I believe that with the appearance of this warship, the yellow ape should be able to reach the battlefield faster.

Luo Lin didn't use the domineering look, he seemed to be venting his power, no matter how exaggerated or how to perform, he still looked at the deck of the Black Raven from the corner of his eyes, and saw Ain holding the video phone bug to the other side The Warring States Period is reporting something.

Rowling knew that Prometheus had been born since today!

Going off to build momentum for Prometheus in person, I believe it will attract the attention of the navy and pirates!

Only in this way will it be of greater help to Rollin's final plan.

Huge flames wrapped around Prometheus' body, and they continued to spew out towards Luo Lin, but they were all wiped out by Luo Lin's sword energy, and he couldn't get close at all.

As for Perona, seeing them fighting fiercely in the air, the only Perona who knew that Luo Lin was acting, looked at the sky above, and said with emotion in her heart: "Rolin's acting skills are really good, above the sky, with the sun Even if it is a video phone bug, you can’t see too many details, you can only see the huge battle, no, what are you doing here to watch the excitement.”

Perona suddenly came back to her senses, put down the spare boat behind the Black Raven, and drove the boat towards the ship of the Anthem Pirates.

The waves did not affect Perona. Under her driving, for any relatively large waves, she directly threw a ghost bomb to shatter the waves, and reached the middle of the two ships in a short while.

Everyone in the maid group felt that they had already seen it. This was the first time they saw Luo Lin in a hard fight. Every time they saw Luo Lin's battle before, it was something that Luo Lin could handle with a few knives.

At this moment, they can't help at all, they can only watch from a distance, which makes the seeds in their hearts start to germinate. They must exercise themselves and temper their physical strength when they go back!

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy One Thoughts in My Heart

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The battle gradually heated up, and Luo Lin also felt a hearty feeling.

The power is continuously vented, and the body feels relaxed.

It's just that Luo Lin felt that blindly fighting was meaningless at all, so!

Rollin yelled at Prometheus: "Prometheus, return my hometown!"

Prometheus was also under the control of Luo Lin, laughing loudly, and the flames on his body rose even higher, "Hahahaha, I will return your hometown? Black Crow! There are too many islands and countries that I have slaughtered. I How do you know which one is your hometown?"

Prometheus' laughter echoed in the sky. At this moment, whether it was Sengoku who was watching through the video phone bug or the girls below, they were all shocked by the dialogue between Rowling and Prometheus.

"Master, has his hometown been destroyed by Prometheus!"

Ain muttered to himself, looking at Prometheus with hatred in his eyes.

Different from Ain's thinking, the thinking of the Warring States Period is more comprehensive.

First of all, there is hatred between Rowling and Prometheus, which is very good news for the Warring States Period, because as long as there is hatred, Rowling will definitely work harder to cultivate himself, and this is undoubtedly a challenge for the Navy. very good news.

Secondly, this also explains why Luo Lin has such a strong strength, but he has never joined the navy. It was not until a while ago that he suddenly wanted to join.

The reason why I want to come here is because of this.

In just a short moment, Zhan Guo himself made up a lot of content in his brain, directly thinking about Luo Lin's background and purpose clearly.

In the sky, the battle between Rollin and Prometheus is still going on, and both of them are very powerful.

It even shocked the Warring States, even if Luo Lin's strength, in the hearts of the Warring States, he has almost reached the level of the Four Emperors, but this Prometheus is different.

At the beginning, he reached Big Mom through some special means, so the Warring States thought that Prometheus's strength should not be very strong.

But what I didn't expect was that although Prometheus's attack power was not very strong, they were easily blocked by Rowling, but his physique was disgusting, and anything could pass through his body directly.

Even if Luo Lin is attached to the armed domineering, it seems useless...

This makes the Warring States quite a headache, like this kind of thing, even the Warring States known as the wise generals, there is no better idea.

From the corner of his eyes, Luo Lin looked at Perona on the sea, and seeing that Perona had quietly climbed onto the Anthem Pirates, a smile that only Prometheus could see appeared on the corner of Luo Lin's mouth.

Controlling Prometheus, he said: "Black Crow, it's meaningless to fight like this, let's decide the outcome with one move!"

"Prometheus, are you planning to escape?"

"Hahaha, run away? Black Crow, are you kidding me? I've never run away even when facing Big Mom."

Prometheus's face was full of pride, and the flames on his body began to rise.

It's just that this time the flame was glowing with a faint blue color.

"Bone spirit cold fire!"

"Karmic fire burns my heart!"

The two flames were sent back and forth by Prometheus, intertwined in the air, and spewed towards Rollin.

As for the power of these two kinds of flames, Luo Lin is naturally quite clear, but as the saying goes, if you don't want your child to be caught by a wolf, if you don't want to get hurt, it's the same reason if you don't want a long vacation.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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For such two menacing moves, Luo Lin put Gan Wuzhuo across his chest, with a withered and cold breath, and saw white snow falling in the sky in an instant.

"Death Song Confession!"

"Flame banquet. Flame on fire!"

Two sword auras were cut out one after another. These two sword auras are similar to Prometheus's two skills, one is cold and the other is hot, and the two are intertwined to make the power even more powerful!


The attacks collided together, stirring up a strong storm, the storm wrinkled, and the wind and clouds surged. In an instant, the white snow in the sky was gone, the dark clouds were blown away, and the sun once again shone on the two of them.

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