She couldn't escape, the person in front of her was a general, how could she beat the general, if she could, why would she survive the betrayal.

"What's wrong? Why don't you talk?"

Robin raised his head to look at Luo Lin, took a deep breath and said, "Master General, did you make a mistake, I don't quite understand what you said just now, what son of a devil, did you recognize the wrong person? "

As if hearing some big joke, Luo Lin squeezed Robin's chin tightly, making Robin's lips pout.

"Robin, it is absolutely impossible for me to recognize the wrong person.

You were born in O'Hara, a famous archaeological sanctuary in the West Sea. Your father died early, and your mother was also a wanted criminal running around for historical texts. In O'Hara, you were rejected by your neighbors and relatives, and you were called a monster. "

Luo Lin's words were like the whisper of a devil, constantly echoing in Robin's ears.

She widened her eyes in disbelief, her whole body seemed to be frozen, and she didn't move at all.

"How, how, you, why do you know my past?"

Along with Robin's words, the electronic sound of the system appeared in Luo Lin's mind.

"Ding, Robin was shocked by the host's words. Evaluation: SSS, Reward: Nature - Huahua fruit. After eating, it can coexist with other fruits."

Hearing the system's words, Luo Lin's eyes lit up. This is a good thing. It happened that Luo Lin felt that Robin's strength was too weak. In this case, it could make up for it a lot.

Looking at Robin, Luo Lin said, "Robin, do you believe in fate?"

"Fate?!" Robin clenched his fists, "I don't know, I don't know what fate is! I only know that fate has never favored me."

When he said this, Robin's tone contained a lot of resentment.

Luo Lin smiled happily, "Then let me tell you, your destiny is to obey all my orders! And I am your destiny!"

Robin didn't speak, she just felt a little sore in her mouth being pinched by Luo Lin.

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Robin, do you not believe what I said? It doesn't matter, I will make you believe it, I am your destiny!"

As he spoke, Luo Lin let go of Robin's cheeks, and stretched out his hand, only to see a flash of light, and an extra fruit appeared in his hand.

The shape of the fruit is the same as a pineapple, and Robin can recognize it as a natural fruit.

"My lord, you want to..."

"Eat it!"

Robin looked at Luo Lin, surprise flashed in his eyes, "Eat, eat it? But I'm already a person with abilities!"

"That's why I ate it, Robin. You should know that no one can eat the second devil fruit. The curse from the sea is not something everyone can bear. It is precisely because of this that I want to eat it." Use this fruit to let you know that I am your destiny."

People are knives and I am fish.

Robin knew that he could never survive this doom.

In Robin's view, this is just a way for Rowling to kill himself in disguise, but this way of killing himself is a bit expensive.

Thinking of this, Robin took the fruit from Luo Lin's hand, closed his eyes, and swallowed the fruit in a few gulps.

It was still a familiar smell, this smell directly acting on the soul, which made Robin shed tears unconsciously.

Crystal tears slid down from the corners of his eyes, ran down his cheeks, and dripped to the ground.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

A full minute passed, and the pain and death that Robin imagined did not come. Instead, another way of using Huahua fruit appeared in her mind.

This method of use is exactly the same as the natural system.

"Robin, do you know? From the moment you were born, you couldn't escape from my grasp."

As he spoke, Rollin took out Robin's life card again.

After Rollin took out the life card, Robin could feel the breath on it, which was the same as himself.

But she has never made a life card, how did this life card appear in Luo Lin's hands.

As if understanding Robin's doubts, Rowling said, "Are you curious why your life card appeared in my hand?"

Rollin nodded.

"Actually, to be honest, I don't know exactly what happened, I just know that a long time ago, when I woke up in a sleep, this life card appeared in my field of vision, and what I did that time Dreams are exactly what happened when you were a child.

Now do you ever believe that fate brought us together? "

Luo Lin felt more and more that he had the potential to be a magic stick, and he used his tricks to fool people. In addition to his strength and the advantages of a prophet, he created an appearance that there was no need for me to lie to her.

In fact, Robin did believe it, because the scene in front of him was a little too mysterious.

It was obvious that O'Hara had sunk, and no one survived except himself. Even so, Rowling knew what happened to him when he was a child. This alone was enough for Robin to believe.

Not to mention, Luo Lin still has his own life card and the fate gambling of letting him eat the second devil fruit, which Robin could not imagine before.

"Perhaps, it's really fate." Robin murmured, looking at Luo Lin's eyes, there was something different.

"Robin, you are mine from now on, do you understand?"

"Fate is like this, it should be like this, I will listen to you."

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