay..." Shrugging at the two of them, Li Yexing's face showed a hint of helplessness, and he was burying his face between his arms again, preparing to pass the boring time, when suddenly, there was another burst of helplessness. A familiar voice came.

"Hi! Lee~"

"Ah?" Subconsciously following the voice, Li Yexing raised his head, and Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, only to see a former flower street king, Miss Teresa, who is now a combatant of the Huanya Armed Forces, standing at the booth wrapped in a long army green coat. Besides, next to her was the dark chainsaw Lolita Sawyer who was also wearing a thick green army coat.

"I heard that Duergen guy said that you are selling ice cream, so come over and have a look..." With her big golden curly hair and black high-heeled boots, Tyrese pouted her mouth lightly, step by step toward Watching Li Yexing come, but before he could reach Li Yexing, Tilly Lisi on the side rushed forward, hugged Li Yexing, and stared at Teresi's red eyes with a faint gleam. hostility.

"Lost. You. No. Chance. I. Said." A mechanical intermittent hoarse voice came from his throat, and Sawyer said with a dead face.

"Ah~ Little Sawyer is super annoying!" With a smile to ease the embarrassment, Teres hugged Sawyer, buried her head in the valley of her own, and stretched out her hand to Sawyer's neck. The sounder wanted to take the opportunity to tear it off, but before touching it, it was stopped by Sawyer's hand with a hideous scar.

"Die, female cousin." Struggling to turn his head, breathing in the fresh cold air, Sawyer said expressionlessly.

"Ah~ don't want to~" There are slightly blue veins on her forehead, Terris is pressing Sawyer in her arms while putting on that stiff business-like smile, and at the same time, she still doesn't forget to try to grab the sound generator on Sawyer's neck When she raised her head and glanced at Leon and Ada who were watching the show, Tyrese was slightly taken aback, then licked her lips and said, "Oh, isn't this the mature handsome guy I met in country A before?" ?! Long time no see, do you miss me?"

In an instant, the corner of Ada's mouth curved into a dangerous arc.

Chapter 132. The Song of the Macho ([-])

Perhaps it was because they couldn't bear the compelling fireworks on Tyrese's body. After eating the ice cream, Leon and Ada quickly left on the grounds that they wanted to go shopping elsewhere.

"You drove my guests away, and I didn't even have time to ask them for money..." Li Yexing watched Tillyris staring at Teresa while tidying up the leftover paper plates, Li Yexing While lighting a cigarette for himself, he said with a dead face.

"Oh, don't mind, boss, haven't they all eaten this?" Following Li Yexing's example, she took out a cigarette and a lighter from the pocket of her military coat. Teresa was about to light a cigarette for herself, but saw Sawyer, who was sitting by the side, made a sudden move and snatched the lighter from Tyrese's hand.

"What are you doing?" There was a hint of irritation on her face, and Tyrese asked with a slight frown while trying to regain the lighter in Sawyer's hand.

Raising his arms, leaning his body to avoid the soft pressure from Tyrese, Sawyer said with a blank expression: "I. Hate. The smell of smoke."

"It's okay, little Sawyer~"

"Relationship. Big..."

"Come on, come on, come on, give me the lighter~"

"You. Give me. Quit smoking."

"Mom! Bitch! Give me back the lighter!"

"Dream, cousin."

Seeing that the two of them were about to roll to the ground, before Li Yexing could speak, Tilly Lisi who had already cleared the dishes said with a gloomy face, "Order, or claw."

"Please give me an ice cream that tastes like Boss Li!" Tyrese, who was pushed on the cheek by Sawyer, raised her hand like a primary school student and smiled coquettishly.

"Blueberry." Sawyer, who was oppressed by Tyrese's valley and almost fell off his chair, supported his body with his waist, said expressionlessly.

"Okay, two blueberries..." Li Yexing said while turning his head.

"Wait! I ordered ice cream that tastes like Boss Li's!" Tyrese sat up straight and pretended to be dissatisfied as she let go of Sawyer who was about to be overwhelmed by her.

"There is no such thing, Yexing is Tiliris..." After receiving two ice creams from Li Yexing and placing them in front of Teres and Sawyer, Tiriris said with a blank expression: "Eat, and then pay, otherwise, Tiriris will make Miss Tyrese into ice cream."

"Haha, Miss Tiliris, you really know how to joke. If you make me ice cream, I'm afraid it won't be sold. After all, the taste is so...so..." The words came to my lips, but I just couldn't get them out. , cold sweat broke out from Terris's forehead, just because the eyes of Tireris standing in front of her were full of murderous intent, there is no doubt that Tireris was not joking, she was really thinking about killing Terris Make it into ice cream!

As if her throat was stuck, Tyrese lowered her head silently, and honestly ate the ice cream.

Ah... the blueberry ice cream is so sweet... That guy Li is really amazing, I should have been more decisive if I knew it back then...

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