-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Surrounded by guards, Cobra and Princess Vivi came to the port.

After seeing Luo Lin, Princess Weiwei immediately ran towards Luo Lin, regardless of her royal demeanor, she blinked and said to Luo Lin: "Luo Lin, how are you? Are you injured?"

"Don't worry, Princess Weiwei, I'm fine."

Holding Ain in his arms, Luo Lin gave Princess Weiwei a thumbs up.

Cobra also came to Luo Lin's side at this time, heaving a sigh of relief in his heart, "It's fine if there's nothing, it's fine if there's nothing."

If something happened to Rowling at this time, then Cobra would also bear part of the responsibility. At least when the world conference was held, the navy's military expenditure might be more.

After all, he was the one who invited Rollin to Alabasta. He was obviously a VIP, but he asked the VIP to help his country and kill the sea kings, which made Cobra feel very embarrassed.

Cobra pretended to cough a few times, and said to Luo Lin: "General Luo Lin, I really trouble you, since the matter has been settled, let's go back to the palace, I have prepared a few more for you Sideshow."

But hearing Cobra's words, Luo Lin didn't agree directly, and frowned slightly.

Cobra said: "General Rollin, are you satisfied with this arrangement? If so..."

"King Cobra, it's not what you think. Maybe the matter has not been resolved, but it has become very bad."

Cobra didn't understand what Luo Lin meant at first, but in the next second, the waves in the distance rushed straight into the sky in an instant!

The sea water fell from the sky and sprinkled countless water mist.

The people suddenly panicked, and they could vaguely see through the mist that there were two huge creatures wrestling inside.

With every impact, there will be an astonishing detonation sound, which is deafening!

Rollin released Ain from his arms, and said to the guards beside Cobra, "Protect your king and princess, this time there are two big guys."

The guard dared not listen to Luo Lin's words, and hurriedly protected Cobra behind him, and Cobra immediately grabbed Weiwei.

Looking at the huge waves in the sky, Luo Lin sighed. He obviously wanted to relax in the palace, but he didn't expect that the sea kings would come to join in the fun.

Still such a huge Neptune.

Is it possible that I have a conflict with Neptune?

I didn't think much about it. If I continued to think about it, it is estimated that the seawater falling from the sky would completely swallow up the port.

Luo Lin drew out the autumn water, the autumn water glowed with black light, trembling slightly in Luo Lin's hands.

This is the joyful mood from the sword.

"Flame banquet. Flame on fire!"

Accompanied by Luo Lin's murmur, Luo Lin swung his sword easily.

The sword energy burst out suddenly, and the fiery sword energy rushed into the sky in an instant, evaporating the falling sea water in an instant.

Everything happens in the blink of an eye.

Princess Weiwei blinked her big watery eyes, looking at everything in front of her, she was very excited.

She saw it!Seeing Luo Lin showing off his might in front of him.

Really handsome!

If she can really marry General Luo Lin in the future, this life will be enough.

In Princess Weiwei's little heart, it was completely filled by Luo Lin's gesture-like power.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The flames completely burned the sea water, and everyone could see what happened on the sea in the distance.

I saw a huge kung fu manatee fighting and biting another snake-shaped sea king covered in scales!

The appearance of the snake-shaped sea king was the same as the sea king that Ain killed just now, presumably it should be its mother.

The corner of Luo Lin's mouth twitched, which rarely happens to him, and he turned to Cobra and said, "King Cobra, do you know that there are so many kung fu manatees and sea kings in this sea area?" class?"

This kung fu manatee is as huge as a skyscraper, and the other sea king is not inferior. The scales on its body are glowing. Although the skill is not as good as the kung fu manatee, it has a very high defense. Neither of the two can do anything to the other.

The situation was a bit awkward for a while, only the waves were constantly raging, setting off waves after waves.

"We can't continue to let them continue to wreak havoc, and it's not about whether it will cause panic. Just relying on the damage they caused, we absolutely can't spare them!"

"Is General Luo Lin sure?"

The sea kings and kung fu manatees reminded in this way, even Cobra is sure that Luo Lin, who is a general, can defeat them!

But Weiwei believed in Luo Lin very much. In her eyes, Luo Lin was an omnipotent god!

"Rowling, I believe in you!"

Weiwei gave Luo Lin a thumbs up, just like Luo Lin gave Weiwei a thumbs up just now, her eyes were full of trust.

Nodding his head, Luo Lin asked Ain to take Princess Weiwei to retreat first, because there might be some violence in the next scene~

Luo Lin's figure disappeared over the port in an instant, and when he appeared again, he had already come to the middle of the battle between two sea kings.

"It's just a sea king, so what's the point of making such a big fuss? Why don't they make trouble in the sea?"

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