Thinking of this, Ain pulled Astia who was eating at the side, "Sister Astia, can you make me some more pumpkins in the future?"

When Astia heard Ain's words, she didn't understand what Ain meant at first, but when she saw Ain's blushing cheeks, she immediately understood what Ain meant.

"Okay, little master, leave this to me, I also prepared rich coconut milk, I promise you will drink it from childhood to adulthood, woo woo woo~"

Before Astia finished speaking, Ain blushed and covered her mouth lightly, signaling her not to speak out in front of Luo Lin!

Regarding this, Luo Lin could only pretend that he didn't hear it, lowered his head, and kept cutting the steak.

After eating, Luo Lin took the girls back to the villa and began to make training plans for the girls.

Of course, at this time, Rowling was in an on-hook state, and he transferred most of his mental power to Prometheus.

During his rest period, he will transfer most of his mental power to Prometheus. After all, sometimes it is not easy to do other things in his own identity.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was late at night, and Prometheus in the Anthem Pirates opened his eyes suddenly, and then looked at Perona who was sitting aside.

"How long have you been sitting and watching?"

"It's been about half a day." Perona put her finger on her chin, looking innocently at Prometheus, that is, Rollin.

"Are you bored? You stared at me for so long."

Perona shook her head and nodded again, "Although it's a bit boring, I'm still curious about what your abilities are."

The corners of Luo Lin's mouth were slightly raised, but on the face that looked like a small sun, it looked a little strange, "Don't you know all about my abilities?"

"Swordsmanship, you can take out items at your fingertips. Let's not talk about these seemingly ordinary ones. Let's just talk about your avatar. Although you can't use a sword now, you don't look weak at all!"

Perona gave such an evaluation as above.

Luo Lin floated in the air, shrinking slowly. He didn't answer Perona's words, but kept lowering the temperature on his body. When it became almost normal temperature, Luo Lin squeezed into Perona's arms.

Luo Lin couldn't help closing his eyes and began to enjoy the feeling of comfort as if Mount Tai was pressing down on him.

Perona didn't care about it, but instead felt that holding Prometheus was very fun, "Although it doesn't have the cold feeling of Gan Wuzhuo, but the hugging hands feel very comfortable."

Rollin squinted his eyes, and let Perona walk out of the room from holding her. This form was really cool, and it made Rollin experience a new feeling that she had never experienced before.

Summoning the two smashers on the ship, Rowling said directly to them in the tone of Prometheus: "This time our goal is the empty island, and we are going to the sea of ​​clouds, do you understand?"

"Captain, isn't Sky Island a legend? Does it really exist in reality?"

A younger brother said to Prometheus.

Prometheus didn't really want to answer this question, because he really didn't know anything about navigation, and this pirate ship didn't have a ship spirit, so there was no way to sail automatically, which made Rollin feel very speechless.

"If you are going to Sky Island, I can give it a try."

Perona, who was holding Rollin, hugged Rollin like usual.

When Perona said this, Rollin instantly remembered that in the original book, it was Perona who escorted Sauron to the Chambord Islands. I believe her navigation skills should not be very bad.

However, Luo Lin thought of the girl in front of him, and his three views were a bit abnormal, so he asked again cautiously: "Do you really know how to get to Sky Island?"

Perona nodded, "Luo~cough cough, Captain Prometheus, please believe me, I will definitely complete this mission perfectly."

That is to say, Perona reacted quickly, otherwise, the two handymen would probably be killed by Luo Lin, and then thrown down to feed the sharks.

After all, in Rowling's view, only the dead are the safest.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you this time, Perona."

"Well, just leave it to me at ease."

Just as he was talking, a newspaper bird flew in the sky. Prometheus asked the sailor to throw a hundred Baileys directly, and then the newspaper bird dropped a newspaper.

Perona caught the newspaper from the air, and opened it in front of everyone.

I saw a few large characters printed on the front page of the newspaper!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Captain, you've hit the headlines!"

Perona saw the appearance of Prometheus appearing in the newspaper, and said to Prometheus in her arms.

Luo Lin glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze.

In the past two days, Luo Lin didn't go to the office of the Warring States, nor did he pay attention to this matter, so he didn't know how the navy arranged for Prometheus.

But now it seems that the navy still attaches great importance to Prometheus, as long as it can pay attention to it, the more attention the better.

Only in this way, maybe it will cause the biggest shock in the future!

Except for Luo Lin and Perona, the two odd jobs don't know how to read, so they can only look at Perona expectantly, wanting Perona to read the above message.

Perona looked at Luo Lin who was being held in her arms, and said, "Prometheus was born out of nowhere and ran rampant in Alabasta. He happened to meet Admiral Luo Lin and had a fierce confrontation. Prometheus slightly Invincible, escaped from the pursuit of General Black Crow, extremely cunning.

And the strength is very strong, please pay more attention, once you have information about Prometheus, please notify the nearby naval branch in time, and anyone who informs will get a certain reward..."

Balabala has been there for a long time, and Perona felt a little parched. In short, the general meaning is that Prometheus is very powerful, but the admiral is even stronger, and he beat Prometheus away, but please add more Note, anyone who sees the whereabouts of Prometheus must report it, and there will be rewards for reporting!

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