The bar owner looked at the 'giant' with horror in his eyes, and shouted sharply: "Now! I'll give you three seconds! Get out of here! Otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

"Is the boss planning to do it himself?"

"It's been a long time since I saw the boss do it himself, and this time I'm lucky."

"You must know that the boss's strength is very strong. In the nearby sea area, he can completely dominate the king. I just don't know why he chose to come back to open the bar suddenly."


Regarding the strength of the boss, the surrounding pirates are very optimistic. After all, they are also pirates in the nearby sea area, and they are familiar with each other!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The owner of the bar is called Ironwood. As the name suggests, he is a person with ability and belongs to the iron tree form of the Devil Fruit Superman tree fruit.

Its hardness is comparable to that of steel, and it also has the characteristics of trees. It can create iron wood to wrap the enemy, and then kill it through the hard thorns of iron wood.

It can be described as a very powerful ability.

It is this ability that made the bar owner famous in the waters near Gaya Island, so that he was lonely and defeated, and finally felt too boring, so he opened a pirate bar on Gaya Island and lived a comfortable life .

For this kind of person who is like a small mountain in front of him, Tiemu didn't pay attention to him at all. He was either a person like Prometheus who could stand up to the aunt, or a little person he had never seen before. How could he not be able to beat him? ?

Can't beat this kind of thought, Temu never thought about it.

"I don't care who you are, I will only give you three breaths, and leave within three breaths, otherwise!"

After Tiemu finished speaking, he stretched out his finger and saw a tree appearing in front of Tiemu, but the whole body of this tree was black with a dull luster, and it looked very hard just by looking at it. How amazing is the hardness.

The "giant" looked down at Tiemu with disdain in his eyes, as if he was looking at a clown.

He opened his mouth, and the stench in his mouth was disgusting, "How dare you stop me from chatting with chicks? Very well, no one has dared to talk to me like this for a long time."

"I'm the lone ranger under Kaido's banner, the runaway bear helmet!"

After saying this, Kemo appeared directly in front of Tiemu, the owner of the bar, and smashed down his high-raised arm, and a small hole appeared directly in everyone's field of vision.

The bloody iron wood was smashed into pieces and scattered all over the bar.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene. They didn't expect that Temu, who was once the strongest in the waters of Gaya Island, would be beaten to death!

Except for Perona, who was indulging in delicious food, and Prometheus, who was indulging in Perona, everyone else was dumbfounded looking at Hemo's bloody palm dripping with blood.

Suddenly, the pupils of a person shrank suddenly, and the wine glass in his hand fell directly to the ground, and the whole person was terrified, "I remembered! I remembered! This person is the runaway bear who challenged Kaido three years ago ! At the beginning there was a gang of thousands of people, but I heard that they were all wiped out by the gang. Now, why does Rampage Bear become Kaido's subordinate now?"

Kemo looked at the person who revealed his background, and laughed loudly: "Helm hahahahaha, of course it is because Captain Kaido's strength impressed me. You will never know how powerful Captain Kaido is. , He hit me with one slap back then! Just one slap beat me to the ground, that feeling is really good! But you know too much!"

Recalling the memory at that time, Ke Mo felt tears welling up in his eyes, but in the next second, that huge palm directly slapped the talkative person to death.

The shots were so fragmentary that everyone in the bar dared not speak, and even panted carefully for fear of touching Hemo's brow.

He will not bother himself anymore, Kemo is very happy, his eyes are full of madness when he looks at Perona! "It's been a long time since I've had meat, I hope this time I won't be killed so soon!"

He Mo looked at Perona who was still eating delicious food indifferently, and thought secretly in his heart.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Little girl, don't eat any more, just leave with me, I will..."

Before Kemo finished speaking, Perona turned to look at Kemo, her eyes were very cold, "Do you mean that you plan to prevent me from enjoying the food?"

"Then please kneel down and apologize!"

Perona said to Hemo, her thin body was so insignificant in front of Hemo, but she still didn't have the slightest stage fright.

"Helm ha ha ha, my ears are fine, you actually made me kneel down to apologize, in this world, the only one who can make me kneel down is Captain Kaido..."

"Really?" Perona was in a very bad mood at the moment, watching Hemo's eyes flicker with murderous intent, white light clusters flickered in her hands, and a ghost with a sausage mouth appeared out of thin air.

The extremely funny ghost instantly made Ke Mo laugh out loud.

"I didn't expect you to be a fruit capable user, but what's the matter, you can't cause me even a little harm."

He Mo patted his belly as he spoke, looking very confident.

"Really, Negative Specter!"

The white sausage mouth ghost quickly flew towards Ke Mo, Ke Mo just put on a defensive posture, and didn't even dodge.

In his opinion, Perona's attack was like a child playing house, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

It's just that a shocking thing happened in the next second, the ghost didn't cause even a little damage to the helmet, but the moment the spirit body passed through the helmet, the helmet seemed to have received an unparalleled blow , Really kneeling on the ground.

At this moment, the people sitting there seemed to be petrified, staring blankly at the scene in front of them, not knowing what to say.

The runaway bear who was so invincible just now, who killed Tiemu with a single palm just now, was defeated just like that.

They looked at the runaway Xiong Kemo who was kneeling on the ground, and only heard him chanting: I am really too weak to live in this world, I am really too weak to live in this world superior……

"As expected of the girl next to Prometheus."

"It's true that people can't be judged by their appearance!"

"You defeated Hemo at such a young age! Does anyone know how much her bounty is?"

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