Maybe it can explode a lot of things that couldn't be exploded before.

But now he is not in a hurry, turned into repeated flames, and Prometheus returned to the room.

At the same time, in the palace where Rollin was resting in Alabasta, his originally closed eyes opened again.

It has to be said that at this time, the benefits of two identities can be seen.

"A gorgeous feast always requires a lot of preparation."

Luo Lin suppressed his slightly excited mood and walked out of the palace.

Along the way, I also told the girls not to worry.

For this reason, Luo Lin promised them to go shopping with them when they went back.

This made Ain very happy, because she had never bought anything with Luo Lin.

Time passed quickly, and it was night in a blink of an eye.

Princess Weiwei brought her adjutant Bell to the resting place of Luo Lin, knocked on the door, and it was Ain who opened the door.

Although Ain was very hostile to Princess Weiwei, she did not miss any of the etiquette that should be done.

After paying a standard military salute to Princess Weiwei, Ain said to Princess Weiwei, "Your Highness, Master, he is sleeping soundly now, what can I do?"

Wei Wei, who originally wanted to invite Luo Lin to have dinner together, waved her hands quickly when she heard that Luo Lin was sleeping, and said, "No, it's fine. I'll come back when Luo Lin wakes up."

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Watching Princess Weiwei gradually go away, Ain closed the door and returned to the room. Looking at the empty room, his face flushed a little.

He jumped directly onto the bed, buried his pretty face in the pillow, and tried his best to sniff Luo Lin's breath.

At this time, Luo Lin has arrived in the rainy land of Alabasta. The rainy land is the name of a city in Alabasta, and the distance from the capital is not far. , Luo Lin came to the Yudi Yuyan.

The Rain Banquet has just been completed, and the investor behind the scenes is Crocodile.

Rowling doesn't care about the secrets of Crocodile, what he cares about is Robin beside Crocodile.

From the storage space of the system, he took out Robin's life card, which is a good thing that burst out of the system.

Now Luo Lin is in the rain, which can greatly reduce the difficulty of finding Robin.

Looking at the direction in which the life card moved, Rowling roughly knew where Robin was.

"Robin, you will never escape my palm!"

As a person who understands ancient characters, one can imagine the importance of Robin. She is an essential part of Luo Lin's plan!

But Luo Lin is not going to find her yet, he wants to find Crocodile first.

Luo Lin's figure disappeared, and appeared in the rain banquet in the next second.

The Rain Banquet has just been built, but the inside is already overcrowded. Countless people are shouting loudly, "Little little! Big big!" There are voices about gambling everywhere.

"It should be said that it is the largest casino in Alabasta."

Luo Lin skimmed through the crowd and walked towards the inside. He didn't like the smoky atmosphere.

"Stop, you can't go in here."

Suddenly, a person stopped Luo Lin. He was full of ruffian, presumably he was a spectator in the casino.

"I have something to ask you Crocodile, please get out of the way."

"Heh~ Who do you think you are! If you want to find our boss, find our boss, get the hell out of here, otherwise, I will let you know what it means to be beaten."

He didn't pay attention to this person, a flash of sword energy flashed, and Luo Lin continued walking towards the inside.

Only the man was left standing there dumbfounded, with death in his eyes. When Luo Lin walked into the inner room, the vibration of closing the door caused the man's head to fall directly.

Fresh blood spewed out like a fountain of blood. Many people felt their faces heat up and wiped it with their hands, only to see that their hands were flushed.



"It's Brother Hu, Brother Hu is dead!"

"What happened, run away."

"Mamma Mia, this is the first time I've seen such a miserable appearance."


The people who were gambling in the casino, seeing this scene, still had the mood to stay here, and ran out immediately, for fear of being implicated in some strange things.

The commotion in the rain banquet soon reached Crocodile's ears.

Crocodile's eyes were deep, even at this moment he couldn't help but look a little nervous.

"Crack~" The door was pushed open, and a casually dressed person was slowly walking towards him.

Crocodile frowned, stood up from his seat, and said to the person walking towards him, "Excuse me, is this General Black Crow?"

Rowling was not surprised that Crocodile would know his name and that he came to look for him, he was too lazy to think so much.

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