What Kaiyuan liquid, millennium stalactite, body quenching ointment, golden body medicinal bath... I don’t know how much I have used. The strength of the girls is definitely a roller coaster. If those ordinary people in the training ground can defeat the girls, Luo Lin felt that it was better for him not to live.

But that is absolutely impossible. Luo Lin is very confident about this. The only shortcoming of the girls nowadays is that they have little actual combat experience because they entered the country too quickly. It is still a bit dangerous to throw them on the battlefield, so Luo Lin I plan to take advantage of the time when I am away to let the girls have a good exercise.

Agreeing to Luo Lin's affairs, Zhan Guo didn't want to suffer any disadvantages, and when Luo Lin was about to leave, he said to Luo Lin: "By the way, Luo Lin, if you go to sea this time, if you make a way, go to the vicinity of Luodong Island to have a look. According to the news from the Navy Branch, something seems to have happened there, and there is some confusion, so go and have a look."

"Oh, let's talk on the way."

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Luo Lin didn't take Zhan Guo's words to heart, and said that he had cheated Zhan Guo, and was very happy in his heart. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he left the office.

He sailed alone towards Nine Snakes Island.

There is a ship spirit on the Black Crow, which can automatically navigate according to the permanent pointer, and the prediction of the weather can also be predicted in advance by combining with the equipment of the scientific army.

I am not afraid of encountering any messy and disgusting weather.

I still remember some times before, blood rained directly from the sky, directly dyeing everyone's clothes red, Luo Lin didn't think anything about it, but Ain and the others bought a bunch of clothes because of this incident , Said it was for a rainy day, which made Luo Lin very speechless, and kept sighing that this is a woman!

Oh, no, they are still children and have not yet reached the final step, so they cannot be called women for the time being~

Rollin went to Nine Snake Island this time to go to Hancock, to ask for interest, and to see what Hancock thinks by the way, which is quite important to Rollin.

After all, Hancock's strength is also very good. If he can control himself in his hands, it will definitely be a very good combat power.

Compared to controlling Hancock's body, Rowling wants to see if he can control Hancock's heart.

He wants to become the supreme person in Hancock's heart!

Starting from Marin Fando towards Nine Snakes Island, the distance is still a bit long. Being alone on the boat, Luo Lin will inevitably feel a little lonely, but it doesn't matter. Whenever he feels bored, he will switch his mental power, Go to Perona and feel the overwhelming happiness of Perona.

For three days, most of Rowling was active on the empty island in the form of Prometheus. It wasn't until the Black Raven came near Nine Snake Island that Rowling regained his mental power.

After adjusting his mental power back and forth during this period of time, Luo Lin felt that his mental power had increased a little, and he had become more proficient in using the domineering look. This is good news.

But what makes people speechless is that there is still a long way to go before the upgrade of Bawang color domineering. It seems that if you want to quickly upgrade Bawang color domineering, you can only start from the system.

Let the Black Crow stay casually near the Nine Snakes Island, Luo Lin used the speeding magic skill - Eight Gates Dunjia, with a golden red aura on his body, came to the Nine Snakes Island again, and then hid himself Shaped, walked towards the palace in the center of Nine Snake Island.

This time, there were figures on the street, all of them were women dressed in more personalized clothes. They were walking around the street arm in arm, looking at some handicrafts sold around them. From this place alone, it is hard to imagine that Nine Snakes Island is A kingdom of pirates.

In the resplendent palace, Hancock is taking a bath, his long hair hangs on his shoulders, and the fog is so thick that people can't see clearly.

This half-covered look makes Hancock look very mysterious.

Hancock leaned against the wall of the bathtub, his head bowed in thought, not knowing what he was thinking.

During this period of time, she has continuously exercised her abilities, not only the fruit ability, but also the strength of her body. Hancock has improved a lot. Compared with her before, she seems to be reborn.

Hancock feels that the current her can easily beat her before, "Rowling! Don't let me meet you again, or I will let you know what the word regret is for what you have done to me. written!"

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Hancock's voice echoed in the spacious bathroom, and Luo Lin's figure suddenly appeared in it. He stood behind Hancock and watched Hancock intentionally block the dragon's hooves behind him, so he couldn't help making a sound. Said: "Make me regret it? How do you want me to regret it?"

Rollin's voice was very small, but in Hancock's ears, it sounded like an explosion.

Her eyes flashed with infinite vigilance, and with a flash of figure, she appeared on the other side of the bathroom, distanced herself from Luo Lin.

She covered her body with her hands, her expression was extremely cautious, her muscles tensed slightly, she looked at Luo Lin and said, "Luo Lin! When exactly did you come here? How long have you been here?"

Rollin shrugged, looked at Hancock, his eyes were looking around, and he nodded from time to time, as if he was satisfied with something.

Hancock only felt that his cheeks were hot, even when he did something out of line last time, he was not so unbearable.

"I haven't been here for long. I planned to wait for you to take a shower before showing up quietly, but when I heard you talking about me suddenly, I couldn't help it for a while, so...hahahaha!"

When Hancock heard Rowling's words, he held the catkin tightly. Don't think too much, Rowling has definitely been here for a long time.

"It's okay, since you want to see it, then go for it."

Speaking of which, Hancock let go of his defenses, but his eyes were like beasts, looking at Rollin, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Oh~ are you thinking about it? It won't count as resistance in the future? It's meaningless." Luo Lin seemed to be very disappointed, with his eyes lowered and his expression a little sad.

"Luo Lin! Did you know that only dead people can keep secrets! Since you've been watching for so long, it doesn't matter if you watch it for a while, anyway, I'll kill you right now! Dead people can't speak!"

Rowling listened to Hancock's words and nodded frequently, he agreed with Hancock's point of view, "This sentence is correct, and I often say it, so from this point of view, you and I are very similar! "

"Like? I don't want to be like you! That will only make me sick!"

Hancock said fiercely to Rollin, at this moment she felt that she should be able to defeat Rollin, although she might pay some price, but that was not important, as long as she could beat Rollin.

Thinking of this, Hancock's domineering arrogance suddenly rushed out of his body, and the coercion like the sea pressed towards Luo Lin, overwhelming, which made people feel very frightened!

Luo Lin frowned slightly. Although he knew that Hancock would temper himself crazily during this period of time, what he didn't expect was that Hancock's overbearing arrogance would grow to this extent in a short period of time. kind of degree.

Is it because my presence irritates Hancock?Let Hancock take revenge as his main purpose, in order to strengthen his willpower, and greatly enhance the power of the domineering look. From this point of view, Hancock is really a genius!

The previous strength should be due to being too lazy, but now his appearance has already oppressed Hancock's nerves, forcing Hancock to start training himself.

"Very good, it is already very good to be able to temper the domineering arrogance to such an extent in a short period of time!"

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