Luo Lin and Ain changed into a set of very approachable clothes in the palace, and then came to the busy market outside the palace.

Because Luo Lin was there this time, Cobra was very assured of Vivi's safety.

Luo Lin and Weiwei walked side by side in the busy city, and the sound of hawking along the street was endless.

This is very attractive to Weiwei who has been living in the palace. However, at this time, Weiwei didn't pay attention to the things around her at all, and all her thoughts were on Luo Lin.

"Luo Lin~ Luo Lin~ Look at that, it's candied haws, it's delicious." Weiwei pulled Luo Lin's sleeve, blushing, and said to Luo Lin.

Just when Weiwei wanted to pay, she found that she didn't have any guards to follow her this time, and she didn't bring Bailey with her.

This made Vivi very embarrassed.

Luo Lin smiled, and didn't care. He reached into his pocket, took out Bailey, paid the money, took the candied haws from the boss, and handed it to Weiwei.

Weiwei smiled at the corners of her eyes, instead of eating alone first, she tiptoed her toes and put the candied haws near Luo Lin's mouth, signaling Luo Lin to let him eat first.

Why doesn't Luo Lin know what this little girl like Weiwei thinks?

Looking at Weiwei with eyes full of smiles, Luo Lin opened his mouth and ate the candied haws. He gave Weiwei a thumbs up and said, "It's delicious, Weiwei."

Looking at Luo Lin's thumbs up, Weiwei's heart was also full of anticipation, and she didn't know if it was an illusion. The moment Weiwei ate the candied haws into her mouth, a sour and sweet feeling permeated her mouth. In, and more feeling of happiness.

And this feeling can only be experienced when Weiwei is by Luo Lin's side.

So this is why Weiwei is so attached to Luo Lin, this feeling really makes Weiwei feel addicted.

Weiwei and Luo Lin enjoyed this bunch of candied haws together, and they finished eating in a while.

They stopped and walked in the busy city, enjoying the rare tranquility, even Weiwei passed by Kosha's hut, but didn't go in.

She just glanced at it from a distance, and then continued talking and laughing with Luo Lin, she didn't even know that Kosha had been mercilessly killed by Luo Lin last night.

But it's fine if Weiwei doesn't know, for Luo Lin, the kinder Weiwei is, the more valuable it is to him.

So Luo Lin is willing to make more efforts for Weiwei's innocence.

From Weiwei's point of view, time always passes quickly when she is with someone she likes. After Luo Lin and Weiwei tasted various snacks outside, the sky gradually darkened.

Weiwei's small body can't bear such a huge physical exertion, even if it's a girl's innate skill, it's not enough to support Weiwei's shopping all day.

Luo Lin took the exhausted Weiwei back to the palace, tidied up himself, and left Alabasta by boat early the next morning.

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However, when leaving, Luo Lin promised Weiwei that once he was free, he would come to see her, and he also promised to marry her someday in the future.

After Luo Lin agreed to these two things, Weiwei laughed, if you ignore her red and swollen eye circles.

Cobra, as Vivi's father, naturally knew about this, and Rowling never wanted to hide it from the beginning.

For Weiwei's choice, Cobra respects it very much, and Luo Lin is indeed very good, so Cobra is very relieved about this.

Leaving from Alabasta, Rollin switched his spirit to Prometheus in his room, and after handing over the coordinates of the Black Raven to two handymen, Rollin changed again. return.

Looking at Perona who was still hugging Gan Wuzhuo, Luo Lin pouted, "Perona, you can return Gan Wuzhuo to me now."

Hearing Luo Lin's words, Gan Wuzhuo was also a little overjoyed, being hugged all day was not comfortable at all, and it was far from killing people to deprive and devour their souls to make Wither feel happy.

Pulling out Gan Wuzhuo from the reluctant Perona, Luo Lin fixed it on his back again, and the invincible Luo Lin appeared again.

As for Qiushui, Luo Lin took it back into the system's storage space again.

"Perona, I will have a show with my avatar later, and the two of us will have a fight. Then you can take advantage of this time to take the spare boat behind and go to that ship, understand? ?”

"Yeah, I understand, but won't they stop me?"

Perona pointed to the outside of the cabin, the meaning was self-evident.

"Don't worry, they won't stop you, because when the time comes, I will gather them outside, let them see what is called a top war, and let them learn a lot."

"As for the sailors on the other ship, don't worry, I will bury them all."

There was ruthlessness in Luo Lin's eyes. For those lazy soldiers, Luo Lin really could bear it to the limit.

I originally planned to send them back to Marin, but now it seems that this kind of people who can only sit and wait to die, it is better to bury them directly, and by the way, improve the karmic fire in the form of Prometheus This ability!

I think these navies can bring a lot of help to the improvement of this ability.

Rollins thought so.

The corners of Perona's mouth twitched. Sure enough, whenever she heard Luo Lin speak, she would feel very shocked.

There are so many people who said they would kill them, and I don't know if they will directly rebel now after letting those people know what Luo Lin thinks.

"I said, then one day, will you abandon me as if you abandoned him and the others?"

Perona expressed her worries. After all, being used for a lifetime is completely different from being used for a while.

Obviously Luo Lin knew Perona's worries, "Don't worry, as long as you develop your abilities well, as long as you don't make any big mistakes, I will never give up on you."

After speaking, Luo Lin touched Perona's hair, but Perona didn't like Luo Lin's move very much. Compared with Luo Lin's head-touching kill, Perona liked the hair on Luo Lin's back more. Gan Wuzhuo.

But Perona likes Gan Wuzhuo, that doesn't mean that Gan Wuzhuo's sword spirit Withering will like Perona. For Withering, Perona is completely in the form of a slut, but Elegant Withering has not yet transformed, and she has no way to resist, otherwise Withering It had already jumped and flew towards Luo Lin's arms.

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