But Perona was not afraid, because she believed that Rollin would definitely marry her.

Sure enough, when he just fell from the sky, Rowling firmly caught Perona with the body of Prometheus.

It was the first time that Perona was carried by Rollin in the form of Prometheus.

There were flames all around, but they couldn't hurt her at all. This feeling of being protected by others made Perona's heart tremble.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Protecting Perona in the center of her body, Luo Lin looked solemnly at the black shadow in the updraft.

He suddenly thought of what Wenbran Kulik said to himself: This time the updraft is the highest in history, and it is extremely dangerous!

In addition to the bad premonition before, I think it is precisely because of the updraft that there is such a guy that is so scary!

Luo Lin frowned slightly, looking at the black shadow of the updraft, he just felt a headache.

Originally because of the pirate ship and the two handymen, Luo Lin waited for a long time, but he never expected that it was because of this upwelling current that his ship disappeared, and even the handyman disappeared.

And according to Luo Lin's speculation, those two odd jobs probably didn't even know how they died.

That is to say, he was too careless just now, otherwise, he would never let this guy succeed.

"Perona, I think I'm so unlucky."

Luo Lin said to Perona, who was sitting on her body, with a rather helpless expression.

With a smile on Perona's face, she lay down on Luo Lin's body, feeling the comfort of sinking down, Perona rolled on Luo Lin's body, "Captain, you are so comfortable!"

Hearing Perona's emotion, Luo Lin was very speechless. Is it really because of the different views?At this time, shouldn't all the girls yell and say that they are afraid?

Without continuing to pay too much attention to this issue, Luo Lin looked at the black shadow in the updraft again.

That black shadow was swimming in the updraft, and the impact of the rising sea water couldn't stop it at all, and it looked quite comfortable.

Suddenly, the speed of that black shadow increased sharply, and the tail covered with black scales flew out of the updraft and drew towards Luo Lin.

"I was careless just now, and I let you succeed. Do you think you can still defeat me?" Facing the black tail, Luo Lin didn't take it seriously at all, "Although I don't know the names of the two handymen, but Take it all as revenge for them."

"So now please die where you are!"

Luo Lin took a sharp breath, and a huge golden-red fireball shot towards the tail.

But the black tail was directly retracted by the black shadow. It seemed to feel the threat brought to it from above.

Even the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan couldn't resist such a huge water impact. After all, once a fireball is sent out, it will have no power to follow up. Without the blessing of energy, it is normal for it to be wiped away by sea water.

The black shadow used the updraft as its own fortress, and occasionally swung its tail, attacking Luo Lin continuously.

And Luo Lin also saw what this black shadow was during these few attacks, it was clearly a flood dragon!At least [-] meters!Its body is hidden in the updraft, and only a little black shadow can be seen, but looking at it now, this really shocked Luo Lin.

"Ding, it was detected that the host was shocked by the dragon in the Neptune category, evaluation: A, obtained: pupil technique - white eyes!"

The electronic sound in his mind sounded, and Luo Lin wanted to give a thumbs up to the system. It just so happened that he needs a powerful auxiliary skill now. The appearance of Baiyan gave Luo Lin a very powerful detection method.

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At this time, Luo Lin was in the form of Prometheus. Although he was able to emit a sword-free flow, without the blessing of the sword god's blood, he could not stop the rising water with a radius of at least seven kilometers.

It is indeed the most updraft in history!

Really spectacular!

And now with white eyes, it means that the dragon and sea kings have no way to hide!

Luo Lin closed his eyes slowly, then opened them suddenly, "Blind eyes!"

There are no ferocious blood vessels around Luo Lin's eyes, only white pupils looking around.

360° no dead angle, wide field of view and strong penetrating power, really opened Rowling's horizons!

If the Wanmi Neptunes are in the ocean, there may be some troubles, but in this updraft, let me see how you can hide!

"Bone spirit cold fire! Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan!"

There were two completely different flames gathered in front of Luo Lin's chest. These two flames were completely repulsive and could not be merged at all. It seemed that Luo Lin, who had known this result for a long time, worked hard to guide the range of the explosion to the front.

"Send you away, thousands of miles away! Let's go!" Luo Lin had an evil smile on his lips, as if he had seen the miserable appearance of the dragon and sea kings when they died, and a bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes.


A faint blue flame and a golden red flame rushed into the sea water of the updraft one after another. This time, with Luo Lin's continuous energy output, even the updraft could not stop the penetration of the two flame beams !

"Chi la!" Two beams of light passed through the chest of the dragon and sea king, and Luo Lin heard its angry roar.

I saw the head of the dragon and sea king popped out of the rising water column, and it shot a lot of water from it with its mouth open!

Like a high-pressure water gun, its penetrating power is also very powerful!

Luo Lin's heart moved, and he flipped in the air, dodging the attacks of the dragon and sea kings. At this time, his eyes were full of dignity.

Now Luo Lin understands that the gap between the [-]-meter Sea Kings and the [-]-meter Sea Kings is really not that big.

Those two wounds caused by the huge light beams in Luo Lin's eyes were really insignificant compared to Wanmi's body!

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