"Is this a fruit ability? Or is it simply a fighting technique?"


In the dark night, Astia's attacking speed was too fast, and many people whose strength was below a certain level couldn't understand what was going on at all, so they could only stare in front of them in a daze, wide-eyed.

Seeing that the navy soldier passed out completely, Astia said to the remaining three people: "You three come up too, I will fight you three alone!"

Chapter 1 3VS[-]

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"Bang bang bang!"

Three voices sounded in succession, and the three people who had just climbed onto the ring were hit by each of Astia's palms, and they were sent flying!

Everyone stared at the scene in front of them.

"This is too scary!"

"Could it be that the general is surrounded by such monsters?"

"I've never heard of it before."

"Is it because you are by the general's side, so the attention is not high?"


Astia's shot this time directly shocked everyone present, especially the four Hu brothers who were very arrogant just now, and now they can only moan on the ground in pain, tears falling straight down.

I was really beaten to tears by a woman from Astia!

And this news didn't know what happened, but it was known by Zhan Guo who was working in the office.

"Why did such a thing happen? Okay, I see, I'll go there now."

Originally, Zhan Guo was not interested in the competition at the training ground, but after hearing that it was the black crow's maid team, Zhan Guo changed his mind, left the office, and walked towards the training ground.

On the way, Sengoku also met Garp, watching Garp leisurely walking out of his office, Sengoku knew that Garp was definitely lazy, maybe he slept in the office all day today .

Karp also saw Zhan Guo, and greeted Zhan Guo: "Hey, isn't this Zhan Guo? Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Zhan Guo glanced at Garp, walked forward quickly, and said at the same time: "I promised Luo Lin to take care of his family. Now his maid team and apprentices are in the ring. It is said that someone has been injured."

"Injured? This is terrible. You must know that Luo Lin is an extremely defensive person. If he knows that his maid team has been injured, he will definitely be very angry. If it happens It would be fun if something happened.”

Thinking of Rollin's unknown power, Garp felt dizzy for a while. He had fought with Rollin many times, but each time, Rollin seemed to be hiding behind him, always surprising Garp.

Because it wasn't a life-and-death battle, Garp didn't use his full strength, so until now, Garp didn't know the true strength of Rollins.

Sengoku knew Garp's worry, but he shook his head and said, "It's not Luo Lin's maid team that was injured, but others."

"Oh~ this is interesting~ Is it in the ring? I'll go and see it with you."

Warring States did not speak, as if to say whatever you want.

Garp snickered, followed behind Sengoku, and then quietly took out a senbei from his arms, which he slipped out of Sengoku's office before.

Hearing the sound of eating behind him, Zhan Guo's already depressed mood became even more depressed.

"The Warring States Marshal is here!"

"Even the hero Garp is here!"

"I didn't expect it to be so late, and the two adults haven't left work yet. It's really admirable."


Hearing everyone's praise, Garp nodded his head in agreement, shamelessly agreeing with what the people around him said.

For Karp's behavior, Warring States only felt that he was popular, and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

With everyone spontaneously giving way, the two quickly came to the bottom of the ring.

At this time, Astia stepped off and was replaced by the youngest sister, Astir.

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Astil was only twelve years old, and she was one of the youngest sisters among the five sisters. She was also the same age as Astilian.

Astil was a little timid standing on the ring, but thinking of what Luo Lin said to them before he left, Astil secretly cheered himself up in his heart.

"Anyone of you wants to challenge me? I'm very weak, just to experience the feeling of fighting."

Astil stood on the ring and said softly.

Warring States and Garp shook their heads insignificantly. In their opinion, Astil's character was too soft, and at this age, he shouldn't have much fighting power.

Zhan Guo pointed at someone at random, and said to the navy soldier, "You, go up, be careful, don't hurt her."

"Yes, Master Marshal."

The navy soldiers received the order, made a military salute, and then came to the ring.

He didn't want to go, after all, Astir's age is here, unlike Astia, even if he defeats Astir, he won't have any sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"I will attack carefully, little sister."

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