All the members of the Sandia nation gathered together, and they slowly knelt in the direction of Luo Lin, with their hands raised high, as if they wanted to dedicate all their loyal beliefs to Luo Lin.

However, Luo Lin didn't know what the Sandia people had done. At this time, he planned to test the power of the real fire of the sun on Enilo.

"Zhu Rong went to the south of thousands of miles of heavy clouds, and the scorching sun burned the sky and covered the ground with scars. He turned into a naked body and burned everything in the world. This is the Red Emperor Zhu Rong!"

As the voice fell, Luo Lin's body began to change. The high temperature on his body burned the air, and a large number of flames outlined a strong image in the air.

The crimson flames are on the top of the head, as if the hair is flowing in the wind, and the eyes are also flames, and the raging fire is burning in it. The upper body is bare, and the strong abdominal muscles are also carved by Luo Lin, and the lower body is thick armor. He looks mighty and domineering, his body is full of burning flames.

Every move has great destructive power, Luo Lin used the ability in the form of Prometheus to transform himself into the Red Emperor Zhu Rong!

When Luo Lin turned into Zhu Rong, the Red Emperor, the Shandia people kneeling in the distance burst into tears and muttered to themselves: "The sun has come to save us! The sun has come to save us!"

The Sandia people stared at their eyes, and saw that Luo Lin easily took Enilo into the palm of Thor, and at the moment of contact, the real fire of the sun was attached to it, constantly devouring and burning Enil road thunder.

Luo Lin exerted force with his palm and crushed it directly.

"Boom!" With a sound, the thunder god that Enil turned into took a big step back. At this time, Enil was already thinking of retreating, but how could Luo Lin let him escape from his eyes smoothly?

"It's really weak! If you can't beat it, you want to escape. Do you think such a good thing will really happen?"

Luo Lin didn't want to let Enilo go at all. Although Enilo is quite old now and his plasticity is not so strong, but with his fruit ability alone, he can make Rollin feel sick.

So Rowling would never let Enilo escape.

Luo Lin controlled the form of the Red Emperor Zhurong, with his hands stretched forward, the flames condensed together, and a long flame knife shaped like Gan Wuzhuo appeared in Luo Lin's hand.

"The sun is really hot, let's bloom your power!"

The Sun's true fire sword intent was attached to the flaming long knife, Luo Lin held it up high, and all the auras were firmly locked on Ai Nilu, making it impossible for Ai Nilu to escape!

Chapter Two Hundred and Seven

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Turning into a red emperor, holding a long knife in his hand, the real fire of the sun is wrapped around like a snake, covered with a dark armed domineering color.

Luo Lin's armed domineering has reached LV.5, high-strength and high-density armed domineering, even if it is attached to the sword, the power will not drop a bit.

Holding the long knife high, Luo Lin slashed down from top to bottom, carrying the strong wind, and crushed towards Enilo.

The incomparable scorching sword energy made Enilu's face change. He wanted to touch Thor mode, but his heart network told him that no matter what actions he made, he couldn't escape from Luo Lin's attack.

Looking at the slashing sword energy that covered the sky and the sun, Enilu slowly closed his eyes, and muttered to himself: "Is this the power possessed by the legendary monster? Is this the real god?" ?”

"No! I'm not reconciled! I'm going to die anyway, it's better to fight! Even if I die, I will take him with me!"

Enilu turned his heart and forced his body to create more thunder, and a lot of physical strength was drawn away. Enilu only felt that his body was extremely heavy, and his body movements were all supported by his current consciousness .

The arm that was crushed before reappeared. Just from the appearance, this time Thor is more solid than before.

"Kusha! Go to hell!"

Enilu's body was covered with thunder, and the thunder rod in his hand kept waving, and a large number of thunder gathered in the hands of Thor.

Under Luo Lin's gaze, a long stick similar to the lightning rod in Enilo's hand appeared in Thor's hand.

The long stick swung, flashing with thunder, and slammed down towards the sword energy coming from the slashing.

In the next second, a deafening explosion came from the sky, and the people on the entire empty island could hear it clearly.

The Sandia nation looked up at the sky, watching this shocking scene, speechless for a long time.

Not far away, Ganfort also flew into the sky on his mount after realizing that something was wrong.

Looking at each other from a distance, Ganfur's eyes, which he couldn't see originally, suddenly opened, "Are there really gods in this world? Are those legendary myths true?"

In her room, Konis opened her mouth exaggeratedly, looking at everything in the sky in disbelief.

Gusts of wind blew against the windows, making a rumbling sound, which made Conis very worried whether the windows in her room would be blown to pieces by the wind.

It was under the subconscious protection of Luo Lin that it didn't affect Conis. In addition, Perona was next to Conis, so Luo Lin felt more at ease.

"Is this the power of the legendary evil Kusha? It's really terrifying!"

Conis subconsciously spoke her mind.

The moment she said it, she suddenly realized that Perona was still beside her, she quickly covered her mouth, and looked in Perona's direction.

However, at this time, Perona's eyes twinkled like little stars, and she looked at Luo Lin, who was transformed into the Red Emperor, in the distance.

Now she is looking at Luo Lin with adoring eyes.

I don't know what I was thinking in my heart, maybe I was too excited, I just saw that her face was a little rosy.

The sword intent wrapped in the real fire of the sun cut off the long staff that Anilu used to transform into thunder like a bamboo, and blasted on Anilu's chest with a bang.

Enilu gritted his teeth, his mouth was full of blood, his eyes were full of redness, he directly abandoned Thor, turned into a thunderbolt and flew towards Luo Lin!

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At this time, Enilo's body has already been overdrawn, and only the will in his mind is constantly persisting.

"This world should be destroyed, only the infinite land is eternal! Kusha! It's not me who is wrong! It's this world!"

A ferocious expression appeared on Enil's face, and it could be heard from his words that Enil was full of resentment towards the world from the very beginning.

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