The corners of Prometheus's mouth were raised high, and the flames on his body surged, "Fire escape—the art of fireball!"

As Prometheus's voice fell, a huge fireball spewed out from Prometheus' mouth.

After experiencing the precipitation of strength, the power of Hao's fireball technique is far from that weak when he just obtained it from the system.

The fireball surged out and directly hit the admiral-class warship behind. In an instant, flames shot up into the sky, enveloping the warship without any dead ends, and the people inside were all wailing, wailing for Luo Lin to save them quickly.

Ain was also stunned, his pretty face was full of shock, Luo Lin also sat up from his seat, protected Ain and others behind him, and said: "If I guessed correctly, the pirate group's The captain should be Prometheus."

When she heard the words Prometheus, Ain's heart suddenly became tense. She took Luo Lin's hand, "Master, is that Prometheus who reached Auntie? Can we evacuate, don't talk to me?" He clashed head-on!"

Luo Lin turned his back to Ain, with a smile on his mouth, but they didn't see it behind him.

Luo Lin suppressed his smile and began to read the lines he had prepared a long time ago: "..."

One hundred and sixty nine chapters start acting

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"Little Ain, I'm the admiral of the navy. Since I'm sitting in this position, some things cannot be decided casually. Back off, I can do this battle alone."

"Master, I want to fight side by side with you, and I will never back down!"

"Little Ain, be obedient~ If you fight with me now, I might be distracted, so..."

Luo Lin stroked Ain's hair and wanted her to listen to him obediently. What he said was already very tactful. He believed that Ain could understand what he said.

Ain clenched his small fists tightly, and the white catkins were pinched red, "I see, Master, but, but! I will never back down, I want to look at Master here, only This way..." Ain put his hand on his heart and said, "Only in this way can I feel at ease."

Luo Lin nodded, acquiescing to Ain's explanation, and all of this was within Luo Lin's expectation.

Pulling out Gan Wuzhuo from behind him, he stared at Prometheus from afar.

The figures of the two disappeared from the deck in an instant and came to the sky.

The sunlight reflected on the two people, making them look extraordinary.

Prometheus and Rollin looked at each other and smiled in the sky. If nothing else happened, Ain should have used the video call bug to send a battle to the Warring States.

Because Ain couldn't tolerate himself appearing a little bit away!

Things were similar to what Rowling had imagined. When Ain found that Rowling and Prometheus were in the sky, he hurried back to his room and took out the video phone bug.

He hastily dialed the phone bug number of the Warring States Period, which was the number that Ain had secretly memorized.

Marin Fanduo, in the office of Sengoku, Ain's feature was displayed on the phone bug, Sengoku frowned slightly, and there was no answer for who the task corresponding to this feature was for a while.

However, in this sea, not many people know the number of the phone bug, so the Warring States still picked up the phone bug.

"Moses Moses~"

As soon as Warring States finished greeting, they saw the impact of the video call bug.

"Ain? Aren't you on Rollin's boat now? What's the matter with calling me now?"

For the members of Luo Lin's ship, Warring States is also quite clear, Ain's strength is the most powerful among Luo Lin's men.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, we are now in the waters near Alabasta, please send more troops quickly, Prometheus has appeared!"

At the beginning, Warring States didn't realize that there were some powerful pirates near Alabasta, but when Ain finished speaking, his brows raised suddenly, and his face changed suddenly, "What! Prometheus! Is it Prometheus who defeated Big Mom?!"

On the other side of the video, Ain nodded, and aimed the phone bug at the sky above the sea. At this time, Luo Lin was already on par with Prometheus!



"Polaris Rhapsody!"

"Flame banquet. Flame on fire!"

Luo Lin used all his strength in every attack, which looked very exaggerated. The sword energy was flying all over the sky, the wind was surging, the wind was blowing, and huge waves were set off on the sea from time to time, which looked like the end of the world.

But it was this exaggerated attack that all penetrated Prometheus' body and landed on the sea.

There are countless wounds on the surface of the sea at this moment, and every sword energy stays on it, making the sea unable to heal for a while!

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Seeing this scene, Warring States was shocked, "How is it possible! How could Prometheus be so terrifying!"

Warring States didn't know the characteristics of Prometheus, but when they saw the scene in front of them, they also had a faint guess in their hearts.

"Ain, take the boat away now. Your existence will distract Luo Lin. I will immediately increase the number of nearby branches. If the general..." Thinking of this, the brain of the Warring States began to work rapidly. .

Marin Fanduo is not far from Alabasta, but it is definitely not too close. Now it will take at least a few days to get to Alabasta from Marin Fanduo at full speed. When the general rushes over, maybe everything will be settled. .

But this is not certain, as long as Rowling can drag Prometheus down, then the general will definitely be able to arrive!

"I'll let Huang Yuan go over to increase the number of staff, as long as it can be delayed!"

After Warring States hung up the phone, he immediately put down the documents in his hand, and made several calls one after another. At this time, Marin Fando's ability was revealed.

The entire Marin Vanduo is like a huge and incomparable machine, which began to operate in an orderly manner. The yellow ape, who was instructed by the Warring States Period, also left from Marin Vanduo when he heard about the salary increase, and moved towards Alabasta at high speed.

Huang Yuan has a scientific army. In this unit, Huang Yuan has many things that others don't have. For example, the latest general-class warship is twice as fast as the warship destroyed by Prometheus.

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