After hearing what Perona said, Rowling sighed. It was almost the same as what he had imagined, except that his current identity was Prometheus, and he still spoke and acted according to the "habit" of Prometheus. Well, otherwise, in order to avoid being exposed in the future and being spotted by the Warring States who became a wise general, mentally prepare in advance, that is not the result that Luo Lin wants.

"Damn navy, it's really stinky and shameless. It's evenly matched. There's no need to waste such a long time to decide the winner, but it's said that I ran away cowardly. It's too hateful!"

Perona suppressed her smile and looked at Luo Lin who was acting in front of her, feeling an indescribable joy in her heart.

Perona, who burst into laughter and tears, feels that this kind of life is actually very good. Compared with the constant gloom, it may be better to face the sun.

Thinking of this, Perona looked at Rollin in her arms. At this moment, Rollin was in the form of Prometheus and looked very cute.

Rollin didn't know what was in Perona's mind, but he was quite satisfied with his bounty, and only made trouble a few times. The bounty in Rollin's Prometheus form had reached a terrifying [-]. Wan Bailey!

You must know that this is not the period when rewards are offered casually. In this period, the rewards largely represent a person's strength, and there is hardly any moisture, unlike Luffy.They are all known as the Five Emperors, and they have a bounty of [-] billion, but it is still so troublesome to fight a soldier, which shows how much water they have.

"It seems that there is still not enough trouble!"

Luo Lin murmured. The two odd jobs felt very strange. The sun was shining brightly and there was no wind at all, but why could they still feel a chill?

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Time passed quickly, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

During these three days, Luo Lin used Prometheus to wipe out three naval branches one after another, and directly became a frightening villain who made children stop crying!

The bounty has been rising all the way, and the momentum will not stop at all.

The bounty jumping directly from [-] billion to [-] billion is extremely terrifying.

Under the command of Perona, everyone came to Gaya Island.

Regarding this island, Luo Lin knew quite clearly that Gaya Island and the Sky Island at an altitude of 10000 meters were originally the same island, shaped like a skeleton.Due to the upwelling current near the sea, half of Gaya Island was washed up into the sky 400 years ago, together with the aborigines, animals, and monuments.

The part that goes up into the sky is the skull's head and face, and the part that stays on the ground is the skeleton's teeth.

Based on his impression, Rowling found the diamond-shaped uncle Wenbrand Kulik with a chestnut on his head, and directly gave him [-] Baileys to help him predict the direction of the ocean current. Rolin wanted to rely on the power of the ocean current that erupted in an instant , to rush this pirate ship up.

Wenbran Kulik seldom pays attention to the news in the newspapers, and he doesn't know who Rollin is. He is just a little surprised to see a captain who looks like a little sun, but this sea is huge, and there are people with amazing abilities There are countless, but Wen Bulan Kulik didn't pursue it.

"You really want to go to Sky Island through the updraft?"

"Of course, I'm very yearning for Sky Island!" When Luo Lin said this, he silently added in his heart: It's gold!

Wen Bulan Kulik glanced at the heavy bag on the side, nodded, and said, "I can help you predict the location and time of the updraft, but I am not responsible for what happens later."

"Okay, as long as you can tell me where and when the updraft is."

Luo Lin agreed very readily. You must know that Luffy and the others can go up there recklessly, why can't he?

You must know your own strength, but it is much stronger than Luffy.

After reaching an agreement with Wen Bulan Kulik, Luo Lin and Perona were on Gaya Island, resting and recuperating, waiting for news from Wen Bulan Kulik.

Night fell, another night.

Rollin, who was in the form of Prometheus in Perona's arms, brought Rollin to a bar with a smile on his lips.

Perona said that she hadn't tasted food for a long time, so she pestered Rollin to treat him. How could Rollin not agree to Perona's simple request.

Immediately took her to a nearby pirate bar with a good reputation.

Anyone who can come to this bar to spend money, their strength is not too bad, otherwise they can't afford it.

As soon as Perona walked into the bar, she quickly walked towards the bar.

"Boss, bring up all the best things you have here, my stomach can't wait!" Perona said while rubbing her belly.

It has to be said that Luo Lin turned into Prometheus form, and it was really comfortable to stick it on Perona's belly. There was no fat, but it was still soft, which made Luo Lin feel indescribably comfortable. .

It was a lively bar at first, but it gradually became quiet for some reason. Perona, who was immersed in the delicious food, didn't notice the weirdness around her. Although Luo Lin also noticed it, she didn't care.

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hey, that guy shouldn't be that ruthless guy!"

"I think so too, but doesn't it mean that the ruthless man is very big? Why does this one look so small?"

"Could it be a fake? After all, I heard that many people are imitating him and committing crimes at sea, but most of them were caught by the navy."

"Then is he that ruthless person?"

"You ask me how I know, you won't step forward and ask yourself!"


It's obviously a pirate bar, but it's so quiet that you can hear a pin drop on the ground clearly.

The bar owner stood behind the bar with a wry smile on his face.

The bar is a place that can be used to inquire about news, so naturally he will not admit that the sun ball in the arms of a beautiful woman in front of him is the sun Prometheus who has recently gained fame and is full of evil!

His bar was also changed yesterday. His wanted posters were used for decoration. Until just now, many people stopped to watch his wanted posters. They were afraid that they would not know Taishan one day and offend themselves. Can't offend people.

So don't look at Pirates, but there are many places to be careful, otherwise you may end up with a dead end.

"Well, sir, do you need anything else?"

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