Rollins reached out and stuck the brand repair card on Hancock's back.

I saw the brand repair card flashing bright light, the light covered the hoof of the dragon, and pulled it out directly from Hancock's body. Until then, there was nothing on the back, which looked quite pleasing to the eye.

"Sure enough, it looks very good like this."

Luo Lin seemed to be admiring a moving piece of beautiful jade, his eyes shone slightly.

Hancock also turned around, looked at his back from the corner of his eye, and touched it lightly with his hand. It was really smooth, not like it was branded on something before.

Hancock murmured, "It's really, really amazing."

"Okay, now let me brand my mark."

As he said that, Rowling showed a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and looked at Hancock with malicious intent.

Hancock's heart tightened, he turned around quickly, looked at Luo Lin vigilantly, and shouted sharply: "What do you want to do! It is absolutely impossible for me to let you do this! You don't know that you are branded It feels like that kind of unforgettable pain is something you will never forget in your whole life!"

"Yeah, it's because of this that I want to imprint on you. Only in this way can you be labeled as mine."

The corners of Luo Lin's mouth were drawn very long, reflected by the face that looked like a knife cut, his smile was very warm and sunny, and he was handsome.

But it fell into Hancock's eyes, it was purely the devil's smile.

He obviously just helped himself and removed the branding, but he wants to brand himself with his own pattern, this is definitely a devil!

"Hancock, I know you hate branding, but I don't feel relieved if I don't brand you. Just bear with it a little bit, but it hurts at first, and it will soon become comfortable."

A man's mouth, a liar.

Hancock believed that it was impossible for anyone to trust Rowling's words.

Seeing Hancock's expression of resistance, Rollins sighed and used his trump card.

"Hancock, if you agree, I can promise you a condition, such as killing the Celestial Dragon~"

When Rowling said this, his voice was very low, but in Hancock's ear, it exploded like a bomb in an instant!

"What did you say?"

"I said, if you agree, I can kill the Celestial Dragon."

The Celestial Dragon, that is Hancock's nightmare, if she had the chance, she would definitely kill the Celestial Dragon.

But the person in front of him is an admiral of the navy!

"You are an admiral. How could you do such a thing? You just want to trick me and let my body be marked with your mark! I will never be fooled."

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Rollin curled his lips when he heard Hancock's words. Rollin still wanted to imprint his own mark on Hancock.

After all, this is a very fulfilling thing!

Think of countless pirates and even other people's dream lover Hancock, but his body is imprinted with his own mark, and there is no way to resist his own orders, thinking about it day and night!

Luo Lin felt that this feeling would definitely make him obsessed.

"Hancock, do you not believe what I say?"

Hancock nodded.

"Then I swear by the way of the sword!"

Rollin's eyes narrowed slightly, with a dangerous gleam in his eyes. If Hancock still doesn't agree, Rollin plans to force it!

Hearing Rowling's words, an incredible light flashed in Hancock's eyes.

Regarding Rollin, Hancock has done a lot of homework during this period, knowing that Rollin's achievements in kendo are very impressive, and there are even rumors that Rollin's strength is similar to that of Hawkeye.

But Luo Lin's battle records so far are too few, and it is impossible to get accurate information.

But now that Luo Lin swears with the way of the sword, his credibility has increased tenfold in an instant.

Hancock looked into Rollin's eyes and thought for a long time, but Rollin didn't bother Hancock, just looked at her quietly.

From time to time, a scorching flame burst out from his hand. It was a flame born from the sword intent of the real fire of the sun. It was the flame that Luo Lin planned to use for branding.

It is this flame that is branded, and that one is really unforgettable, and it will never be forgotten!

Finally, Hancock seemed to have made a decision in his heart. He raised his eyes to look into Luo Lin's eyes, and said to Luo Lin in a deep voice: "As long as you can do it, what dare I not give it? When the time comes Whether it's my person or my heart, it's all yours! But I want to make the Tianlong people feel miserable! Let them have a terrible death!"

Seeing the flames of hatred constantly rising in Hancock's eyes, Rowling smiled happily, "A wise choice, I believe that in the future, you will not regret this choice, and if you even have a chance, I will I will catch you a few Celestial Dragons and let you deal with them yourself!"

The sense of accomplishment in Luo Lin's heart burst instantly, and his possessive desire was greatly satisfied.

From today onwards, Hancock can no longer escape from the palm of his hand.

I will be imprisoned by myself for the rest of my life, and become the banner of loyalty in my hands.

Rollin pulled out his own sword Gan Wuzhuo, covered by the real fire of the sun, the tip of the sword did not touch Hancock's delicate skin, but even so, a brand that belonged to Rollin was imprinted on it.

This brand did not reduce Hancock's charm, but suddenly added a little mystery to Hancock.

The pattern is a divine bird named the Three-legged Golden Crow!

The three-legged Golden Crow corresponds to Luo Lin's code name "Black Crow" and also represents the "sun", which in Luo Lin's opinion has a very good meaning.

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