Luo Lin muttered to himself, and there was a frightening aura attached to Gan Wuzhuo in his hand.

"Let's solve it once and for all!"

After all, Luo Lin's figure disappeared from the deck, and when he reappeared, he had already reached the surface of the sea.

The sea was turbulent, and Luo Lin was not afraid at all. Gan Wuzhuo fell straight down, and the sharp blade was directly inserted into the sea.

"Death Song Confession!"

I saw that the body of Gan Wuzhuo's sword was covered with bone-chilling cold, and the dense white air was acting recklessly in the sea water. In the blink of an eye, with the Black Crow as the center, the sea water in a radius of ten miles was completely frozen by Luo Lin.

"Be careful. After the ice melts, don't let the hull get hurt. If there are still such irrational fish, you can stay farther away."

The ship spirit on the Black Raven said in Luo Lin's mind: "Master, I understand."

Hearing the response from the Black Raven, Luo Lin nodded, opened the eight-door armor, and flew straight towards Luodong Island.

A golden-red figure streaked across the air.

From the sky, there is no difference between Luodong Island and ordinary small islands, even compared to Gaya Island, the vegetation is more lush.

But it seems that the lushness is a bit too much!

As Luo Lin got closer to Luodong Island, he found that the weeds on Luodong Island were more than two meters high, which was simply unheard of.

Perhaps there are islands similar to this on the great waterway, but now, Luo Lin is still shocked by the savage growth in front of him.

"Is this the power of nature, or man-made power..."

Luo Lin looked at Luodong Island and felt the situation on Luodong Island.

According to the perception of knowledge, Luo Lin can perceive that there are many wild animals on the island, but their emotions are still not very stable.

They're either alone or fighting, no animal is normal.

It looks really unbelievable.

The whole island is filled with weirdness.

Luo Lin retracted Gan Wuzhuo into the scabbard, and walked towards the center of the island.

"Let me reveal the mystery of this island!"

The corners of Luo Lin's mouth curled up slightly, and all the bad emotions of being disturbed from sleep were all left behind by Luo Lin, and all his attention was placed on the island.

Every few steps Luo Lin took, he sensed hostility from the perception in his knowledge.

It was a snake with red eyes, and it spit out its own snake letter, as if it was about to move there.

At night, the snake also woke up from sleep and started its own predation, and its first target was Luo Lin!

In this regard, Luo Lin didn't pay attention to this poisonous snake at all. Did he really treat him as an ordinary person?

With a flick of his finger, a sword qi was released from Luo Lin's body, directly cutting the poisonous snake in half, and the stench filled the air.

"What happened on Luodong Island?"

As Luo Lin continued to go deeper into Luodong Island, along the way, he was attacked by many animals and beasts, and he also saw the corpses of many beasts, which made him feel more and more that there must be some ulterior secrets on this island.

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However, with this thought in mind, Luo Lin wandered around Luodong Island all night until the sun rose from the east.

Except for the runaway beasts, I have never seen anything else.

"Could it be that the nature of the island has changed, so these wild beasts are allowed to run wild? Or is there some incentive on this island that makes these wild beasts so violent."

While thinking this way, Luo Lin casually killed another tiger.

This tiger is not small, three meters tall, but in front of Luo Lin, it is so vulnerable.

Time flies, Luo Lin opened the Eight Door Dunjia and quickly searched for suspicious traces on the island.

But no matter how you look at it, apart from the violent beasts with different sizes, there are only those wild grasses and trees left!

There is simply nothing worth investigating.

"Forget it, let's go, anyway, I came this time, and when I go back, I can just talk to the Warring States." Luo Lin sighed again: "I thought there might be some unexpected gains this time, I never imagined that so much time was wasted, how good it would be if I used this time to sleep!"

Thinking of this, Luo Lin stretched his waist and looked at the slightly cloudy sky.

Suddenly, Luo Lin frowned, and there seemed to be something wrong with the sky.

It seems that there is something on his head that blocks the sunlight.

It must be noon now.

Thinking that he had been busy all night and hadn't found anything worth investigating, Luo Lin took the last chance and opened the Eight-door Dunjia Formation.

His legs bent slightly, and he leaped vigorously, turning into an afterimage and flying towards the sky.

While flying into the sky, Luo Lin saw the red powder falling from the sky, the corners of Luo Lin's mouth slightly turned up, and he thought to himself: Sure enough, there is a situation in the sky!

Gan Wuzhuo pulled it out, and slashed out a few sword qi casually, the sword qi was bitter and the wind continued.

Not a single bit of red powder fell on Luo Lin's body, protecting Luo Lin to the high altitude.

High above the sky, Luodong Island had become the size of a palm, and the sun finally fell on Luo Lin's face without any hindrance.

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