Luo Lin stayed in Weiwei's room, quietly listening to what Weiwei said about the situation in Alabasta during this period.

Weiwei definitely turned her elbows outward. No matter what Luo Lin asked, she said it without hesitation, and even told Luo Lin some royal secrets.

After getting the answer he wanted from Weiwei, Luo Lin and Weiwei made an appointment to meet each other next time, then they left the room, opened the Eight Door Dunjia and disappeared in place.

When Luo Lin's figure appeared again, he had already arrived in the rainy land.

This is Crocodile's territory, but Rowling is not interested in Crocodile at all, and he doesn't want to know what happened to Crocodile.

Concealing his own figure and aura, Luo Lin was like a land of no one, and no one could find him.

After quickly finding the room where Luo Lin and Robin met last time, Luo Lin sneaked in.

In Robin's room, the curtains are drawn all the year round, making it difficult to see the layout inside.

There was no difference between the whole room and the last time Luo Lin left. Perhaps the only difference was that there was an extra flower on Robin's desk.

From this flower, Luo Lin seemed to smell Robin's body fragrance, which was also the same smell.

I think this flower is Robin's favorite type.

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Luo Lin thought that Robin would be back soon, but he didn't expect that after waiting for four hours, it became dark in a blink of an eye.

Finally, after dark, Luo Lin finally heard the sound of footsteps outside the room, it was the collision of high heels with the ground.

There was a "click", the sound of a key opening the door.

I saw Robin's slender and slender figure, with prominent curves, walking in from the outside.

It's just that the moment he walked in, Robin noticed the breath in the room.

Robin's nervousness has been tense for many years, and she has developed a habit long ago. Subconsciously, Robin flung out a pink petal towards a corner of the room.

Luo Lin didn't hide his aura, so in an instant, he was locked by Robin's aura.

The petals were like flying knives, cutting through the air and flying towards Luo Lin.

Rowling was very satisfied with Robin's reaction. Only with such vigilance can he survive in this world better.

After all, this world is a world of the jungle!

Luo Lin stretched out his hand indifferently, covering Luo Lin's fingers in a domineering and lightly armed manner. With two fingers pinched, he easily blocked Robin's attack.

"Robin, it's me."

Luo Lin's voice echoed in Robin's ears. After hearing Luo Lin's voice, Robin immediately locked the door of the room without turning on the light. Put it on Rollins.

"My lord, it's so late, what do you want me to do?"

At first, Luo Lin thought it was nothing, but when he heard Robin's words, Luo Lin rolled his eyes, "You know it's very late, I've been waiting for you here since the afternoon, take a look Where is the moon now, for such a long time, do you think it’s easy for me~”

When Robin heard Luo Lin's words, he laughed lightly, and felt that the distance between the two of them had been shortened a lot in an instant.

Covering his mouth and laughing, in the dark room, Robin said to Luo Lin: "Go out and find a few people who don't know how to live or die, and test the recently developed ability."

Ever since Robin became a dual-fruit ability user with Luo Lin's help, he has attached great importance to the development of his own abilities.

After all, in Luo Lin's words, this is a world where the jungle preys on the weak. Only those with great strength can completely control their own destiny.

"Oh~ how far has the fruit been developed now? Are you awakened?"

Robin smiled wryly and said: "My lord, awakening is not so easy, not to mention that I still have two fruits. If I want to awaken, I must develop the abilities of these two fruits to the same level of proficiency and awaken at the same time. Simple, otherwise, the ability to awaken a fruit alone will suppress the ability to receive a fruit, and it will become very troublesome to awaken."

Luo Lin shrugged. After he gave Robin the fruit that exploded from the system, Luo Lin had already expected something, "Try to use the ability of a fruit outside, otherwise, once someone else finds out, it might be very dangerous. It's very troublesome, as long as Blackbeard becomes one of the Four Emperors, he can release his abilities."

Luo Lin's words stunned Robin. She looked at Luo Lin and said, "Who is Blackbeard? Why do you say he is the Four Emperors? Isn't the current Four Emperors Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom, and red hair?"

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Hearing Robin's question, Luo Lin didn't say much, but said to Robin, "Do you believe in fate?"

Hearing Luo Lin's words, Robin immediately let go of the doubts in his heart, and smiled at Luo Lin: "I believe, from the time the general appeared, I have believed that in fact, fate has always favored me. "

Robin said again: "My lord, can you tell me this time, what can I do for you?"

"What to do? You don't have to do anything, just develop your own abilities. You don't need to report to me when you want to do something. When I need you, I will come to you myself."

After finishing speaking, Luo Lin took out a white porcelain bottle from the storage space of the system. This porcelain bottle is small but very delicate. Even in this dark room, you can still see the brilliance of the bottle itself. .

"This is Kaiyuan Liquid. It is used to make up for your wasted talent. When you were a child, you wasted a lot of time in future survival, which also means that a lot of talent was wasted. Drinking this thing should be able to recover." It's almost there, I believe that your strength will increase rapidly again by then!"

Robin glanced at the porcelain bottle, then at Luo Lin, without hesitation, pulled off the lid, and drank it straight up.

Kaiyuan liquid is pure white, it smells nothing, after entering the mouth, it is like air, but after drinking it, the body is warm, and one can clearly feel a heat flow in the body The big cycle makes up for Robin's previously wasted talent.

As talent was constantly being lacked, Robin only felt that many of the places he was not proficient in before had become familiar.

Robin's eyes shone brightly, watching Luo Lin's high spirits.

"My lord, now I feel that my whole body is full of strength, can I practice my hands with you?"

Luo Lin smiled, stood up from his seat, came to the window, and said to Robin, "There's no need to practice your hands. It's already late, and I'm done with my work, so I'll go first."

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