Hearing someone say this, not to mention that someone actually started to look through the wanted warrant, and soon that person found Perona's wanted warrant, and it showed [-] million Baileys on it!

This series of figures made everyone dumbfounded.

Of course, this is not because the number is too much, but because it is too little.

One must know that the bounty offered by Ke Mo three years ago was [-] million!

And it was this [-] million Kelmo who was defeated by Perona who had just reached [-] million. No matter how you think about it, it feels incredible.

Seeing the runaway bear kneeling on the ground, looking disheartened, the corners of Perona's mouth curled up slightly, looking very happy.

"It looks like you've been exercising your abilities a lot during this time!"

Luo Lin nestled in Perona's arms, feeling the comfort of Mount Tai and said to Perona.

Perona raised her head unobtrusively, and said to Luo Lin: "Of course, since you gave me the Fruit Ability Development Compendium, I have been practicing every day, and now I can summon one Thousands of passive ghosts have launched a large-scale attack."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Prometheus, the incarnation of Rowling, nestled in Perona's arms. When he heard Perona's words, Rowling said that he couldn't accept it.

A thousand negative ghosts, if they are released to attack in a large area, it will be very interesting to think about that picture.

It's just that compared to Perona in the original book, isn't your progress too big!

How lazy you were before, after getting the fruit for so long, you were only able to release five or six spirit bodies to use negative ghosts.

Luo Lin, who was madly complaining about Perona in his heart, suddenly felt some movement behind him.

Perona obviously also noticed this change, diverted her attention from the food again, and turned to look behind her.

Kelmo knelt on the ground, the muscles on his body were shaking constantly, it seemed that he was in a battle between heaven and man, and he wanted to get out of this state.

"Captain, don't worry, I only used one spirit body just now, the negative ghost has not been weakened, and the negative state can reach its maximum in an instant, unlike after summoning a thousand spirit bodies, the negative state will be greatly reduced .”

After hearing Perona's words, Rowling once again expressed that he was happy for nothing. He originally thought that there was an absolute control that could be used as a big killer, but now he is told that this big killer is a The weakened version can only make people negative for a short time.

This made Luo Lin feel speechless.

But the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

Even if Perona is confident in her abilities, there are always some people who can use their abilities to avoid this negative state. Usopp is one, and the person in front of him is another.

Hemo's heart was shrouded in countless negativity, and he couldn't escape. He was locked in his heart, and he knew that it would be very dangerous to be in this situation all the time.

That being the case, Ke Mo turned his heart to one side, the muscles on his body began to agitate, his hair began to grow crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the whites of his eyes turned red in an instant.

The pupils shrunk and looked terrifying!

"Not good, the berserk bear started to go berserk!"

"I heard that when Ke Mo goes berserk, his strength and physical resilience will be greatly improved."

"But! In the berserk state, anyone who sees it will be killed by him!"


Today was really exciting. Not only saw the tragic death of the bar owner, but also saw the runaway bear, and even saw Prometheus. I believe they will remember this day forever.

It's just that if you remember it, there must be a destiny. Now that they have regained their senses, they frantically squeezed towards the door.

They want to escape from this pirate bar, who knows if the battle between them will affect them, if they are not careful, they might end up here with their own lives.

They dare not gamble, because they are also afraid of death!

It's just that everyone ran towards the door of the Pirate Bar. The door is so big and there are so many people. This directly caused most people to be blocked at the door and unable to escape from the bar.


Hemo's size has doubled compared to before, and he directly broke the roof of the Pirate Bar. He felt that the space was very small, and he began to wave his sharp claws in a big way.

The sharp claws were one meter long, scratching randomly in the air, and directly opened a big hole in the Pirate Bar.

Many people were even caught to death by Ke Moyi's claws, and the death conditions were extremely miserable.

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Six

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Perona patted Rollin's head lightly, and said to Rollin: "Captain, what's going on with this guy, and what method did he use to get out of the negative state."

Perona said that she was very shocked, obviously she had been exercising her abilities crazily during this period of time, as a test during this period, Perona used her full strength.

What I never expected was that even Perona's negative ghost, which had used all her strength, was also separated from the negative state by Hemo, which made Perona feel that she was doing useless work during this time.

Luo Lin yawned, slowly floated out of Perona's arms, looked at Perona, and said: "He didn't escape your negative state, and now he just forced a violent run away. He has already No consciousness anymore."

Luo Lin said again: "Do you want to try to defeat him?"

Hearing Luo Lin's words, Perona quickly shook her head, waved her hand and said, "Captain, forget it, she's just a girl, don't treat her like this~"

It was rare to hear Perona acting like a baby, and Luo Lin was very helpful.

"It doesn't matter. It's still a long time anyway. I'll find some evenly matched opponents for you later." After speaking, the temperature on Luo Lin's body began to rise, and he said, "Just let me handle it this time."

Speaking of which, the temperature on Luo Lin's body began to rise gradually, and flames began to rise around his body.

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