The dark clouds covered the bright moonlight, and the stars were gone.

Night Breeze was also a bit piercing, Luo Lin put his clothes on Wei Wei, and brought Wei Wei back to the palace.

"Weiwei, it's getting late, you should have a good rest and remember what you promised me."

"You too, Luo Lin, take a good rest. I'll take you shopping together tomorrow. I'll show you the streets of the capital of Alabasta. It's very interesting and there are many interesting things."

Luo Lin nodded, smiled and watched Weiwei return to her room.

At this time, the clouds have covered the entire sky, and the sky has become infinitely gloomy.

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Leaving from the gate of Weiwei's palace, Luo Lin did not return to the palace where he was resting. It is too early to go back now, and he still has one important thing to do.

A man who deserved to be killed did not kill!

Luo Lin didn't have the habit of saving the disaster until the next day.

The figure flickered, Luo Lin's body merged with the night, and no one could detect it.

Kosha walked quickly, and soon walked out of the palace.

He was just a commoner, but once, he ran into Weiwei who secretly came out of the palace to play.

From the first time he saw Weiwei, Kou Sha made up his mind to use his whole life to protect this innocent little girl.

However, everything that happened today made Kosha feel heartbroken.

"Why! Why can't Weiwei see Luo Lin's true face!"

"That face clearly has a dangerous aura!"

"Weiwei was definitely deceived by that guy, otherwise, she would never have treated me like this."


Kosha had infinite resentment in his heart, but he couldn't vent it loudly, he could only shout in his heart.

But doing so would only make him more and more angry.

Let Kou Sha's eyes turn red.

There is no one on the street, the alley is gloomy, and the leaves "Sasha" are quite infiltrating.

But Kosha has walked this road many times, so he is not afraid.

"Are you wondering why Weiwei didn't choose to trust you, but chose to meet me for the first time?"

A light and ethereal voice came from the side, which made Kosha feel bad.

His body trembled slightly, his head looked like a robot, and he looked aside little by little, only to see Luo Lin leaning his back against the wall, looking at the sky.

"Black, black crow!"

"Yes, in the dark night, the scythe of death is constantly waving, and the crows in the dark night are watching all this quietly. This is my idea of ​​this code name. What do you think?"

Kosha didn't hear clearly what Luo Lin said just now, he just felt that his whole body was cold, and he had walked through the streets countless times, but this time he seemed extremely strange.

Luo Lin didn't do anything, he just looked at Kosha quietly, and continued to say to Kosha: "Do you know love? Weiwei just met her true love, but in my opinion, she just It's just my licking dog, and you're just her licking dog.

But for Weiwei, I really like it, but Weiwei is full of disgust for you, can you hear it?Kosha? "

Luo Lin's words were very true, and the truth made Kosha panic.

Although he didn't know what licking a dog was, he knew that Luo Lin was exactly the same as he imagined, and he didn't like Weiwei at all.

But since he doesn't like Weiwei, why should he approach her?

What's wrong with Luo Lin's identity?What can he get from Weiwei?

Countless questions flashed through Kosha's mind, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't find a more suitable answer!

Irritability and anger gradually came to the fore, and Kou Sha also had the guts at this moment. Anyway, Luo Lin Haijun probably wouldn't do anything.

Thinking so in his heart, he looked at Luo Lin, took a step forward, and asked Luo Lin, "What is the purpose of your approaching Weiwei! You hateful guy!"

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Luo Lin leaned his back against the wall, listened to Kosha's words, and said, "Thank you for your praise, but I think you may be thinking a little too much. I approached Weiwei for no purpose at all, but purely I just like the way she obeys my advice, have you never seen Weiwei like this? That's right, after all, what Weiwei likes is not you, but me!"

The sound of Luo Lin's beating echoed in the street, but no one heard it except Kosha.

Kosha was ashamed and angry, "I don't allow you to insult Weiwei like this! You guy, you are not worthy of what Weiwei has paid to you!"

"But wouldn't she want to? I just gave her a chance, and you didn't even have a chance."

Luo Lin's tongue seemed to be poisoned, that's a poisonous word!

Every sentence of punishment made Kou Sha feel that he was gradually losing his mind.

It's like you like a girl, but this girl doesn't like you and likes another person, but you know that this person eats, drinks, prostitutes and gambles, and reminds you, but the girl says that she is sociating.

It can definitely make people feel depressed enough to vomit blood!

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