Rollin glanced at the bar owner in Perona's arms, yawned, and left Perona's arms, floating in the air, without affecting Perona's enjoyment of the food.

"No need, just do what you want, don't pay special attention here."

Hearing Luo Lin's reply, the bar owner heaved a sigh of relief. Judging from the present, Prometheus the Sun is very easy to talk to, and there should be no phenomenon of hitting the bar at every turn. If someone usually does this, The owner of the bar said that he was right. After all, in this kind of place, how many of the people who run the Pirate Bar are soft-boned, and they are all first-class stubbles!

But the man in front of him is different. The [-] billion bounty alone is more than all the people present combined. Even if he gave the bar owner a hundred courage, he would not dare to provoke Prometheus!

"Such a small one, I wish the adults have fun."

After the bar owner finished speaking, he immediately trotted towards the side, and Perona couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

"Captain, I didn't expect your reputation to spread so far."

"That's right, I'm the one who said the most vicious things." There was no helplessness in Luo Lin's expression, on the contrary he was very proud.

This is like brushing achievements. Luo Lin's current bounty is already [-] billion, so he wants to become [-] billion. After all, desire is unlimited. If there is no desire, he will become a saint and go directly It's fine to die, so what are you doing alive?

Isn't life a desire?

"Captain, would you like some food?"

As Perona said, she picked up a huge stick of meat and handed it to Luo Lin. Luo Lin also likes to eat this kind of stick meat, but now he has no way to taste the taste at all. Luo Lin felt very speechless.

Glancing at Perona, Rowling said to her, "Just eat to your heart's content, and I won't eat it."

Perona nodded, with two small dimples on her cheeks, she couldn't be too happy to be able to enjoy so many delicacies alone.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Luo Lin felt that she was getting farther and farther away from the weird look before.

This only shows that my teaching is still very useful!

However, Luo Lin felt really sleepy now, and his mental power was switching back and forth between Prometheus and Luo Lin, which made him feel a little sleepy.

Yawning, Luo Lin returned to Perona's arms, and slowly closed his eyes.

Just at this time!

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Two

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At this moment, the door of the Pirate Bar was kicked open.

The loud sound reverberated in the bar, which made the bar that had just resumed its bustle quiet again in an instant.

The pirates in the bar all looked at the door, wanting to know which pirate is so rampant!

How dare you make a fuss in this pirate bar, aren't you afraid that the bar owner will destroy him?

The bar owner's expression at this time is also very embarrassed. You must know that there is a [-] billion boss in his bar, and he cannot be careless.

Glancing at Prometheus in Perona's arms, the bar owner was overjoyed when he found that Rollin showed no signs of waking up, but the expression on his face was even uglier.

"Let me see which pirate actually dares to kick the door of my bar!"

The bar owner is not jealous, he used to be a pirate in the nearby waters, and the bounty is [-] million!

After years of precipitation in strength, he is in his prime, and his strength is only stronger than before!

"What's wrong with kicking your bar, I'm not only going to kick your bar, I'm going to smash everything in your place too!"

As he said that, a rather huge person squeezed in from the door. That huge body made all the pirates gasp.

The pirates sitting there suddenly became agitated.

"Could it be that this is a giant family?"

"Impossible, how could there be such a short person in the giant race?"


"Fart! How is it possible? Does he look like a toddler? No matter how you look at him, he looks like an old man!"


If it were normal, everyone might leave the bar directly, unlike getting involved in this kind of thing, but it is different now, there is a very powerful presence in the bar now.

They all stopped here with the mentality of watching the excitement, and did not choose to leave immediately.

Perona didn't care about the commotion caused by this 'giant', she still sat peacefully in her seat, eating her own food.

The peach cheeks are bulging, very cute, just like a pink hamster.

Perona didn't bother with the 'giant', but the giant found Perona.

His waist was slightly bowed, and his body far surpassed that of ordinary people, making the entire bar space look a little crowded.

"Little girl, turn around and let Grandpa see your face!"

There was a lustful look in the eyes of the 'giant', apparently thinking of something very disgusting.

But Perona ignored this person, and was still enjoying the food on her own.

"Hey, I'm..."

"Shut up for me, don't you see the adults are eating?"

The bar owner who was standing aside couldn't stand it any longer. He appeared beside the 'giant' in a flash and stopped him.

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