The sky was gloomy, as if there was an invisible veil covering Luo Lin and the dragon and sea kings together.

The dragon and sea kings missed a single blow, but they were not in a hurry, and hid their bodies in the rising water column again, as if to say: "It doesn't matter, the journey is still long!"

This made Luo Lin very upset, "Perona, although it's a bit troublesome, I really want to kill this Neptune!"

Perona looked at Luo Lin, then at the dragon and sea kings swimming in the water column, and asked curiously: "Captain, its size is really too big, the wound we caused is simply too large. There is no way to hit it hard!"

Luo Lin nodded and agreed: "Yes, I also just realized how troublesome it is to kill Wanmi Sea Kings."

At the same time, Luo Lin also realized how terrifying the existence of Neptune is. If he could summon this ultra-rare [-]-meter Neptune, there are really not many people in this world who can stop the power of Neptune. up!

This is why the three ancient weapons will attract the attention of countless people.

Because it's really scary!This kind of power, even Luo Lin himself, is envious!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Luo Lin and this [-]-meter dragon and sea king were in a stalemate.

He knew in his heart that it was really too difficult to kill this kind of Wanmi sea king.

But even so, Rowling did not give up the idea of ​​killing him.

The bastard in front of him destroyed his own boat, and even killed the two handymen on the boat!

As an extremely protective person, Luo Lin has such a principle: as long as it belongs to my subordinates, then only I can kill them, and if other people kill them, then be prepared to be killed by me !

I don't know if the two handymen will be deeply moved after knowing Luo Lin's thoughts.

"Perona, do you want to experience what is called excitement?"

Perona nodded quickly when she heard Luo Lin's words, "Of course, exciting things are my favorite, especially the first time I do them, I will look forward to them very much."

Subconsciously, Rowling glanced at Perona, but looking at her pure face, Rowling felt that he must be thinking wrong.

Luo Lin rarely showed a serious expression on his face, "Since this is the case, then think about what will happen next, it will be one of the most memorable things for you!"

After the words fell, Luo Lin's aura shot straight into the sky, and the flames were like a royal robe.

Perona looked at Luo Lin's appearance in disbelief, and only felt that Luo Lin's Prometheus form at this moment was unprecedentedly handsome!

The flames continued to surge, wrapping Perona in Luo Lin's body. Luo Lin's body turned into a flame. There was no high temperature inside, and it was warm, which made Perona feel very comfortable, but the outside was attached to Lv. 3's Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan, so terrifying!

Enough protection measures have been taken for Perona, but Rowling seems to have forgotten that under such circumstances, Perona can't see anything.

But at this moment, Luo Lin didn't care anymore, the most powerful strange fire was constantly surging on his body, and then rushed towards the water column.

Flames all over the sky soared in the sky, looking at each other from a distance, it was like the sky was covered with red silk.

The red silk is slowly entwining the rising water column, "Chi Chi!" A large amount of water vapor is spreading in the sky.

This is not over yet, Luo Lin is constantly squeezing into the water column, even though the sea water is rising, but its temperature is getting hotter and hotter under Luo Lin's movements.

"Burning the sky and cooking the sea!"

At this moment, Luo Lin seemed to have really turned into the sun. The flames flowing on his body could not be extinguished even by the rising sea water, but the temperature was rising rapidly.

In just a few moments, the nearby sea water began to boil.

The dragon and sea kings also became manic, their eyes were red, and a pair of animal eyes stared at Luo Lin closely, their tails kept pulling towards Luo Lin, and their mouths kept biting towards Luo Lin.

In fact, no matter how it attacks, whether it is whipping or biting, it can't hit Luo Lin's body at all. On the contrary, the high temperature on Luo Lin's body caused the black scales on the Wanmi sea king to fall off, exposing the red meat inside.

The raging fire on Luo Lin's body was like a painter, using the brush in his hand to paint everywhere he went like crazy, flying around with the wind, devouring everything recklessly, the golden red flame, under Luo Lin's control As if they had their own consciousness, they gradually entwined around the bodies of the dragon and sea kings.

"Since those wounds are too small for you, let's just boil you!"

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Three Cooked It

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yes, Luo Lin planned to cook it, to cook the Ten Thousand Meter Neptune!

It has to be said that this is a crazy idea, but Luo Lin is a crazy person, it is not surprising to do such a thing!

The heaven and the earth are cages, cooked with seawater rising continuously, and Jindi Fen Tianyan is used to heat it.

Luo Lin didn't believe that it couldn't be boiled to death.

If one hour is not enough, then two hours, if two hours is not enough, then three hours, Luo Lin will let this 'cute' dragon sea king know that this world is not cute at all!

Let it regret appearing in front of him and provoke him.

On the surface of the sea, under Vinbrand Kulik's own prediction, he narrowly escaped such a huge upwelling current.

This time the area of ​​the upwelling current is far greater than Wenbrand Kulik's own prediction.

He raised his head and looked at the rising sea water, and felt that the scene in front of him was simply unbelievable.

"I hope they can reach Sky Island safely."

Sighing, Wenbran Kulik drove the boat towards Gaya Island.

Anyway, he had already accepted the money, and he didn't know them, so even if he died, he wouldn't be sad, at most he would sigh.

But in the next second, Wen Bulan Kulik saw that the entire sky seemed to be covered by red silk, and the red silk slowly surrounded the entire water column, and it seemed that it was about to squeeze into the water column.

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