After saying these words, Luo Lin spun the autumn water, and a disk-like sword energy slashed towards Kung Fu Manatee's arm.

Although Luo Lin is using Qiushui for the first time, one method can master all methods. As Gan Wuzhuo, who often uses one of the twelve great swords, it is easy to control this famous sword.

"Eat it~" With a sound, the sword energy flickered, and the arm thrown by the Kung Fu Manatee was instantly chopped into powder by Luo Lin and dissipated in the air.

"So strong!" Bell, as the adjutant of the kingdom's guards, saw how easily Luo Lin had stood the arm of a Kung Fu manatee the size of a skyscraper, and his pupils shrank instantly.

Could this be the strength of the legendary general?

It's so scary!

Thinking of his own strength, Bell clenched his fist unwillingly.


The Kung Fu Manatee yelled loudly, and the rough and ugly voice echoed in the air.

Although the IQ of the other snake-shaped Neptune is not too high, it can still perceive how powerful Luo Lin is based on instinct.

The kung fu manatee, who was not the same as him, was under Luo Lin's attack, and his left hand was directly broken. No matter how high his defense was, he might not be able to resist it easily.

It wanted to run away, but would Rollin make a beast so happy?

The answer is of course: impossible!

"Polaris Rhapsody!"

The monstrous sword force rose from the ground in an instant, and the sky was dyed golden red, just like the wrath of the heavenly power, punishing the sea kings.

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I saw a large amount of blood rushing out from the back of the Neptune, and the scales on the body disappeared without knowing where.

Only the pain kept pouring into the tiny brains of Neptunes.

The kung fu manatees and sea kings couldn't hold on to a move in Luo Lin's hands, which made them temporarily put aside their hatred for each other and turned their spearheads on Luo Lin.

Luo Lin was also in a bad mood at the moment, "Sea Kings! I hate Sea Kings!"

Thinking about meeting Neptunes every now and then, even with Luo Lin's good temper, I couldn't stand it.

"I won't quarrel with you, now please explode me on the spot!"

"With one sword, thousands of people will be drunk, and with one sword, ten thousand bones will be withered. Drunkness lives and dreams of death, and the flick of a finger. This sword is a song of death and confession!"

Slashing out with a sword, the crescent-like sword energy surged towards the two evil beasts. In an instant, the golden red in the sky was gone, and pieces of snowflakes fell from the sky. On the body of two evil animals.

It directly turned the two evil animals into ice sculptures.

The cold wind blows from the sea, and everyone is stunned!

"Ding, Cobra was shocked because the host showed his terrifying strength in front of everyone, evaluation: S, reward: Bone Spirit Cold Fire Lv.1. Bone Spirit Cold Fire is a strange flame that combines extreme cold and extreme heat .”

"Ding, Adjutant Bell was shocked because the host showed his terrifying strength in front of everyone. Evaluation: S, Rewards: animal department, bird form, lark fruit. After taking it, you can have the ability of lark and its moving voice .”

"Ding, because... makes Weiwei feel happy, evaluation: SSS, reward: the will to lick a dog! With the will to lick a dog, it is bound to take down the host, and it cannot be shaken!"


Except for the three things that looked better, Luo Lin didn't like other things at all.

But what the hell is dog licking?

"System, you are trying to mess with me!"

"Ding, everything in the system is based on the interests of the host, and it is absolutely impossible to do things that make the host feel uncomfortable."

"What's the situation, Weiwei?"

"Ding, this represents the will of Princess Weiwei. After system testing, this will have a very good impact on the host, so it strengthens its will. No matter how much the host neglects Princess Weiwei, she will find reasons for the host herself. "

"Go away! I don't want to hear your voice."

The head is bigger, Rollins wants to rest now.

Looking at the two giant ice sculptures around him, Luo Lin stretched out his fingers and touched them lightly.

In an instant, the ice sculpture shattered and turned into ice powder, falling in the sky.

Coming down from the sky, Luo Lin came to Cobra, "King Cobra, cancel all the arrangements. I'm a little tired and want to take a rest."

"That's right, General Rollin is working so hard, he really should take a break." Cobra turned to Bell who was beside him and said, "The matter has been settled, you can take General Rollin to the guest room."

"Yes, my lord the king."

Rollin led Ain and followed Bell to the resting palace.

After a while, Luo Lin's group of maids also arrived.

"The palace is very big. Just find a room you like. Take a good rest. If there is no accident, we will return to Marin Fanduo tomorrow."

"Yes, Master."

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