I don't know how many times she has cried. In short, the number of times she has cried in the past few days is more than the total number of times since she was born.

"By the way, I can go back!" Herona's eyes lit up, but the next second, the light in her eyes disappeared again.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

She has no face to go back.

If she goes back now, even she will despise herself!

"By the way, if my strength becomes stronger, I start from scratch in the navy and work hard to become the master's adjutant, so that I can stand by the master's side again! I think the master will forgive me today Do everything."

Not far away, a black shadow flickered behind the tree, and Luo Lin retracted Gan Wuzhuo into the scabbard.

Luo Lin's eyes flickered, cloudy or sunny.

Originally, he wanted to appear in front of Herona when she was the happiest, so that she could be buried directly later.

But I didn't expect to hear these words from Herona. At this time, even Luo Lin couldn't tell whether Herona was faking it, or she had already guessed that she would follow, so He directed and acted on his own, did such a play?

After thinking for a long time, Luo Lin still didn't find anything wrong with Herona's expression.

Sighing, Luo Lin planned to trust Herona once, and hoped that Herona would not let herself down this time.

"System, take out the weak fruit that exploded earlier, and the fruit ability development booklet."

Following Luo Lin's order, the system directly extracted these two things, and they appeared in Luo Lin's hands.

Looking at the two things in his hand, Luo Lin took the lead to arrive at the small island in front of Herona, which was considered a necessary road.

He believed that Herona would be able to see it.

After all, Luo Lin put these two things in the middle of the island!

Herona has her own ideas. Although she feels very guilty at this time, she is full of hope. As long as she works hard and improves her strength, she thinks she will see her master soon.

Thinking of this, Herona's footsteps couldn't help being happier, but as she walked, her footsteps stopped.

Because she saw a fruit neatly placed not far away, and a fruit ability development encyclopedia.

As one of the former maids, Herona naturally knew that only Luo Lin had the fruit ability development book, and Luo Lin only gave it to people he valued, and she had never had access to it before.

But now, how could it be placed neatly on this path.

Suddenly, Herona turned her head to look around, and tentatively asked: "Master, are you here?"

Herona's voice echoed in the grove, but she didn't hear any other voices. She didn't give up yet. Whether the master was here or not, she wanted to say something, "Master, I don't know you I am not here, but I regret it! Really! Really! Very regretful! I thought I would be free and very happy, and the joy of freedom would make me forget the sadness of parting, but it turns out that I was wrong .

In fact, for me now, it doesn’t matter whether I am free or not, because I already have a family, and I often bicker with Astia, compete with her in cooking, and serve the master... I didn’t realize it until now, It turned out that before that, I had been enjoying all this.

But I actually gave up this family with my own hands, and ran away from home. Now I really can’t do it if I go back. I don’t know how to face the master, I don’t know how to face Ain, and I don’t know how to face To Astia.

But I know, I will definitely go back one day, master, please believe me this time for the last time!I will definitely come back to you again, and I will never leave forever! "

Speaking of this, Herona knelt on the ground with a "plop", her white and tender knees were directly smashed, and blood was left from her fair legs, but Herona's face didn't even wrinkle, and she just knelt here for a long, long time .

After Rowling left, Herona still didn't get up.

It wasn't until dusk fell that Herona got up from the ground, ate the fruit of weakness, and walked towards the small island with the secret book in her arms.

It was like bitter wine in her throat, but it ignited her fighting spirit!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Rollin took the girls back to Marlin Vandor.

After handing in the report, Luo Lin and the girls rested in the villa for a day. On the second day, Luo Lin fulfilled his promise and took the girls to the Chambord Islands for shopping.

This time shopping is a very good experience for both Astia and Ain.

Astia was brought directly to the auction house at the beginning, so she didn't visit the Chambord Islands, and Ain's situation was similar. She was brought directly to the training camp by Zefa, so she didn't visit here.

This is the first time for all the women.

It's the first time~ After all, you have to enjoy it, so Luo Lin has become a tool man, with all kinds of packages hanging on his body, all of which are clothes bought by the girls.

Girls are naturally fond of shopping, it's really nothing to say, seeing that they still want to hang bags on their bodies, Luo Lin quickly called someone to come over and take back his things first.

Originally, he wanted to improve his charm in the hearts of all the girls, but he never expected that women would be so scary when shopping.

Let Luo Lin call himself unbearable.

After strolling around for a while, Luo Lin took all the girls to have a meal, booked the place directly, and ate with the maids.

This was the first time that the maids had dinner with Luo Lin, which made their hearts beat fast.

"I have nothing to do these few days. I will watch your training. Eat more now, and don't cry tired when the time comes!" As he spoke, Luo Lin brought a piece of steak to Ain's mouth.

Ain opened his small mouth and ate the beef.

"Master, I'm not a child anymore." Puffing out his cheeks, Ain looked at Luo Lin angrily, although Ain was very happy to be treated like this~

"Little Ain, in my eyes, you will always be a child, and a child must have a child, so don't be picky eaters."

Hearing Luo Lin's words, Ain nodded, thinking about what he should do to make Luo Lin feel that he is not a child.

Ain lowered his head and took a look, secretly said: "It seems that it is indeed a little small, no, absolutely not like this, it must be more feminine, otherwise, I will really be regarded as a child by the master all the time."

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