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Rowling knows where his strengths are, and he doesn't plan to compete with Hancock in domineering arrogance. After all, he has self-knowledge, and his domineering aura is no match for Hancock.

But no matter how strong Hancock's domineering look is now, it is not as strong as the red hair that affects the essence. It is more of a feeling of oppression for Rowling, preventing him from exerting his full strength. Come.

But even if he was suppressed, Rollins was confident that he could easily crush Hancock.

"Hancock, you really don't cry until you see the coffin!"

Sighing, Rollin's figure disappeared before Hancock's eyes.

When Rowling's figure appeared again, he had already come behind Hancock, and he directly took Hancock into his arms, and Rowling whispered in Hancock's ear, "Don't you think so?" Because it was all my strength before, right?"

Before the words were finished, Luo Lin's figure disappeared. At the same time, the position where Luo Lin was standing just now had been petrified and shattered into slag.

Luo Lin's figure appeared above the bathing pool.

The bath is so big that even if you use moon steps on it, you won't feel stuck.

From this point of view, Hancock really enjoys it too much!This is something that even Luo Lin himself has never enjoyed!

But according to Rowling's prediction, after he finishes teaching Hancock, he should enjoy it.

A smirk appeared on Luo Lin's face, and he was very happy in his heart. He stretched out his hand and played lightly on the hilt of Gan Wuzhuo's sword.

The sound of "ding dong" echoed in the bath, making Hancock's heart sink gradually.

"This is impossible, why is your speed much faster than before!"

Hancock feels that the world is so strange at this moment. During this period of time, she has undergone hell-level training, just to kill Rollin with her own hands, but what she never expected was that Rollin's speed is faster than It was much faster than what I had seen before, and I didn't even notice myself and him.

"Oh~ you said before~ because you were too weak before, so I didn't use my full strength. After all, I was afraid of hurting you, so it wouldn't be fun. For a beauty like you, I'm not Very pitiful and precious!"

When Hancock heard Rollin's words, he felt extremely disgusted in his heart, and stared at Rollin with a pair of eyes full of hatred.

She didn't intend to give up yet. Since she couldn't detect Luo Lin's position with the naked eye, she used her knowledge and arrogance to capture Luo Lin's position.

"The color of knowledge and information is domineering!"

"Sweet and sweet!"

Hancock put his hands in a heart shape, and released a heart-shaped light from his hands, shining on Rollin.

But those who have a lustful heart and focus on themselves will be petrified by Hancock's move, which will greatly reduce their agility, and will eventually be crushed by Hancock.

Facing the pink heart-shaped light rushing towards him, Luo Lin smiled and didn't care, the speed suddenly doubled again, and he dodged to the side.

With my current speed, I think Hancock's knowledge and knowledge should not be able to catch me.

It's just that what Rollin didn't expect was that Hancock's sense of knowledge had also been greatly improved during this period of time. He directly captured Rollin's figure, and his finger lightly touched his lips, creating a small peach-colored heart shape. Matter, then used it as a bullet, aimed at Rollin with his finger as the muzzle, and shot directly.

"Kiss the gun!"

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With a sound of "咻", the heart-shaped "bullet" directly hit Luo Lin's chest, instantly petrifying Luo Lin's chest.

Hancock took advantage of the victory and pursued, kissing the gun and shooting at Rollin as if for free, making Rollin frown slightly, and Hancock's body was almost petrified when he didn't notice it for a moment.

At this moment, a smile finally appeared on Hancock's face, "You have seen my body and know my secret, I will send you to hell! Before petrifying your arm, you have nothing to do, but if I'll crush your heart too!"

Looking at Rollin whose body was almost petrified, Hancock walked towards Rollin, slowly pressing his fingers on Rollin's chest.

That playful look seemed to say: Hurry up and beg for mercy!

It's just that Hancock didn't hear Rollin's begging for mercy, and Hancock didn't even see even a trace of panic in Rollin's eyes.

"You are really not afraid that I will kill you!"

"Of course I'm not afraid! You will never do this!" Luo Lin said in a nonchalant manner. As for whether it will happen, Luo Lin knows in his heart that of course it will!Because Hancock's hatred for himself has been verified by the system, and it has reached an astonishing level of mortal hatred!

Hancock lowered his brows so that Rowling couldn't see what expression she had.

But it doesn't matter, the next action of Hancock shows her thoughts.

I saw Hancock's fingers lingering with black armed domineering, gently poking towards Rollin's chest.

He kept murmuring, "Luo Lin! Now keep your eyes wide open and take a good look. Death will gradually swallow you up, and there is nothing you can do. You can only wait for death to come."

Having said that, Hancock suddenly raised his head, his eyes filled with astonishing madness!

Hancock snapped, "It's all karma, Rollin!"


Accompanied by Hancock's coquettish drink, Rollin's petrified chest was directly shattered by Hancock, and the shattered stones fell from Rollin's chest to the ground and scattered all over the place.

Seeing Rowling's body turned into stone and crushed by himself, Hancock felt an indescribable joy!

"Luo Lin, this is what happens when you provoke me! End! End!"

Every time Hancock said a word, he would pull out his armed fingers and stab them into Rollin's chest.

Within a moment, a big hole was poked out in Luo Lin's chest.

Hancock looked at Rollin's 'miserable' look, and felt that the haze that had been pressing on his heart for a long time was completely removed.

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