Successfully deterring a certain flower street king who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and was full of digging his own corners, Tilly Lisi turned her head, and said to Sawyer who had witnessed all this with a blank expression: "Stupid Tilly Lian likes Miss Sawyer very much, So Tiriris hopes that Miss Sawyer will be a smart girl, not like Miss Tyrese."

"Understood..." Sawyer nodded, and intermittently said in that hoarse voice: "Make...Terris... cream,"

"Hey!" Tyrese said, slapping Sawyer's ass hard, with a displeased face.

Seeing that the two of them were dishonest even when they were eating, Li Yexing took two steps back and leaned against the refrigerator behind him with his hands in his hands, while Tiriris stood next to Teres and Sawyer, staring straight at Looking at the two of them, they looked like they had the word "chasing guests" written all over their faces.

However, the development of things often backfired. Before Tyrese and Sawyer could be sent away, a pair of short, silver-haired brother and sister ran into the booth holding hands.

"Sister, sister, I found it!"

"Brother, brother, I found it!"

Accompanied by Jiao Didi's crisp voice, Gretel and Hansel, Lopulus' twin killer siblings who are currently Huanya armed sniper and machine gunner, raised their hands at the same time, and greeted Li Yexing with a smile Said: "Big Brother!"

"Ouch! It's you two!" Opening his arms, Li Yexing was bumped into his arms by the two siblings. Li Yexing rubbed the heads of the two with his left hand and the other, and said, "Come, come, find a place to sit first." Down."

"Yeah!" At the same time, he nodded vigorously to Li Yexing, and the two siblings sat opposite Terris and Sawyer holding hands.

"Good evening! Miss Huajie, who no one wants!" Gretel greeted with a smile.

"Good evening! The gloomy young lady that no one wants!" Hansel greeted.

"Good evening, the poor bastard who was picked up by Li..." Tyrese replied with a sneer.

"Saw the two of you. Feed it to the dog." Sawyer didn't pretend at all.

Standing aside, watching the people at the two tables quarreling, Tiriris's forehead had a rare bruise, and now, all she could think about was tearing up these few humans who plotted against Li Yexing.

"Okay, how old are you, and you still have the same knowledge as a child..." On the other side, he waved his hands to Teres and Sawyer, Li Yexing turned his head and asked the killer brothers and sisters with a chuckle: "You guys?" What do you want?"

"We're not children! We're going to be adults soon!" Gretel said with a displeased face. She was about to refute Li Yexing together with her younger brother, but Hansel raised her hand and said excitedly: "Daddy!" Brother! I want two servings of strawberry ice cream!"

"Okay, okay, strawberry flavor..." Turning around and opening the refrigerator, Li Yexing began to prepare ice cream for the pair of siblings whom he took good care of. He turned his head and pursed his lips at the smiling Gretel and Hansel.

Immediately, the smiles on the faces of Gretel and Hansel froze. Although they didn't hear Tiriris' words, they could clearly see through the shape of Tiriris' lips that Tiriris had just Say "kill you" in Russian.

"Come on..." After a while, Li Yexing turned around, put two pink strawberry ice creams on the table with a smile, and said with a chuckle, "Five dollars a plate, sincerity."

"It's so cheap..." Looking at the several pink ice cream scoops piled up on the paper plate in front of her, Grete subconsciously said.

"Big Brother, can't you invite us? The two servings add up to only ten dollars!" Hansel asked with a slight frown.

Half of her head poked out from Li Yexing's back, and Tiriris opened her pair of scarlet eyes, staring at Hansel who wanted to eat for nothing with an expressionless expression like a ghost.

"Of course, my sister and I don't mind paying, haha..." Startled by Tilly Liss, Hansel immediately changed his words: "After all, it's mature to eat without adults paying for it." Proof, hahaha..."

"Oh, oh, it's so cute, Hansel has grown up..." Li Yexing said with a smile, rubbing Hansel's silver hair.

"Aha, ahaha..." Hansel, who tilted his head slightly and was forced to grow up under the intimidation of Tillyris, responded with a smile.

Chapter 133. The Song of the Macho ([-])

After the initial desertion, the ice cream stand of Li Yexing and Tilly Lisi finally became popular. As customers walked into the stand, the tables and chairs that had been prepared before were quickly filled up. Fortunately, for the Serving ice cream for guests is not a complicated job. After serving ice cream for every table of guests, Li Yexing was free again. He and Tilly Lisi leaned against the refrigerator, watching The guests yelled at each other while eating ice cream, with a leisurely smile on their faces.

The former King of the Flower Street, the Autopsy House, the Killer Twins, the corner flower shop, the former Mad Dog... Most of the guests sitting in the stalls are outstanding employees of the Ring Asia Armed Forces. In this unscrupulous carnival night, they all joined Here, they want to support the ice cream stand set up by their boss on a whim.

