Anyway, when I don't like it anymore, I can just remove the sword intent. After all, it is not burnt on. As long as Rollin is willing, the pattern on Hancock's back can be changed at will.

As Rowling said, except for the tingling at the beginning, Hancock only felt warm in his body at the moment, and he felt extremely comfortable!

This is equivalent to Rowling putting a shackle on Hancock. As long as Hancock dares to betray him, Rowling can detonate the sword intent behind Hancock at any time.

After all, Rowling doesn't trust anyone except himself.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Hancock was completely dealt with, Rollin took advantage of the darkness to leave Hydra Island, re-arrived on the Black Raven, and drove the Black Raven towards Alabasta.

Weiwei and Robin are the people Luo Lin values ​​most.

Weiwei is the princess of Alabasta, a descendant of the original Tianlong people, and the future heir of Alabasta, which is a good backer for Rollin.

And Robin, as a person who understands ancient languages, is even more important to Luo Lin. Whether it is translating the ancient Hades or other aspects, she must be asked to help.

Soon, under the full speed of the Black Raven, Rollin arrived in Alabasta.

Luo Lin didn't let the Black Raven sail directly into the port, but hid behind a mountain, and he opened the eight-door armor and sneaked into the palace.

At this moment, in the afternoon, the scorching sun was shining brightly, and the temperature was extremely high. People along the street were all wearing white cloth long clothes, and they lived tightly for fear of being burned.

However, Luo Lin is almost immune to high temperature. Relying on the memory of the last time, Luo Lin quickly found the room that belonged to Weiwei.

Attached to the window, Luo Lin didn't make a sound, but poked his head out to observe the things in the room.

I saw Weiwei holding a photo of herself in her hand. Judging from the cut marks, it should be cut from a newspaper, which happened to be one of the few full-body photos of herself.

Weiwei stayed under the quilt, Luo Lin was very curious, what was she doing under the quilt on such a hot day, looking at Weiwei's flushed little face, Luo Lin was very curious, isn't Weiwei hot? ?

Luo Lin thought about it, and realized that he really couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it. Maybe Weiwei just had a fever and a cold.

After all, the temperature difference between day and night in Alabasta is too great.

Thinking of this, Luo Lin left from the window, made a circle, avoided the eyes of the patrolling guards, and entered through the door.

Luo Lin originally planned to give Wei Wei a surprise, but what he never expected was that Wei Wei actually locked the door.

"It's good now, there are no more surprises."

Because of the sound Luo Lin made when he opened the door, Weiwei in the room was startled. She jumped up from the bed and opened the bed, as if to disperse the smell in the room. Speed ​​changed into a suit of clothes, and after putting the photo in his hand under his pillow, he trotted all the way to open the door.

Weiwei was extremely nervous at the moment, maybe it was her father who came to see her, and if she was doing that kind of thing just now, would her father find out.

I just feel that my heart is in a mess, but the more I don't open the door, the more suspicious I become.

Weiwei weighed two and three in her heart, and finally opened her door slowly.

It's just that the expected figure of the father did not appear, but Luo Lin appeared in front of him instead.

Weiwei rubbed her eyes, she felt that the way she opened them must be wrong, or because of what she did just now, she had hallucinations.

Thinking of this, Weiwei closed the door again.

This made Luo Lin, who was just about to say hello, instantly blocked.

Just when Luo Lin was about to knock on the door again, Weiwei opened the door.

She looked at Luo Lin standing at the door with a depressed face, and she was extremely excited, "Luo, Luo Lin! It's really you, I thought I was hallucinating just now!"

After all, Weiwei threw herself into Luo Lin's arms like a koala.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Luo Lin hugged Weiwei, walked into the room from the outside, closed the door gently, and then locked it with a "click".

Rubbing Weiwei's sky-blue hair, Luo Lin said, "Why did you open the door so slowly just now? And the little face is red, is it sick?"

Speaking, Luo Lin reached out and put his hand on Weiwei's forehead, then put it on his own forehead, felt the temperature, but found that there was nothing strange about it.

Weiwei lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Luo Lin. She couldn't say that she was doing something bad while looking at Luo Lin's photo. Then Luo Lin would think that she was a bad girl and thus dislike herself.

Before Luo Lin said anything, Weiwei made up a lot of things in her own brain, and began to worry whether Luo Lin would hate her.

It can be said to be licking dogs.

However, Luo Lin did not reject Weiwei like this.

Putting Weiwei gently on the bed, Luo Lin said to Weiwei: "I just happen to be free this time, so I set up a boat by myself and secretly came to see you. How are you doing? Be good or not?"

Lie in Luo Lin's arms, Weiwei nodded vigorously, and said, "Be good, Weiwei is very good."

At this time, Weiwei was in Luo Lin's arms, looking into Luo Lin's eyes, only felt that tears were rolling in her eyes.

She was really moved. Luo Lin actually took time out of his busy schedule to look at himself secretly. This feeling of being made up by "love" in his heart is really great.

"Ding, Weiwei was very happy and surprised because of the host's rhetoric, rating: S, obtained: Super Scumbag Handbook."

For the system's rewards, Luo Lin just wanted to roll his eyes, please, what does this mean?Call yourself a scumbag?How could it be possible, Luo Lin didn't feel that he was a scumbag at all, he was just giving care that others couldn't give them.

But this kind of thing, you can take a look at it in private, maybe it will be very useful.

Luo Lin thought badly in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

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