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Arriving in front of Crocodile, Rowling said in a low voice, "Sand Crocodile, Crocodile, do you want to join Shichibukai's plan?"

Hearing Luo Lin's words, although he didn't know what Qiwuhai's plan was, he did know something through his own special channel.

Without even thinking about it, Crocodile nodded and said, "I am willing to join."

Crocodile's answer made Rowling nod, he is not procrastinating, he is very decisive, and he is a person who can accomplish great things.

Rowling took a deep look at Crocodile, and said: "I know what your goal is, and I know what you plan to do, but there is one thing you can't go beyond, that is Cobra's daughter, Vivi, no matter what happens Nothing can hurt her, otherwise!"

Luo Lin put his hand on the desk, and the sword energy burst out directly from Luo Lin's body, smashing Crocodile's desk into pieces.

Seeing this scene, Crocodile became even more sure of Rollin's unfathomable depth.

Although he was able to destroy the table easily, but this kind of ease and comfort directly turned it into powder, Crocodile asked himself a little troublesome.

"I promise you."

"It is estimated that the Qiwuhai plan will start soon, and you will be notified of various benefits and requirements at that time."

While speaking, Luo Lin looked at the corner from the corner of his eye, and saw a pink ear hidden in that corner, eavesdropping on the conversation between Luo Lin and Crocodile.

"My task is considered complete, so I will leave first. Oh, by the way, I am really sorry for killing people in the casino you just opened."

After speaking, Rowling's figure disappeared from Crocodile's sight.

Only Crocodile with gloomy eyes was left alone in the room thinking about something.

And the pink ear in the corner disappeared quietly after Luo Lin left.

In the room opposite Crocodile, Robin sat in front of the desk, the curtains were closed not far away, and no sunlight could pass through.

The room is simple, nothing, slightly dark.

Robin frowned slightly, making her look more intellectual.

"The Qiwuhai Project? General Black Crow!"

This is the news that Robin just heard, not to mention what the Qiwuhai plan is, the importance of this plan can be explained by the identity of General Black Crow alone.

You must know that Black Crow is the fourth general who was directly parachuted into the navy. Don't look at him saying that he is the fourth general, but it is said that he is very powerful, stronger than the other three generals.

It's just that it hasn't been confirmed.

"Why would such a character come here?"

Robin, who has lived in intrigue since childhood, is very cautious about any trouble.

"Could it be that you have noticed my identity?"

Thinking of her own identity, Robin's eyes were gloomy. She has been on the run since she was a child, and has been betrayed constantly. Obviously, this feeling is very bad.

But she couldn't do anything. Thinking of Sauro's words, Robin murmured, "When will I be able to find my partner on the sea?"

It's just that the word partner is too far away from me after all.

From the time she was six years old, she was wandering in the sea, and now, rather than saying that she is looking forward to a partner, it is better to say that she is looking forward to a stable life.

"Partner? How about letting me be your partner!"

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In the originally empty room except for Robin, a man's voice suddenly sounded.

She had heard this voice before, and just now!

General Black Crow!

Robin stood up abruptly from her seat and leaned against the wall, as if this would give her more sense of security.

"What's the matter? Didn't you say you want a partner? I can be your partner!"

Luo Lin's figure appeared in Robin's field of vision, slowly approaching Robin.

Robin looked at Robin who was gradually approaching him, pursed his lips, and his whole body was tense.

"Admiral, you are joking. You are an admiral of the navy, and I am just a little girl. How can I be your partner? In my opinion, your partner should be someone with strong strength."

At this time, Luo Lin had already stuck in front of Robin, and his exhaled breath hit Robin's pretty face, but at this time, Robin had no extra thoughts at all.

The little heart was beating very fast, which brought an unnatural flush to Robin's pretty face.

"Compared to those people, I am more interested in you, son of the devil!"

When Luo Lin said these words, Robin, who was still thinking about how to escape from this predicament, instantly fell into hell.

I have been discovered!

After fleeing for many years, he still could not escape the investigation of the navy.

The Qiwuhai plan this time is all deceitful, their target is always themselves!

Thinking of this, Robin lowered his head.

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