Rollin is Prometheus, so for Prometheus, Rollin's proficiency is also very high.

Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan, who was at level 3, dyed Luo Lin's body golden.

Hemo, who was running away, saw Prometheus out of the corner of his eye. His mouth, which was already very smelly, grew unconsciously and looked extremely disgusting.

"The awakening of the fruit ability is not complete. I don't exercise my body and ability well. Instead, I use it as my own sign. I call myself a runaway bear. It's really ridiculous. No wonder everyone said that bears are stupid. I didn't believe it at first. But now it looks like that is indeed the case.”

After Kemo entered the berserk state, he couldn't understand the meaning of Luo Lin's words, but such things as subconsciousness existed after all.

His anger spread in his chest, his sharp claws were attached with armed domineering, and he grabbed Prometheus without leaving anything behind.

The air vibrated, accompanied by the sound of 'huhu', enough to see how terrifying this blow was.

If it were someone else, even if they used armed weapons for defense, they would probably be directly crushed.

However, what he met was Prometheus!

It's Prometheus who can defeat Big Mom!

"Kaido's lackeys dare to bark in front of me, they really have eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard! Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan. Hao fireball technique!"

This time, Luo Lin's powerful fireball technique did not use the usual high-temperature flames, but the different fire Golden Emperor Burning Heaven!That high temperature is definitely not something that ordinary flames can achieve. The moment Luo Lin sprayed out the fireball, the surrounding temperature directly rose by tens of degrees, and the surrounding wooden tables and chairs even ignited a big fire.

Except for Perona, who was specially protected by Rowling, there was no intact place in the bar at this moment.

A huge fireball with a radius of about three meters flew towards Helmo mercilessly with golden heat.

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I saw the golden fireball touching Helmo's armed and domineering claws, and in an instant, Hemo's sharp claws were melted.

A strong sense of pain rushed directly to Hemo's brain, but he didn't know how to cry out for pain when he was running away, he just cried out in pain unconsciously.

"It's really ugly!"

Luo Lin watched Hao's fireball rise, and directly smashed a big hole in Ke Mo's abdomen. Immediately afterwards, the golden emperor's burning sky flame spread across Ke Mo's body, devouring Ke Mo completely in the blink of an eye, leaving no trace.

Swallowing all the nearby flames into his belly, Luo Lin burped and said to Perona: "Okay, now we don't have to pay, let's go back to the boat and take a nap. It is estimated that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, we You can leave this place."

Rollin lowered the temperature on his body again, and then held Perona in his arms, enjoying the benefits that can only be enjoyed in the Prometheus mentality, and left the ruins of the bar with Perona.

What happened here, only a small number of people who escaped know, and the current scene undoubtedly shows who the winner is. I think that in the near future, the bounty of Prometheus will be raised again. increase it.

After staying in Gaya Island for two days, Luo Lin and Perona also visited this small island. Now Gaya Island is not like before, it is just a small island with not many interesting things. , far inferior to the Chambord Islands.

Finally, when Rowling's patience was about to run out, and he planned to use the carrier to carry Perona to the empty island first, Wenbran Kulik found them.

"Around three o'clock this afternoon, there was a huge updraft, but..."

Seeing Luo Lin hesitated to speak, Luo Lin asked, "Just what?"

"It's just that the updraft this time is very powerful. I personally don't mind taking this updraft to the sky island. The risk factor is too high!"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter how tall you are, you just need to send us to the place when the time comes."

Wen Bulan Kulik wanted to persuade Rollin, that is, Prometheus, but Luo Lin didn't give him the opportunity at all, and took Perona to disappear from Wen Bulan Kulik's vision.

"Captain, do we have to take the updraft this time?" Perona felt that she had developed a habit recently, that is, holding Rollin's Prometheus form, which was warm and caring.

"You don't have to worry, if something really happens, I will use the bearer to take you to Sky Island."

"Then why don't you just take me up there, Captain?"

"Uh..." Could Luo Lin still tell Perona that he just didn't want to be ridden by a woman.

Of course, men are even more unlikely.

Perona snickered, it was the first time she saw Luo Lin showing such an expression, but she didn't care about the reason.

Soon it was three o'clock in the afternoon, and Luo Lin and Perona drove the boat and brought two handymen to the location designated by Wen Bulan Kulik, while Wen Bulan Kulik used binoculars and phone bugs in the distance. , instructing them to constantly change this position.

Luo Lin faintly had some bad premonition in his heart, and the source of this premonition must be the sea below.

This time it will be a good experience.

Thinking of this, Luo Lin looked up at the sky and said, "Sky Island, here I come!"

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On a small boat in the distance, Wenbran Kulik held a telescope in his hand, frowned and looked at the sea sleep below the Anthem Pirates, feeling as if he was being watched by something.

This is not a good sign.

"How tough is your pirate ship, can it withstand a moment of powerful explosive power!"

"You don't need to say these words at all, you just need to tell me how long the rising current will come."

Luo Lin closed his eyes, and said to the phone bug in Perona's arms.

Seeing Luo Lin's impatient face, Perona gently stroked Luo Lin and said, "Don't worry."

"I'm not in a hurry."

Rowling retorted, is he the kind of impatient person?

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