"Don't call me little sister, it's disgusting."

Astil's voice was still soft and weak, but his eyes became a little gloomy.

Looking at the navy soldiers was very uncomfortable.

The battle begins!

Astil's figure disappeared from the sight of the naval soldiers in an instant. Sengoku and Karp below the ring were stunned for a moment. When Astil's petite figure reappeared, it had already arrived behind the naval soldiers.

The tender white fist was slightly tucked in his waist, and he struck out violently, the sound of air cracking resounded throughout the audience.

In the next second, I saw that navy soldier flying out of the ring, also spitting out a large amount of blood from his mouth, fell to the ground and passed out directly.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at all this, and couldn't believe that a little girl could do it.

This move was too straightforward and neat, even among well-trained naval soldiers, they might not be able to have the decisiveness of this little girl.

"No, come here! Hurry up and send that soldier to the medical department, and he must be treated properly."

This is the person appointed by Zhan Guo, and he must save him safely, and not let him ruin his future, otherwise, Zhan Guo will feel guilty.

At the same time, Zhan Guo remembered what Luo Lin said to him before he left, and asked him to help take care of his family.

Now, Sengoku finally knows what Luo Lin means!

Garp was next to him, also a little shocked, "The trick just now was to shave. She can use shaving at such a young age. I think this little girl's physical strength is not inferior to those of adults. With her strength alone, He has already reached the level of a reserve lieutenant general."

Zhan Guo clutched his forehead, only feeling a headache.

Karp snickered aside, watching the excitement.

"Bring me the phone bug."

Zhan Guo gave an order to the soldier standing aside, and after a while the soldier came to Zhan Guo with a phone bug in his hand.

Zhan Guo entered a series of phone bug passwords and called Luo Lin.

At this time, on the endless sea, the moonlight shone on the sea surface, covering the sea surface with a mysterious atmosphere, and the Black Crow was sailing towards Luodong Island.

Luo Lin was in his sleep, and was suddenly awakened by the sound of a phone bug.

"Blu blu blu~"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hey, Marshal, call me so late, is there something important?"

Luo Lin looked through the window at the pitch-black night sky, and his eyes flashed unhappily.

When Zhan Guo heard Luo Lin's words, he naturally felt that Luo Lin was in a bad mood. It was indeed a bit late now. According to Zhan Guo's understanding, Luo Lin was a good young man who went to bed on time. He wanted to be disturbed by his phone bug. sleep it.

"It's like this, Luo Lin, your family members..."

"What's wrong with them? Are they injured?" Luo Lin's expression changed, and the murderous aura on his body shot straight into the sky, adding a touch of darkness to the already black night sky.

Warring States naturally knew the character of Luo Lin's short-sightedness. He was quite troubled by this, and quickly explained: "No, they are all fine and none of them were injured, and their strength is quite good. This is also something I am very curious about. In this short period of half a month, how did you train them? You actually allowed them to reach the level of a reserve lieutenant general or even a lieutenant general in such a short period of time!"

Hearing what Zhan Guo said, the corners of Luo Lin's mouth twitched slightly, and he said to Zhan Guo through the phone: "Maybe it's because I have a discerning eye, and I happened to discover their talents, so I taught them a little bit."

"Really..." Zhan Guo hesitated to speak, he would never believe Luo Lin's words, if there were only one or two people with such talent, it would be fine, this time there would be five people, and one talent The stronger one became Luo Lin's apprentice, why didn't the Warring States think about it.

Maybe Rowling really has some special training method.

"Rowling, I want to grant them the position of lieutenant general..."

Before Zhan Guo finished speaking, Luo Lin's gloomy voice came to Zhan Guo's ears: "Do you mean that they are under my control? Forget it, I don't want to take care of this matter, you can directly ask them That's it, I'm going to sleep first."

After speaking, Luo Lin hung up the phone, his eyes flickered with an unknown look, and then he closed his eyes and began to sleep.

Not long after Luo Lin closed his eyes, commotion came from outside the ship.

Opening his eyes suddenly, Luo Lin said viciously: "It's very rude to disturb others' sleep, prepare to die!"

Outside the boat, the waves are rough. If you look carefully through the sea surface, you can see many ordinary fish with red eyes. They are constantly hitting the bottom of the boat with their heads.

The blood kept flowing out, and the sea was dyed red in a short while. In the dark night, it looked like black and red blood, which looked quite oozing.

"What the hell happened here?"

Luo Lin has been in One Piece World for a long time, and this is the first time he has seen this kind of scene, and according to his memory, it seems that this kind of scene has never appeared in the original book.

"Master, now we have entered the waters of Luodong Island."

"Luodong Island~" Luo Lin pondered, and said, "Is this the weird thing that happened on Luodong Island?"

Pulling out Gan Wuzhuo from his back, Luo Lin held up the long knife and slid down from the air. This sword exuded a cold sword aura like a fierce ghost seeking his life.

"Polaris Rhapsody!"

The monstrous sword force pressed on the sea surface, and the sea surface seemed to explode. Countless blood splashed from the sky, and the scene like a rain of blood made Luo Lin feel better.

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It's just that this is not over yet, a large amount of blood spread in the sea water, attracting more fish, and even some sea kings were attracted by the blood.

"Please, it's nighttime, I can't even get excited!"

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