Rowling added lasers to any suitable places that did not affect the aesthetics.

From this point of view, transforming the Rubik's Cube does not seem to be so useless, at least the offensive ability of Ark's Proverbs has indeed increased significantly.

Sitting on the golden throne, Luo Lin looked down at the crowd kneeling in front of him, and Perona stood beside him.

Rowling planned to stay here for a while, and only after the situation on the empty island became slightly stable, he would drive the Ark Proverb and continue his voyage.

It is impossible for him to stay on the empty island for a lifetime. For Luo Lin, the structure of the empty island is too early, but Luo Lin is still very satisfied with using it as his backup resource storage.

Chapter two hundred and twelve

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At night, after Luo Lin finished all the things of the day, Luo Lin asked Perona to let go of herself.

Floating out of Perona's arms, Luo Lin said to Perona: "It's about time, I think I should leave."

It has been about half a month since Luo Lin transferred his mental power to the Prometheus form. Although the holiday is still early, there are some things he hasn't finished yet, so he has to go back early to deal with them.

Perona looked at Luo Lin who was floating in the air. She naturally knew what Luo Lin meant. Tears flickered in those beautiful eyes, but Perona did not cry, but quietly looked at Luo Lin, facing Luo Lin nodded and said with a soft smile: "Well, Captain, you can go, if I miss you too much, I will call you."

Luo Lin gently spread his body, turned into a normal-temperature flame palm, and touched Perona's cheek: "Don't worry, I will come to see you as soon as I am free."

"Well, you must come and see me more."

After finishing speaking, Perona stuck out her tongue at Luo Lin, as if she didn't want to let the atmosphere of parting go away, Perona tried her best to pretend that she didn't feel sad.

Rollin didn't know what Perona was thinking, but some things really couldn't be delayed, otherwise, the effect Rollin wanted to achieve would not be achieved.

Withdrawing his spiritual power, Prometheus' original divine eyes gradually dimmed.

Looking at Prometheus who had returned to the on-hook mode, Perona didn't know why she didn't even have any thoughts.

"Sure enough, it's still comfortable for the captain to hold in his arms, otherwise, what's the difference from holding a puppet."

Although Perona liked dolls more before, but now Perona prefers her captain Rollin!It's just that in terms of things, it's not so easy to explain.

Pulling back the mental power from Prometheus, Rollin only felt that his spirit was very exhausted.

Now he is lying on a sun lounger in the garden, watching the maids training there, while little Ain is standing behind him, stepping on his back.

The petite body is only on Luo Lin's body, and it is really comfortable, neither light nor heavy, and the strength is just right for Luo Lin.

After all, there is still a small amount of mental power left, so Luo Lin is still very clear about what happened during these days.

Astia, who was exercising her physical strength, kept looking at her master from the corner of her eyes. For some reason, she felt that her master seemed to be a little more agile than before.

Sensing that Luo Lin's eyes were on her, Astia started exercising more seriously, wanting Luo Lin to praise her, and the four younger sisters behind her also thought the same.

How could Luo Lin not know about the small thoughts of the maid group, but Luo Lin still acted as if he hadn't seen it, after all, once there were too many compliments, it would be worthless.

Now they are still far from reaching the level that Luo Lin can praise.

With his eyes closed, Luo Lin enjoyed Ain's stepping on his back, and with his eyes closed, he allowed his spirit to get a relatively full rest.

"Little Ain, I may go out in a few days. During my absence, you and Astia must complete the tasks I assigned to you on time. Do you understand?"

"Understood, Master~"

Hearing Luo Lin's words, Ain immediately replied crisply, the voice fell comfortably in Luo Lin's ears.

Chapter two hundred and thirteen

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The next day, Luo Lin hugged little Ain and slept until dawn.

Ain's body is soft and waxy, very comfortable to hold.

Under the service of the maids, Luo Lin put on his clothes, and after eating in the restaurant, he came to the office of Warring States.

Knocking on the door, Luo Lin walked in. He hadn't been here since he returned from the last mission. Now it seems that the office still has some changes.

For example, there are more manuscripts on the table.

"Master Marshal, long time no see, I didn't expect you to be busier now."

Luo Lin sat on the opposite side of the Warring States without any politeness, crossed his legs, poured himself a cup of tea, sipped it lightly, and still had the same taste.

Zhan Guo didn't look up at Luo Lin, his eyes didn't leave the manuscript he was reviewing, and he said to Luo Lin: "Yeah, I don't look like you are a big idler, you still have a long time before the end of the holiday, now find What am I here for? Do you feel too free?"

Luo Lin immediately shook his head, waved his hand at Zhan Guo and said, "How is that possible? I still think the vacation is too short." Then, he took another sip of tea and said, "Master Marshal, I'm going to sea soon. Something, so I want to hand over Ain and the others to you to take care of them."

"Take care? How to take care of them? They are all your family members."

"Well~ It's also my fault that I didn't understand what I said. Marshal, it's like this. I plan to let them go to the training ground to train during the time I'm away, so as to accumulate more actual combat experience."

"Isn't this a good thing? What do I need to look after?"

Luo Lin shrugged, and said: "I'm afraid that they won't know the severity of their attacks, and they will hurt them. I don't have any extra money to pay them, so I want you, Marshal, to pay more attention to them. Don't let them They made a lot of noise."

Warring States: "Oh, I thought it was something. If I remember correctly, except for your apprentice Ain, the other five people should have only started practicing half a month ago. It's only half a month. It’s good to be good enough not to be bullied by others.” Zhan Guo felt that what he said was a bit harsh, and considering Luo Lin’s face, Zhan Guo said: “Okay, no problem, since you have said so, I will definitely look forward to it Theirs, even if they really hurt someone, it doesn't matter, I will take responsibility."

In the minds of the Warring States Period, their fighting power was simply not on the table.

May I ask, I have only practiced for half a month, what fighting power can I have?Just being able to completely control your body is not easy.

But what the Warring States didn't know was that during the past half month, although Luo Lin was on-hook, some A-level products that broke out in the system, Luo Lin used a lot of girls.

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