"I just like this feeling..." Li Yexing turned his head and whispered to Tilly Lisi with a chuckle, seeing the noisy guests who seemed to be drawing guns at any time, "Open a dessert shop , solid wood decoration, put on the bookshelf, every day the guests are acquaintances, chat with them when you want to talk, and lie motionless on the counter when you don't want to talk, just watch, that life is so comfortable.. .”

"Ye Xing really plans to run a dessert shop?" Seeing the indelible smile on Li Ye Xing's face, Tilly Lisi couldn't help asking softly.

"It's hard to say, it's just a hazy idea..." Li Yexing shook his head with a light smile and said, "Simmons is dead, but the current president of country A, Benford, is still alive. The descendants of the family have come together and turned the black Umbrella, which has the industry's top technology and global trading network, into a family business. I can no longer see the direction of the world. If the situation allows, I don't want to continue fighting Yes, I hope to spend the rest of the time with you peacefully."

"Walk peacefully...the rest of the time..." Repeating Li Yexing's words softly, Tilly Lisi turned her head and said to Li Yexing expressionlessly: "If you want to open a real dessert shop, Yexing said Maybe you can consult Rita and Xiaobai, with the help of Rita and Xiaobai, the dessert shop will be able to operate smoothly."

"It's okay to talk to Rita. For Mu Qing, forget it..." Shaking his head with a wry smile, Li Yexing teased softly: "If I discuss this matter with Mu Qing, it will probably be the second One day, she will come up with a detailed plan on how to turn a street dessert shop into a national chain store and then develop into a world-renowned brand..."

"Is that bad?" Tiriris asked, tilting her head.

"I can't say it's not good, I can only say that it's against the original intention..." Li Yexing scratched his head with a chuckle and said, "I didn't open the dessert shop to make money. We don't need money now. I actually opened the dessert shop to catch fish Ah, if the business gets bigger and bigger, wouldn't it be impossible to be lazy at all?"

"If you want to be lazy, Yexing can stay at home and play games with Tiliris every day." Tiliris whispered.

"That can't be done, people, there are always things to do..." Stretching out his hand and gently rubbing Tilly Lisi's little head, Li Yexing slightly raised the corner of his mouth and said, "You too, Tilly Lisi, Don't think that you can stay at home every day in the future, when my ice cream shop opens, you come to the shop to count the money honestly as the proprietress!"

"Oh..." Tiriris nodded lightly, her red eyes flashing with anticipation.

"Hey! Boss! I'm here!" Suddenly, a familiar voice came, and then Kanan, who was wearing a black coat, walked into the booth with a hearty smile on his face. Next to her, Tillylian was wearing a foreign dress and a black eyepatch with white fists printed on it. She was carrying a coffin on her left shoulder and holding a lot of skewers in her right hand, looking extremely excited.

"My lord sister!" Leaning the coffin on the side of the iron stand used to support the booth, Tilly Lian had a bright smile on her face, and slammed into Tilly Lisi's arms. Seeing this, Tilly Lisi silently He lowered his head and glanced at Tillylian, then turned his gaze to the large skewers in Tillylian's hand.

Like an emotionless eating machine, Tilly Lisi ignored the daily coquetry from her lovely sister, and pulled out an iron stick full of large pieces of barbecue from Tilly Lian's hand expressionlessly, and pointed at the The big piece of roast meat was bitten down hard, and immediately, the meat juice overflowed, and Tiriris' mouth was full of oil.

Stretching out his hand and rubbing Tilly Lian's little head, Li Yexing raised his head, smiled lightly and said to Kanan who was walking towards him, "Are you all finished?"

"The military will take care of the rest. They have a lot of people, and they can enjoy the festival in shifts..." Dragging a chair in front of Li Yexing, Kanan folded his hands and put it on the back of the chair. Sitting on the chair with his chin propped up, he reached into his pocket and took out the cigarette and lighter. Kanan did not rush to light the cigarette, but shook the cigarette and lighter at Li Yexing.

Li Yexing is used to the reserved items between himself and Kanan. He leaned forward and let Kanan stuff the cigarette between his lips. Then, under the flame of Kanan's metal lighter, the cigarette in their mouths were ignited together.

"Huh..." At the same time as Li Yexing spit out a mouthful of white mist, Kanan imitated Tilly Lisi's appearance, took out a skewer from Tilly Lian's hand, took a big bite, and agitated his cheeks. While chewing, Bang slightly raised his eyebrows and asked Li Yexing, "Is there any beer?"

"It just happened to be left over from making ice cream." Li Yexing said with a chuckle, picking up half a dozen beers from the back of the refrigerator.

"Damn, beer-flavored ice cream, thank you for thinking of it!" Leaning forward slightly, stretching out his hand to Li Yexing, Kanan said with a light smile, "Hurry up, stop wasting beer, give it to me." Get a can!"

Opening a can of beer with a soft "chi", Li Yexing handed the beer to Kanan and said with a chuckle, "Look at how stupid you are..."

"Go to your mother..." Meimei took a big sip of the beer, and Kanan responded with a light smile.

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