-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This was the first time Ain was so bold. Rollin lay in Ain's arms and could clearly hear the sound of Ain's heart beating fast.

It can be seen that Ain was really excited, his pretty face was flushed, and he looked very cute.

Rowling doesn't mind that Ain treats him like this. This only shows that Ain is becoming more and more dependent on him. This is what Rowling wants to see.

After receiving Ain's reply, Luo Lin looked at the maid group, "How about you? What are your thoughts?"

Astia was the first to react. She took a step forward and kowtowed toward Luo Lin. The four sisters behind her also made the same movement, "Master, we will be used by you from generation to generation. It is my good fortune to be able to become the master's slave!"

Luo Lin nodded. This was pretty much what he expected. These five sisters were all photographed by themselves. In addition, they were all princesses before, and they were all kept in captivity in the palace. Although they are serving others , but they can see all kinds of wonderful things, which is what they have been looking forward to.

In addition, Rowling was really good to them, and he didn't do anything bad to them.

Even, even if Astia wanted to be done, Rollin would not do it.

This made Astia feel very depressed.

At this time, Astir, the youngest sister of Astia, whispered from behind: "It feels like home with the master."

Herona's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this sentence: Yes, it feels like home. Although it is to serve others, but this other person is Luo Lin, an admiral of the navy. Others probably want to serve, but they don't. chance.

But thinking of this, Herona didn't feel much happiness.

Now that everyone has expressed their views, only Herona is left silent.

She lowered her head, big tears fell from the corners of her eyes, and the pear blossoms were raining, which made people feel affectionate.

"Really, I know your answer. I will send you to a nearby island and give you [-] million Baileys. I hope to see you again in the future."

Speaking of this, Luo Lin sat up from Ain's body, walked slowly towards his room, and then slowly closed the door.

Everyone was silent, they were all stunned, they didn't expect Herona to make such a choice.

Although Astia has always been on guard against Herona, but the relationship during this period is vivid in his memory.

"Herona! Why are you leaving? Could it be that the master is treating you badly? Do you want to leave the master that much?" Facing Astia's question, Herona just shed tears silently, Repeatedly: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

Ain stared blankly at Luo Lin's leaving back, she didn't know why she only felt a sore nose, but she wanted to cry but couldn't cry, only tears swirled in her eyes.

Ain held back his tears, raised his head slightly, and prevented the tears from flowing out of his eyes.

"Herona! Why can't you learn from Perona and leave without a sound? Why did you choose to leave at this time? You are throwing salt on Master's heart!"

After saying this, Ain left from the deck, she was going to comfort Luo Lin, she knew that Luo Lin must be feeling very uncomfortable right now.

Ain left, and Astia did not continue to stay on the deck, and returned to her room with her sisters.

Only Herona was left alone looking at the blue ocean, her eyes were red and swollen, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When returning to Marlin Vandor, he passed by many islands along the way. Rolin specially selected an island with a very low risk factor for Herona, and it was still considered rich. personally delivered to the island.

Luo Lin had no expression on his face, and he didn't even wear the iconic navy clothes on his body, just casual clothes, standing in front of Herona.

Looking at Herona whose eyes were still slightly red and swollen, Luo Lin patted her on the shoulder and said, "It's nothing, and you don't have to feel guilty. Everyone has the right to pursue their own dreams. On the contrary, I always keep you Bind by my side."

Herona shook her head, bit her lower lip tightly, and said, "No, master, no, you are very good to me."

Luo Lin sighed, with a smile on his face, and said to Herona: "Go, for a better life, maybe we will meet again in the future!"

"Yes, yes, definitely, master!"

Herona kept nodding, holding a box full of Baileys in her hand, bowed deeply to Luo Lin, then turned and walked towards the village on the island.

Seeing Herona's gradually disappearing figure, the smile on Luo Lin's face disappeared, and a chill spread from Luo Lin's body, but with Herona's strength, there was no way to perceive it.

"Perona did this under my orders, but you, Herona! You have betrayed me openly and aboveboard! I will never show mercy to those who betray me!"

Luo Lin's words were like a ghost asking for his life, there was no way to hear even a little emotion from them.

In the next second, Luo Lin's figure disappeared in place like a ghost.

Herona held a box of Bailey in her hand, and for some reason, her heart couldn't be happier.

"Why? Why? Why is that?"

Herona's eyes were slightly gloomy. This was not the result she wanted. From her point of view, even though she was sad and sad before, she reluctantly walked away from Luo Lin's side, but only when she was free, the joy of being so free must be happy. Unhappiness will be washed away in an instant.

But now, Herona couldn't smile at all.

She only felt that the box she was carrying was very heavy, and even Herona had the urge to put it down.

"If it was the original me, I would be very happy. After all, I have so much money, I can spend it however I want!"

Thinking of this, Herona suddenly thought of what Ain said: "Why can't you learn from Perona and leave without a sound? Why do you choose to leave at this time? You are giving to Master's heart." Sprinkle salt on it!"

Yes, why didn't I leave secretly, or did I have no money because I left secretly?

Herona glanced at the money in the box in her hand again, but she didn't feel much happiness, on the contrary, it became even heavier.

"If you give me another chance, maybe I won't choose this way!"

Herona murmured, she sat slumped on the ground, tears fell from the corners of her eyes again.

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