Feeling the warmth of the sun, Luo Lin squinted his eyes and looked at the island floating in front of him.

No, it should be a group of islands. There are five islands floating in the air, with various buildings on them, which look quite exotic.

"The island in the middle is the largest, and the person who wants to be in power should be on this island, and the buildings on the island slightly to the side of the central island look like a research institute. As for the other three islands, they look like Like a normal living quarter."

"The research institute, the floating island, I think I already know who this is. Isn't this the Golden Lion Shiji who just escaped from the submarine prison thirteen years before he joined the admiral! Really no Thinking of the once invincible big pirate, actually doing some messy experiments here, it looks really no different from retirement."

Luo Lin murmured that he had found the culprit that caused the change in Luodong Island. Luo Lin was very happy in his heart, and what made Luo Lin even more happy was that he found the legendary golden lion Shiji!

If I threw his head in front of Zhan Guo and let him see the miserable appearance of this "old friend", I don't know what good things will come out!

Thinking of this, Rowling smirked.

Two hundred and thirty-three chapters of golden lion Shiji

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Luo Lin's fingers lightly tapped on Gan Wuzhuo's sword hilt, and it could be seen that Luo Lin was really happy.

Thinking of this, Luo Lin's figure flickered, and at the same time he tried his best to hide his aura, and flew towards the research institute.

He is very interested in the SIQ researched by Indigo, the subordinate of Golden Lion Shiji. In Rollin's impression, this technique is very similar to the bite in Mermaid Island.

They are all drugs that can greatly increase the strength of the user.

Maybe I can ask those researchers to study the similarities between the two.

After all, this kind of food can bring a lot of help to Luo Lin in the future. Of course, Luo Lin will never eat this kind of food, and the people close to him will never let them eat it.

Luo Lin soon arrived near the research institute. There were no people near the research institute, but many plants were bred there.

This plant Rowling knows what it is called - IQ grass!

As the name suggests, this is the raw material for making SIQ.

Indigo, the subordinate of Golden Lion Shiji, extracted the DNA from the IQ grass and added other materials to generate SIQ!From a certain point of view, SIQ's research and development capabilities are also very strong.

It would be great if it could be used by him, Luo Lin secretly thought in his heart.

Luo Lin stepped on the island and felt the sense of solidity from the island, making Luo Lin nod his head.

He concealed his breath, but he didn't hide his figure, so he walked into the research institute so openly.

Looking at the things displayed in the research institute, Luo Lin observed very curiously.

There are all kinds of corpses in the research institute, their eyes are closed in the nutrient solution, and all kinds of tubes are connected to their bodies, which looks quite infiltrating.

It seems to be doing some kind of debugging.

The above value kept changing and fluctuating, but Rollin couldn't understand it at all.

Sure enough, this thing is still specialized in surgery!Luo Lin thought secretly in his heart.

Soon, Luo Lin came to the end of the research institute. Luo Lin put his hand on the hilt of the sword and held his fingers, and then walked towards the closed door of the research institute.

The door opened, and as far as his eyes could see, Luo Lin only saw a man with blue hair, similar to an afro, and a scarf around his neck, who was fiddling with the medicine measuring bottle in his hand.

Come to think of it, this person is Indigo, the subordinate of Golden Lion Shiji!

Having found the target, Luo Lin was unambiguous, pulled out Gan Wuzhuo, drew a perfect arc in the air, and landed lightly on Indigo's neck.

Indigo stopped working, turned his head slowly, and tilted his neck.

He didn't speak, the whole person seemed to be acting in a mime, every movement represented a different language.

Rollin didn't fall for Indigo's trap at all, but he knew that this was just Indigo's bad taste!

"It's useless to talk too much, I'll give you three seconds, do you want to leave the Golden Lion and join me!"

Luo Lin looked down at Indigo, with Gan Wuzhuo in his hand gleaming coldly.

Indigo's eyes narrowed, and he slowly put down the test tube in his hand, suddenly!Indigo looked up, madness in his eyes!

"Kalkal! Kerakal!"

Ugly laughter echoed in the research institute, and Indigo laughed loudly: "Whoever wants to join you, you must know that I am a member of the Golden Lion Shiji! He is a legendary big pirate! Follow him! The one who follows you is strong!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Indigo raised his hands, and a few more cans of reagents suddenly appeared in his hands. This is Indigo's chemical magic!

"Don't want to? Forget it, why do you want to do it? If you dare to do it to me, then I'm sorry!" Luo Lin smiled, and the cold light above Gan Wuzhuo's blade was like a cold light!

Indigo's head fell to the ground. He didn't even know how he died. The frightened expression combined with the blood water like a fountain seemed to say: "How could you have such strength."

"In this world where the jungle preys on the strong, it is really sad for people without strength!"

Rollin shrugged. Without Indigo's interruption, Rollin strolled in the research institute, looked at the stacks of materials in the institute, and received them all into the system's storage space.

"Okay, let's move your body now, as preparation for fighting the golden lion later."

Luo Lin shook his body, squeezed his shoulders and hammered his legs, "Singing Serenade!"

The sword energy silently turned into a silver thread, drawing a small cut on the small island.

Shi Ji, the golden lion on the central island, only felt a little uneasy, as if something was about to happen, and in the next second, he felt the source of this feeling.

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