"Kousa, it seems that your measurement is very good, so stimulating you, you have not lost your mind~"

Luo Lin thought that Kosha would come and beat him up after he said so much?

But it turns out that Koza is much calmer than he imagined.

Hearing Luo Lin's words, Kou Sha, who was about to lose his mind, suddenly came back to his senses. He looked at Luo Lin and said, "I know what you mean! You deliberately want to stimulate me, let me I will attack you, and then you can take this opportunity to kill me. After all, if a civilian wants to sneak attack on the general, this crime is a capital crime. Hmph! Black Crow, I will never let you succeed! No matter you No matter how much you provoke me, I won't be angry! You are doing useless work!"

"Oh~ do you really think I think so? I really just want to be angry with you, and I want to see your broken expression, what does it look like!" Before the words finished, Luo Lin's figure appeared in the In front of Kosha, he looked down at Kosha from a high position. In Luo Lin's eyes, Kosha was indeed just like a little guy.

Performing the Transformation Technique, Luo Lin changed his height to a normal [-] meters. It is undoubtedly much more pleasing to the eyes to look at Kosha at this moment. At least the neck will not be troubled by the neck being too low.

"Kousa, do you think that if I kill you now, someone will find out?"

When Kou Sha heard Luo Lin's words, he felt very disdainful, "You dare not! Because you are the admiral of the navy and the embodiment of justice, it is absolutely impossible for you to do this!"

"Oh~ is it? But you are wrong, as you said, I am a villain, and I want to kill you more than being an admiral."

Qiu Shui took it out from the storage space of the system, and the black sword light blended into the pitch-black environment, but the chill was still there, making Kou Sha shiver subconsciously.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Kou Sha said, "Are you kidding me?"

"Just kidding, no, I really want to kill you!"

"Hehe~" Kou Sha suppressed his fear, and made himself laugh out loud, as if he was not afraid, "If you wanted to kill me, you would have killed me long ago, why bother talking so much nonsense with me?"

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"You said this, I just want to see your reaction, and satisfy my bad taste by the way."

"But now, the bad taste is enough, so now please stay where you are..." Before the words finished, a cold light flashed, and the sword energy slid silently to Kou Sha's neck.

The sword energy surged and rushed straight into the sky.

The dark clouds were dispersed by the sword energy, revealing the sly moonlight.

The blood is like a fountain, echoing the moonlight strokes.

"It will be great when you can show me a camera in the system. There are many things in this world that I want to store in the camera."

As for things like phone bugs, they were automatically passed by Luo Lin, which is too cheap. If you use phone bugs to shoot something you like, Luo Lin doesn't want to accept that feeling.

Looking at the headless body lying on the ground, Luo Lin sighed, "Don't worry, I won't let anyone find out that you have left."

With that said, Rollin took out a powdery thing from the storage space of the system.

The full name of this thing is - disappeared.

Yes, as the name says, as long as this thing is sprinkled on the object, this thing will disappear.

Luo Lin sprinkled it directly on Kosha's body through the paper package. In the next second, a miraculous thing happened. Kosha's body disappeared immediately, and blood everywhere was also covered by the powder. disappears.

It was clean, no trace of anything could be found.

Stretching, Luo Lin yawned.

"This one thing is done, there is another thing to do."

Luo Lin, who was still unable to sleep, could only drag himself to the Black Raven.

Opening his room, Luo Lin looked at the bed, and saw Perona incomparably indulgent, holding Gan Wuzhuo's jade body naked, so scared that Luo Lin directly covered Perona with the quilt.

Angrily said to Perona: "Perona! It's been a whole day! Don't tell me you've been sleeping here all day~!"

Perona heard Luo Lin's voice, opened her eyes in a daze, and then saw Luo Lin standing aside.

"Rowling, are you back?"

"Yeah, I'm back, if I don't come back, I really don't know, you will sleep all day, the food around you hasn't moved at all, and you tell me why you like to sleep naked ! Do you know that when I came in just now, I was almost scared to death by you!"

"Hey hey~" Perona didn't seem to have recovered from her sleep, she looked a bit stubborn.

"It can't be helped, Luo Lin~ Who made Gan Wuzhuo's breath so comfortable~"

As a girl who likes ghosts and horrors, Perona is fascinated by this kind of aura, especially the coldness emanating from Gan Wuzhuo, which makes Perona feel addicted.

This made Rowling more and more certain of his thoughts, and he must let her stay in the Psalm Pirates for a while, hoping that his avatar can make her adapt to the existence of the sun.

For girls, it really is better to be sunny and optimistic.

"Okay, I won't say much else, I came here to inform you that we will leave the day after tomorrow, and then on the way, a guy like the sun will come to fight with me, and then snatch you onto the boat, understand? "

It wasn't until this moment that Perona reacted and said, "Is that sun-like guy you mentioned also you?"

Hearing this, Luo Lin laughed: "Yes, it's me too~"

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By the time Luo Lin left from the Black Raven, it was already late at night.

Back in the resting palace, Luo Lin hugged Ain and fell asleep. I don't know when it started, but he felt very uncomfortable without holding something in his arms.

Soon the next day came, after Luo Lin had finished eating with Cobra and Weiwei, Weiwei took Luo Lin away, leaving only Ain who was jealous, sulking alone in the room.

But there is no way, why did Weiwei invite Luo Lin alone? As Luo Lin's best student and apprentice, Ain did not allow himself to be rude.

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