They whispered under the arena: "This is the head maid of General Black Crow, who dares to challenge the ring, you must know that General Black Crow is famous for protecting weaknesses, if she is injured, it may be finished .”

"That's right, even if you really go up, who would dare to use your full strength."

"They are just maids, how much combat power can they have? I guess they will be beaten and cried if they are punched!"

"Maybe, General Black Crow just treats them like that. It's really hard to imagine that General Black Crow is such a person."



They tried their best to suppress their laughter, but even though their voices were quiet, they clearly reached Astia's ears.

Astia clenched her fists tightly. It doesn't matter if others laugh at her, but if it is used to damage the master's reputation, it is definitely not something that can be easily forgiven!

"Anyone who insults the master will die! You, you, you, and you, do the four of you dare to fight me?!"

Among the crowd, Astia pointed to four people one after another, and said to them with her beautiful eyes glaring.

I saw one of the people who was pointed out straightened his expression, and said to Astia: "We dare not fight with you, if one is not careful and beats you to the ground, that would be terrible." It's not fun, if the general is held accountable, that's not what I want."

"Fight to the ground, you really dare to think about it! As for the master, he will never pursue it. As long as it is a legitimate fight, do you dare? Or are you cowards!"

Hearing Astia's words, the navy soldier frowned instantly, and muttered, "Cut, she's just the general's maid, what an arrogance, her muscles don't seem to have any explosive power at all, she can have any fighting power, she's just flamboyant fists and embroidered legs. "

"You are still not a man, so what are you doing with the ink!" Astilo, who was behind Astia, yelled at the four people below the ring. Her temper was not as good as the other sisters, but a little bit more irritable.

The person below the ring blushed, and he was blushed by Astilo's words, "Okay, just don't cry when the time comes!"

As he said that, the man turned over directly from below and went up to the ring.

"I won't show mercy just because you belong to a general!"

"I don't need you to be merciful, because it's not certain who can fight who has been beaten!"

As soon as Astia finished speaking, the audience laughed again.

This made the girls very upset, and they looked at them even more unkindly.

"Astia, don't release the water. Master said that only by fighting with all your strength can you improve your strength faster."

Ain reminded from the side, obviously she was also very upset to see that male navy soldier!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chapter 1 3VS[-]

Astia nodded, stretched out one hand, and put the other behind her back, and her whole person's aura suddenly changed.

The navy soldier didn't notice the change in Astia's momentum, and laughed at her: "Hahahaha, what are you doing with this action? Are you letting me go? Let me tell you, I don't need you letting me go." Me, with my strength alone, I can beat you to tears!"

"I hope you can still laugh like you are now."

Astia said in a deep voice, and then stopped talking, waiting for the naval soldiers to attack.

The navy soldiers first observed Astia up and down according to the guidance of the counselor, trying to find the flaws in Astia.

But no matter how he looked at it, he felt that Astia was standing casually, with flaws all over his body!

Maybe he was really worrying too much, this woman is just a show.

Thinking of this, the navy soldier felt that everything made sense, moved his body, made a "clack clack" sound, and then rushed towards Astia quickly.

The fist was raised high, and it hit Astia's face.

The fist full of calluses looks very fierce, if it hits an ordinary girl's face, it will definitely disfigure her face!

But is Astia an ordinary girl?

Astia stepped forward with one step, and with a light push from the back of her hand, the strength of the navy soldier was instantly released to other places.

"Ah ah ah"

In the next second, the navy soldier felt dizzy and his stomach hurt so much that he yelled out on the ring, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

The miserable appearance made people sigh, and everyone was shocked!

They couldn't believe it at all that a woman who looked very ordinary and had no lethality could subdue that person with just one move.

And seeing that person's miserable appearance, everyone just felt their hearts twitch, secretly thinking that this woman is so cruel!

Astia and the others are Luo Lin's maid team, and they often approach Luo Lin. They even went to sea with Luo Lin before, and they can be regarded as people who have seen the world, and they are more or less contaminated with Luo Lin. habit.

For example, Luo Lin looked at the loser with disdain, which made the navy soldier very dissatisfied.

"Just now I was just careless, now I absolutely... poof!"

Before the navy soldier could finish speaking, Astia's leg kicked out directly, kicking him hard in the abdomen.

Let him spit out blood again, and then passed out like this.

The lights shone on the ring, illuminating Astia's figure to look taller and taller.

The navy below the ring no longer dared to treat her as an ordinary maid.

"How come, Brother Hu, he is in the hands of that woman, and he has no power to fight back at all. How did that woman defeat Brother Hu just now? He is the team leader of the No. 12 training camp, and he was given so easily. Killed."

"Is this the group of maids next to the general? It looks so weak!"

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