It's just that when Rowling turned to look at Prometheus again, he found that Prometheus had set sail and left quickly.

Luo Lin also pretended to be exhausted, and tried his best to suppress the recovery brought by the sword god's blood, making himself look more tired.

In the sky, Luo Lin looked at Prometheus's receding figure, pretended to be panting heavily, but whispered in his mouth: "Ah, acting is really tiring, but it is still very helpful for future plans Yes, this time, as long as I return to Marin Vanduo, I can start the next plan."

And that plan is also the top priority!

Rollin's body fell from the sky, and it was only when he was about to be stacked on the deck that Rollin's body moved. After turning around, Rollin landed firmly on the deck. After Lin stably landed on the deck, he pretended to stagger again, which made Ain, who had been worried about Luo Lin, quickly come to Luo Lin's side.

"Master, how do you feel? Are you injured? Is it serious?"

Ain moved his hands up and down and groped Luo Lin's body for a while, wanting to see if Luo Lin was injured.

Luo Lin looked at Ain tenderly, "Don't worry, my physique recovered very quickly. Although I was a little burnt just now, it has already recovered."

After saying these words, Luo Lin turned his attention to the video phone bug.

Looking at the phantom of Zhan Guo on the video phone bug, Luo Lin smiled wryly at Zhan Guo, and said, "Master Marshal, I..."

Warring States looked at Luo Lin's face full of "guilt", so he couldn't say anything more, "Rolin, you did a good job. You have brought out the demeanor of our navy, and the strength of Prometheus is also great. It is indeed powerful, so it is not your fault that he escaped from your hands."

Luo Lin pretended to be relieved, and then said very seriously: "Master Marshal, I want to extend my vacation."


Luo Lin, who originally planned to explain it carefully, was taken aback when he heard that Zhan Guo readily agreed, but soon he realized that no matter whether Zhan Guo asked him or not, he had to understand what he said next. Said: "Master Marshal, I want to temper my ability during this period of time. I have some new ideas about swordsmanship."

"It's good to have ideas. If you need help, you can come to me directly."

"Okay, Master Marshal."

After finishing the call with the phone bug, Luo Lin lay down on the ground in a pretentious manner, gasping for breath, narrowing his eyes slightly, as if his physical strength was exhausted.

Although Luo Lin has the blessing of the blood of the sword god, the feeling at this moment is really almost the same for Luo Lin. He took back the spiritual power attached to Prometheus just now, and he just felt infinitely tired. It's on my mind.

Chapter one hundred and seventy-three

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Seeing Luo Lin lying on the deck, Ain felt very distressed, and quickly came behind Luo Lin, supported Luo Lin's head, and let Luo Lin rest on his lap.

It is the legendary knee pillow.

Luo Lin lay in Ain's arms, looking at Ain from top to bottom. Now that Ain is still young, there is nothing blocking his view, allowing Luo Lin to directly see Ain's pretty face.

Luo Lin stretched out his hand, stroked Ain's cheek lightly, and said, "Little Ain, just let me lie down for a while and it will be fine."

Ain nodded and said, "As long as it's Master, it doesn't matter how long you lie down."

Luo Lin could naturally sense Ain's intentions, but he didn't respond. It's too early now.

With his eyes closed, Rolin planned to rest for a while, but not long after he closed his eyes, Herona's voice rang in Rolin's ears.

"Master! Master! No, Perona has disappeared!"

Luo Lin opened his eyes and looked at Herona who was beside him.

"What happened? Tell Herona slowly, don't worry, as long as there is me!"

Hearing Luo Lin's words, the girls only felt a sense of security and became more loyal to Luo Lin.

Herona calmed down her slightly turbulent waves, and said to Luo Lin: "It's Perona, Perona has disappeared!"

"When did this happen?"

Luo Lin pretended that he didn't know anything, and asked Herona.

Herona said: "Just now, I suddenly remembered that Perona said that she had an uncomfortable stomach, but she hadn't appeared for such a long time. I was afraid that something might happen to her, but what I didn't expect was that I found someone I didn’t even find out where the Perona people are!”

Luo Lin pretended to think for a while, and then said, "Maybe she has already left."

"Leave? Why? Master, you are so kind to her. Although she is a pirate, we have never done anything to her. On the contrary, Master, you also gave her your sword Gan Wuzhuo. This is how you treat her. trust!"

"However, Perona directly betrayed the trust of the master!" Astia took Ain's words directly from the side.

Luo Lin looked into the distance, in fact, he was always stealing joy in his heart. He had no expression on his face, and he was just there in a daze. My master and master complained.

I don't know how long it took, Luo Lin sighed, looked at the slightly calm sea, and said, "If any of you want to leave, you can leave too, I won't force you, I will send you to a nearby island Come on, and then everyone will give you [-] million Baileys to ensure that you can live well."

After saying these words, Luo Lin turned his head to look into the eyes of the girls.

There were some waves in the eyes of the girls.

Especially Herona, her previous dream was to go to the world, become a rich woman, have her own freedom, and do whatever she wanted. working hard.

Had it not been for Doflamingo's backlash, Herona would have gone far away by now.

There will be no intersection between them.

Hearing Luo Lin's words, Ain was the first to say: "Master, as I said before, I am the sharp sword in your hand. The direction you point is the direction of our sword!"

Saying that, Ain lowered his head, and gently kissed Luo Lin's lips!

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