"Sandians, I have known your worship of the sun since I was here. Because of this, I came here from a faraway place to help you find your homeland."

"Your hometown, the Island of the Gods, was also part of the former Gaya Island. It has been in the hands of the Sky Islanders for too long. It is time to take back your hometown."

"Whoever encounters the people of Sky Island who are swearing to die will kill without mercy! Anyone who surrenders and has no combat effectiveness, old men and children are not allowed to do anything, and they will be guarded, understand?"

"If you encounter hard problems, come to me, and I will make the decision for you!"

As he spoke, Rowling showed his iconic smile.

The eyes of the Shandia nation became brighter the more they listened. After Luo Lin finished speaking, he couldn't bear the joy in his heart, and immediately said to Luo Lin: "Sun God, I am waiting for the Sandia people to wait for you." Sent by God!"

The idea of ​​the war ghost Wayipa is very simple. Luo Lin possesses great strength and has shown a friendly attitude towards them. good idea.

At the very least, if people like Enilo appear again in the future, then they can rely on something, so as not to lose a lot of clansmen and important supplies.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With Luo Lin's support, the Sandia nation suddenly became "rampant".

Under the leadership of the war ghost Vaipa, Laqi, Mantis Kamakili, and Braham, several important combat forces of the Sandia people, led their subordinates to march towards the sacred place of Shandora.

Ganfur frowned in the army of the gods, and he had nothing to do with the menacing Shandia people.

He has seen the previous battles and the scene of destroying the world, and it is impossible for Ganfur to forget it in his life.

Moreover, the situation of the Sky Island people is not very good now. According to the news just now, Luo Lin is now standing behind the Sandia people. How could Ganfur not know what the Sandia people want to do.

But just because he knew, he would find it very difficult.

"If you want me to say that the sacred land belonged to the Sandia people four hundred years ago, it should be returned to them. It is the homeland of the Sandia people."

This is the best way Ganfort can come up with, that is to hand over the sacred place, Shandora, which is regarded as the holy place by all Sky Islanders!

But Ganfort's proposal was obviously not accepted by the public.

"Ganfur! You are no longer our leader, our god! And our god will never give up the sacred land of Shandora to those who only know violence."

"Yes! That's right, Ganfur! Even if we die in battle, we will never give up Shandora to those Sandias!"

"Sandians don't deserve to have a golden holy place like Sandora!"


Ganfort looked around and saw that none of them supported him, and he felt infinite sadness in his heart: He knew, he always knew, that Shandora had always been the hometown of the Shandiya people, and it was his ancestor. The gold in it is why they sent troops to occupy it and drive the Sandia out of it.

We are the invaders, we are the predators!

Ganfur has infinite condemnation of himself in his heart. If only he could strengthen his belief from the beginning and return Shandora to the Sandia, it would not be so far that he has no real power. Don't listen to yourself at all.

Holding his last heart, Ganfur said to the priests of Sky Island: "You really can't listen to the old man and return Shandora to the Sandia? If you insist on doing this, you will only give it to Sky Island Bring about a catastrophe!"

"A devastating disaster? Impossible! Ganfur! Shandora belongs to Sky Island from the beginning to the end. Ganfur, do you know why Enel dare not kill us? Because he knows Strength is absolutely impossible to defeat all Sky Islanders, so he..."

Just as the old pedant in front of Ganfur was speaking, Luo Lin's wild laughter came from outside. At the same time, a large number of Sandiyas surrounded the priests of Sky Island.

A priest is just a position, except for a very small number of priests who have combat effectiveness, most of the priests are basically old men.

"It's really ridiculous. It's obviously occupying other people's homes, occupying other people's hometowns, but you still have to say such righteous words. It's really disgusting." Luo Lin floated in the air, looking down at him The Sky Islander with wings said again: "Do you know why Enilo didn't do anything to kill you all? It's because he still has some feelings for Sky Island in his subconscious, so he can't bear it! But I won't! On the contrary, I hate Sky Island people very much, so, Vaipa, everyone present will not stay!"

Chapter two hundred and eleven

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

War ghost Wayipa was very excited when he heard Luo Lin's order, and looked at Luo Lin with even more admiration, and then said loudly to the priests: "How long! How long! Four hundred years! Sky Island people , you have persecuted us enough, driving us out of our homeland, is this something done by humans? Oh~ I forgot, you are Sky Islanders! What you have done to yourself Dirty things, only proud, never felt ashamed."

"Kill me!"



Following the order of the war ghost Vaipa, all the Sandiyas waved their sharp knives at them with red eyes.

For four hundred years, the people of Sky Island have occupied their hometown for four hundred years. Now, they are finally about to regain it. One can imagine the joy of the Sandia people.

Seeing the Hassandians rushing towards him in a menacing manner, all the priests were stunned except Ganfort who directly expressed his surrender, as if they couldn't believe what happened before them.

"We are the priests of the Kingdom of God, you dare to kill us!"

"Why don't you dare? They are all shameless old men who occupy other people's hometowns. I won't feel soft when I kill them!" War ghost Vaipa had a smirk on his face, raised his knife and dropped his hand, and the faces of all the priests were full of blood. Unwilling and unbelievable.

Soon, all the priests present were slaughtered, and Luo Lin directly breathed out karmic fire to burn them into nourishment.

The forces on the sky island were shuffled by Luo Lin in a short period of time, and the mass slaughter of priests was also spread to all parts of the sky island.

In the eyes of Sky Islanders, they have just escaped from the rule of Enilo, and then entered the rule of Luo Lin, and the image of Rollin is legendary in the eyes of Sky Islanders. Lu, Luo Lin's rule is even better. As the sun god, he is in the temple, and there are Sandia people who faithfully obey his orders.

In the temple, Rowling also discovered the proverbs of the ark.

The whole body of the Ark Proverbs is made of gold, which can convert electricity into power and fly in the sky. Its maneuverability is very powerful, and its length is about 500 meters longer than that of Rollin's Black Raven, which is far less than that seen in the original book. Small and exquisite, slightly larger than half of Noah, the boat of oath.

It is already the giant of the ship.

Rowling directly threw the modified Rubik's Cube that exploded from Enel before onto the top of the Ark Proverb, turning the power system of the Ark Proverb into a hybrid power system, no longer only driven by the store, even if it uses Rollin's flame Or water, the power cabin of the Ark Proverb can convert it into power to travel above the sky.

And in terms of combat equipment, Luo Lin is also not stingy, adding laser weapons directly, no, it is full!

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