-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Luo Lin gave Perona another book on the development of fruit abilities, asking Perona to practice hard, and strive to be one or two hundred times stronger than the original book.

Although Perona didn't know how high Rowling's expectations were for her, she made up her mind that she would definitely train her abilities well in the future whenever she had the opportunity.

After talking with Perona about the precautions when escaping, Luo Lin walked out of his room.

In other words, Perona is leaving soon, otherwise Luo Lin really felt that his room was taken.

You must know that the bed in Luo Lin's room is the softest and most comfortable. Luo Lin will never give this bed to others easily.

"Herona, is breakfast ready?"

Luo Lin's voice was transmitted from the deck to the kitchen. Herona, who heard Luo Lin's voice, hurriedly trotted from the kitchen to Luo Lin's face, and said, "Master, it will be ready soon, please wait a little longer."

Luo Lin nodded, and said to Astia who was beside him: "Astia, wake Ain up, even if he slept late yesterday, this long time is enough."

After speaking, Luo Lin picked up the tea on the table and took a sip.

After the tea is entered, it is slightly bitter at first, and after swallowing, it is followed by sweetness. This kind of wonderful taste buds makes Luo Lin feel very interesting.

If it was Jian Qi, I don't know if I can do this step.

For example, a sword qi is first wrapped in flames, and then icy and frosty. If I can do this step, then I might be able to balance the sword qi between yin and yang more easily.

After a while, the sun moved upwards, and with the help of Herona and the four younger sisters, breakfast was finally served on the table.

Herona called everyone to the deck for dinner one by one.

Watching the waves, blowing the wind, seagulls chirping, and riding the waves.

Luo Lin and the others couldn't help being intoxicated by the beauty like a picture scroll. Only Perona looked around, sitting at the corner of the table, her eyes slightly erratic.

However, the girls didn't pay much attention to Perona's situation.

Except for Ain, all the girls of the maid group were standing next to Luo Lin. From their angle, they couldn't see Perona's eyes at all.

"Ain, is breakfast to your liking today?"

Ain nodded, the appearance of just waking up, looks cute and cute, very cute.

"Sister Herona's breakfast is always the best, and sister Astia's dinner is even better. As for Astina and Astil, they make the best desserts. Astilian, Astilo's words make the best drink."

Hearing Ain's words, Luo Lin nodded, "Ain's observation is very meticulous, they are indeed more familiar with this aspect than other skills."

As she was speaking, Perona frowned suddenly, and she saw a ship approaching quickly at the sea level.

It was a pirate ship. The flag on the pirate ship was half flame, half ice, surrounded by musical notes, and behind it was a long sword that resembled Gan Wuzhuo. This made Perona instantly think of Luo Lin's characteristics.

Especially the last long sword that resembled Gan Wuzhuo made Perona even more convinced.

Seeing this, Perona quickly said to Luo Lin: "Rolin, I feel a little sick to my stomach."

"Do you want me to prepare some boiling water for you?"

Rollin was very concerned.

Perona rolled her eyes, feeling speechless in her heart, "Aren't you afraid of scalding me to death?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Perona left from the deck, Ain also saw the pirate ship gradually approaching in the distance, and quickly said to Luo Lin: "Master, there is a pirate ship ahead, do you want to..."

"No need, let the group of soldiers go out to hone it this time. It seems that the pirates on this pirate ship are not strong at all."

Elaborating is not nonsense, Luo Lin feels that his ability to speak nonsense has been raised to another level.

Ain nodded. She didn't know the special situation of this ship. From the outside, she really couldn't see anything strange. So Ain nodded, sat down again, and tasted the delicious food. breakfast.

Luo Lin took out the phone bug and asked the captain of the ship behind to fight immediately.

Da Zuo didn't believe his ears at first, and said directly to the phone bug, "What? General, you mean let's go to war?"

The air-conditioning on Luo Lin's body became heavier, and he said to the phone bug, "Why can't it work? Or is it that I can't command you anymore?"

At this time, Da Zuo finally realized who he was talking to, and quickly changed his words: "My lord, there is nothing to do, we will attack now."

After hanging up the phone, a shadow flashed in the eyes of the chief commander, and he quickly directed other navy soldiers to control the warship and shoot at the cannon!

It's just that Colonel lacks combat experience after all, so the shells can't be shot accurately no matter what.

This made Rowling wonder for a while how this guy survived from Zefa.

"Hurry up, increase the number of shells for me, and everyone will get busy. As long as we work harder for a while, the general will make a move."

However, what they didn't know was that their opponent this time was Rowling.

To be precise, it is Rowling's clone!

On the Anthem Pirates, the eyes of Prometheus Sun opened suddenly, and Rowling directly instilled half of his spiritual power into Prometheus, so that he could fully control the two bodies up.

It's just that the only shortcoming is that it can be manipulated for a short time, and it will take a period of nurturing before the mental power can fully recover.

"Bang bang bang!"

The shells were roaring, but none of them hit the hull of the Anthem Pirates.

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