"Master, just leave it to me, I will definitely not let you down."

Let's talk, Ain used moon steps to go straight into the sky.

The holy sky sword was pulled out, and the crisp sound resounded in the sky.

"Hey! Your enemy is me!"

Ain shouted in the air, for her, this is a good opportunity for Luo Lin to witness the improvement of her strength, as long as her strength improves faster, the master will be happier.

As long as Master is happy, she will be happy!

The sea kings' eyes were red, and they ignored Ain, who was flying in front of them, and continued to frantically bite some slow-moving kung fu manatees that hadn't entered the port yet.

It seems that in the eyes of this little sea king, there is only the figure of Kung Fu manatee.

Seeing the sea king in front of him, Ain didn't pay attention to him at all. He was very unhappy, and immediately chopped off with a slash of sword energy.

At this time, under Luo Lin's training, her physique has made great progress. Although she is still a beginner in the realm of a great swordsman, she can be said to be able to send out slashes at will, and there will be no such slashes as before. After a few times of sword energy, the whole body becomes weak.

One Hundred Chapter 17 Runaway Neptune

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The sword qi roared and slashed towards the sea kings, and the slashed position was the eyes!

According to what Rowling taught Ain before, eyes are basically one of the weaknesses of most creatures!

And it is the most vulnerable weakness!

It's just that although this sea king is in a runaway state, it still relies on instinct to avoid Ain's slash.

The slash hit its body, leaving only a not shallow and not deep mark.

After all, Ain's slash wasn't as terrifying as Luo Lin's.

But Ain managed to attract its attention.

The red eyes looked at Ain, and the tyrannical aura rushed towards Ain mercilessly. This kind of aura is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to bear.

But who is Ain!

She is Luo Lin's apprentice!

How could it be possible to embarrass Luo Lin?

The Holy Heaven Sword waved again and again, several fluctuations flashed in the air, and a sword energy like a whale rushed towards the Neptune, "Fenghui Whale Swallow!"

Unlike the previous one-sword slash, Ain chose to slash with multiple swords this time.

The requirements for physical strength are lower, and the consumption is less, and there will be no physical exhaustion when the sword is swung, but correspondingly, the power is also smaller.

The Sword Qi Whale slammed heavily on the sea kings with its huge body.

In an instant, the surface of the sea was stained red with blood, and the front of the Sea Kings was cut to bloody flesh by the sword qi.

A large piece of flesh and blood fell from the Neptune's body and hit the sea surface, causing quite a splash.

The port has become a little calm, and many people are watching the fun.

Anyway, the general has already arrived at the port, and these beasts will definitely not hurt him.

People have always believed in this.

"Qing Miao chant!"

Ain chased after the victory, and swung out another sword energy, the silky and concise sword energy, mercilessly chopped towards the eyes of the sea kings.

This time, Ain succeeded, and the slash directly hit the sea king's eyes.

Through the eyes, it directly penetrates the bones of the sea kings.

Seeing this scene, the people on the port immediately cheered up.

"As expected of the general's apprentice, even at a young age, his strength is so strong."

"It's easy to kill this terrifying sea king."

"But how did this sea king come here, and why did it come to the shallow sea area."

"Could it be that something happened in the deep sea?"


The people whispered to each other.

Ain flew down from the sky, came to Luo Lin's side, threw himself into Luo Lin's arms, rubbed against Luo Lin's arms, then raised his pretty face, looked at Luo Lin and said: "Master , Master, Ain is not powerful~"

Luo Lin knew that Ain was asking for a reward, and Luo Lin would naturally not be stingy with rewards.

Gently kissed Ain's forehead, and said: "Little Ain is the best, I didn't expect you to improve so fast, you can beat this sea king without any fruit ability, and you have no power to fight back. "

Ain stuck out her tongue, she naturally knew that Luo Lin was praising her, and she was willing to listen, but Ain still said: "But I have not yet reached the level of Master, compared to the Sea Kings that Master killed, it is simply It's the difference between a snake and an earthworm."

Seeing that Ain wasn't complacent, Luo Lin nodded immediately.

At this time, commotion came from the port again, and the originally noisy port became quiet in an instant.

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