Enilu stopped laughing, and looked at Luo Lin coldly with his eyes, "Kusa, you blasphemed the gods and obstructed official duties, I will sentence you to death again!"

"Capital crime? I want to see who can kill me!"

After all, Luo Lin didn't want to waste any more words, since he knew that Enilo was not something he could subdue, then kill him!

So as not to cause trouble for himself in the future, you must know that Luo Lin hates trouble the most.

The aura of Luo Lin and Ai Nilu continued to rise.

The thundercloud behind Enilo seemed to represent his anger, roaring continuously, as if it was about to explode the sky.

"Rice wife!"

Enilo's wrist changed into a straight line and Lei attacked Rollin's position.

"The art of fireball!"

Rollin also spewed out a huge fireball.

The first move is to test!

I saw that Daozuma's lightning shot through the Hao fireball, and the flames of the Hao fireball attached to the thunder light, wiping away the thunder light.

Suddenly there was a strong wind in the air, and the strong wind blew the White Sea, setting off waves.

The existence of many cloud beasts can be vaguely seen from the sky. Judging from the exposed part of the body, each cloud beast below is about two kilometers long.

It is a relatively small existence.

"Is your ability so weak? God? It's really ridiculous. I'm afraid it's not confused with the title of the leader of the Kingdom of God? Don't you have any points in your heart?"

Luo Lin's mouth is very poisonous, and his venomous tongue made Anilu's brows tightly wrinkled. He clenched his fists, pointed the lightning rod in Luo Lin's direction again, and counterattacked: "This is what I want to say too. , is obviously an evil existence in the legends, but I didn't expect it to be so weak, are the legends all exaggerated?"

"In this case, let you try my strength!"

"As you wish, I will let you see my strength."

Before the words were finished, the figures of the two people disappeared in place, and Luo Lin's size swelled with the wind.


"Bone Spirit Cold Fire. Hao Fireball Art."

Luo Lin used the cold fire of the bone spirit as a carrier, and sprayed a blue fireball towards Enilo.

As soon as the blow came out, Enilu noticed the difference. The heart net, that is, the combination of knowledge and domineering aura combined with radio waves, spread out, focusing on Luo Lin's movements.

With a flash of lightning, Enilo predicted the direction of the fireball and stepped aside.

The body shape is still uncertain, and Enilu hits the taiko drum on his right shoulder with a lightning rod, showing the thunder and lightning he created from the taiko drum, and then forms a phoenix-shaped thunderbird to fly to Luo Lin at high speed, trying to take advantage of it.

For this kind of small energy attack, Rowling didn't take it seriously at all. As Prometheus, he basically didn't have any skills to speak of, all he needed was recklessness.

Reckless will win!

After all, there are very few things that can cause harm to Prometheus.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The person in front of him, according to Luo Lin's memory, he doesn't know armed arrogance, he doesn't know domineering arrogance, only a knowledge-color arrogance has been cultivated to a relatively high level, and this knowledge-color arrogance is achieved by combining it with the fruit ability At this level, it is impossible to predict unconscious attacks at all.

Only pay attention to the development of fruits, but not to physical cultivation, which leads to the extremely limited physical strength of Enilo as the ability to use. Look, except for the height and fruit ability which are at the high end, the rest of the abilities are basically in the middle. Can't see Rollin's eyes.

So in this battle, we knew who was the ultimate winner from the very beginning.

The time for fighting is just for Luo Lin's interest.

If Enilo can't make Luo Lin feel that this battle is interesting, then at that time, it will be Enilo's death.

The "Thirty Million Volt Thunderbird" passed through Luo Lin's body without hurting Luo Lin at all.

This made Anilu's heart tighten. Is the secret path indeed the legendary Kusha? His skills actually penetrated directly and hit Angel Island, leaving a large area of ​​scorched black.

Enel refused to admit defeat, or he wanted to confirm, so he tapped the taiko drum on his left shoulder, and displayed the thunder and lightning he created from the taiko drum. This time, he formed a wolf-shaped thunder wolf and ran towards Luo Lin at high speed. The electric current on his body sizzled, and the sound reminded Luo Lin of Kakashi's Chidori.

Presumably Chidori also had this voice.

Following Anil's attack, there was a bang in the sky, as if the entire sky was supported by Anilo.

Just after Enilo released the "3000 million volt Thunder Beast", he tapped the taiko drums on both shoulders with his lightning rod, and displayed the thunder and lightning he created from the taiko drums, forming a huge thunder dragon.

Thunder Beast and Thunder Dragon crossed each other, and they came to Luo Lin in the blink of an eye.

Luo Lin still didn't pay attention to these two skills of Anilu, he yawned, let them pass through his body, and then took a sharp breath.

"Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan. Hao Fireball Art."

Instead of using LV.2 Bone Spirit Lenghuo, use Jindi Fentianyan who has reached LV.4.

The gap in level was directly revealed in a moment.

The fireball with a radius of about 500 meters flew towards Enilo mercilessly.

"No one can keep up with my speed!" Although Enilo knew that his attack could not hit Luo Lin, he did not panic because he was also confident in his speed.

But what he didn't know was that Luo Lin had already anticipated Enel's actions through his knowledge and arrogance.

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