The huge fireball flying in the sky exploded violently, and Luo Lin named it - the flame meteor shower.

The Flaming Meteor Shower is like fireworks, blooming in the air, shining brightly, and clusters of fire rushing around, even faster than before.

Enilu, who had just stopped, finally changed his face. He found that the fire ball was not like the usual red, but red with gold, and gold mixed with black.

And this black is the domineering color of the armed forces!

Although Ai Nilu didn't know what armed domineering was, he could feel an extremely strong threat from the fire ball.


Anilu muttered in his heart, his speed increased sharply, and he disappeared from the spot, narrowly avoiding the attack of the flaming meteor shower.

However, in the next second, Ai Nilu only felt the taste of blood in his mouth, and saw blood flowing from the corner of Ai Nilu's mouth.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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"Burning Heart. Laser Beam!"

Along with Luo Lin's murmur, a beam of light flashed and directly penetrated Enilo's abdomen.

At this moment, fireballs in the sky began to descend, like a meteor shower.

The crimson color on it was no different from the blood left at the corner of Enilo's mouth.

"How, how could you..."

"Nothing is impossible? There are many impossible things. Do you want to try one by one?"

"Okay, I won't quarrel with you anymore. After all, it's not interesting to play house with children all the time."

Luo Lin flew to the same height as Anel, looked into Enel's eyes, and said: "After all, your world is too small."

Enilu bowed his waist slightly, clenched his fists tightly, and thunder roared in the sky, which seemed to represent Enilu's mood. He bit his teeth, regardless of the blood in his mouth, and said, "Is it possible that I am in your arms?" In your eyes, have you always been a child playing house?"

"Is not it?"

Luo Lin tilted his head, as if he didn't understand why Enilo cared so much about this sentence.

"Damn it! Kusha! Go to hell! [-] million volts of Thor!"

Enilo roared angrily, his face turned red with anger, and all the lightning from his body was released and wrapped around his body. With this, Enilo turned into a giant Thor.

The huge Thunder God, with his feet on the sea of ​​clouds, and the thunderclouds on his head, from a distance, the pieces of thunderclouds look like hair, and there are countless cloud beasts in the sea of ​​clouds because of this.

Feeling his powerful power, Enel's voice came from Thor, "Now! I'll let you feel it! What is the power of God!"

The blue Thor soared straight into the sky, and the huge palm was mercilessly pressed down from the air under the control of Enel.

The corners of Luo Lin's mouth curled up slightly, "That's pretty." He said again: "By the way, where is your Ark Proverb? If I remember correctly, you still have some skills that can only be released through the Ark Proverb. It came too fast, so I didn’t release the Proverbs of the Ark.”

Enel was very surprised by Luo Lin's words, because what Luo Lin said was very correct.

I thought that with my own strength, even the legendary evil existence Kusha would be easily defeated, but I never thought that I couldn't even hit Kusha.

Although Anil knew that Kusha had the ability to understand everything, he was still shocked in his heart.

"Ding, because of the host's powerful strength and words, I was shocked by the host. Evaluation: SSS, get: Transform Rubik's Cube*1. Transform Rubik's Cube can transform anything into what the host wants. Note: The transformation peak is the highest in contemporary times Level, beyond this level to modify the Rubik's Cube will be invalid and cannot be used again."

Luo Lin curled his lips, "System, the only thing like this is SSS? What's the use in the world of pirates?"

"Ding, the use needs to be figured out by the host."

After the system finished speaking, it dived.

Luo Lin didn't ask anything, but looked at Enilu and said: "You are obviously much stronger than Conis, but the things that explode are a lot of rubbish, so no matter how you think about it, you are useless." exist."

"It's useless to have existences that cause trouble to people. My general approach is to kill them! Leave nothing behind!"

Facing the palm that was pressing down on him, Luo Lin's aura rose once again.

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Chapter Two Hundred and Seven

Luo Lin's aura is like an abyss, with no end and no limit!

The high temperature surged on his body, and the thundercloud weakened, gradually turning into a golden-red cloud.

At this time, on the battlefield, the sky was divided into two, one half was a golden-red sky, from which sunlight could shine;

The two people fought against each other, and the vision caused by the battle between the two attracted countless people.

Among them is the Sandia nation. They looked up at the sky, looked at the golden-red sun and thunderclouds, and were shocked in their hearts.

"Who is challenging the new god?"

"This kind of power is really terrifying."

"Perhaps only the legendary sun god has the ability to change the world!"


As I said before, the Shandia people worship the sun very much. They think that everything in this world is bestowed on them by the sun, so they pay the highest respect for the use of the sun.

"Long live the sun!"

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