The sword energy was turbulent, soaring upwards, the sky was dyed golden red, and the entire island was cut in half by Luo Lin.

The small island instantly lost the ability to float in the air, and slowly fell from the air, and the soil on the island turned into rain and floated in the air.

If there is no accident, Luodong Island should be over.

It's just that all of them are runaway beasts, which are of no value to Luo Lin, and keeping them is a disaster, so it's better to just destroy them like this.

Thinking this way, Luo Lin didn't use his sword to stop him. Turning this small island into powder was really tiring, and the most important thing was that there was no benefit.

Luo Lin used moon steps to maintain his stability in the air.

Looking at the central island, waiting for the arrival of the golden lion Shiji.

The golden lion Shiji realized that his ability was disconnected from a small island, which was still the most important scientific research island, and the anger in his heart was suddenly ignited.

He was furious, and the long golden hair on his body was like a lion's mane, constantly stirring, which was enough to see the monstrous anger of the golden lion Shi Ke.

"Which short-sighted person dares to provoke me, the Golden Lion Shiji!"

The golden lion Shiji roared in the central island, the sound was so loud that even Luo Lin, who was floating in the air, could hear it clearly.

I saw a strong man wearing traditional Japanese clothes with orange and yellow stripes, dragging the floor-length blond hair, standing on the rudder of a boat, and a man with two famous swords on his legs appeared in front of Luo Lin.

That face is like a golden lion, just by that appearance alone, it can frighten many pirates and even the navy if you think about it.

"Flying Pirates, Golden Lion Shiji, seeing is believing, what you look like now is really too funny, it's really hard to believe that you are the one who pushed Roger the Pirate King into a desperate situation. "

Luo Lin's words reached Golden Lion's ears lightly, and these words directly ignited Golden Lion's violent temper.

"Little devil! Tell your origin, I will not kill the unknown!"

"I'm just a navy." When he said this, Luo Lin suddenly realized that he didn't seem to be wearing a navy uniform. No wonder Indigo wasn't shocked. Maybe he thought it was just a demon that ate and could fly. Fruit ability user, I think it's not the first time this kind of thing happened.

Chapter two hundred and thirty five

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After all, I am here on vacation. What kind of navy uniform should I wear? Luo Lin thought to himself and said to the golden lion, "The position in the navy is just that of an admiral."

"Jie ha ha ha ha! It's really ridiculous. Since I was born, I knew that there were only three generals in the navy. I've never heard of a fourth. If I remember correctly, the current admiral of the navy should be Aokiji , Yellow Ape and Red Dog, as for you! Who are you! I don’t know you!”

The golden lion Shiji's hair that hangs down to the ground flutters in the wind. He doesn't believe what Luo Lin said at all. He looks past Luo Lin and looks at the collapsing island behind him. Are you a great swordsman? Forget it, no matter what your strength is, since you dare to attack me, then be prepared to be smashed to pieces!"

The golden lion Shiji's eyebrows were downcast, and an angry expression was on his face.

"Chop!" With the murmur of the golden lion Shiji, the famous sword on his feet kicked out a huge sword aura, which was powerful enough to cut hundreds of kilometers of sea, and rushed towards Luo Lin.

With a contemptuous smile on Luo Lin's face, Gan Wuzhuo appeared in Luo Lin's hands at some point, "Golden Lion, have you always looked down on your enemies so much? No wonder you were so arrogant and alone It is really embarrassing to attack Marin Fando and be caught in the deep sea prison, hahahahahaha!"

Luo Lin laughed loudly, and Gan Wuzhuo slashed down, easily chopping the chopping waves sent by the golden lion Shiji, and the turbulent wind caused by the sword energy blew Luo Lin's long hair like ink.

With the blade horizontally placed on his chest, his whole body was like an arrow leaving the string, which put tremendous pressure on the golden lion Shiji.

"Supreme Great Swordsman High Rank!"

Although Golden Lion Shiji was very proud, his experience was still very strong. When he saw Luo Lin's slash just now, he instantly realized Luo Lin's level of swordsmanship.

"Ding, the Golden Lion History gene host's sword practice is shocking, evaluation: SSS, obtained: third-level domineering domineering! The sense of oppression on people is even stronger, and it has a faint effect that affects the essence."

The electronic sound of the system sounded in Luo Lin's mind, and joy flashed in Luo Lin's eyes.

It's finally here!Domineering color domineering!

The third-level overlord-like arrogance enriched Luo Lin's background, so that he would not feel overwhelmed when he met those with outstanding overlord-like abilities in the future.

"Golden Lion, if I remember correctly, you should also be a great swordsman, it's a pity."

"What a pity! There is nothing to be sorry about!" Golden Lion Shiji's expression became very embarrassing, and Luo Lin's words were like a sharp sword, directly piercing the most unbearable part of Golden Lion's heart.

He used to be a domineering party! The two famous swords "Sakura Ten" and "Muku" are in his hands, showing their power in the sea!Just relying on his high-level level of the supreme swordsman at the beginning, he could cause countless people headaches, and his superb fruit ability also established his status.

It's just that when he escaped from the big prison under the sea, his legs were cut off by himself. Even if he connected them with two famous swords, his agility dropped a lot, which made him recover from the high-level battle of the Supreme Great Swordsman. strength, directly fell to the first level of Supreme Great Swordsman.

but!even so!

"I! The captain of the Flying Pirates, the admiral of the Golden Lion Pirates fleet, is a legendary pirate who was once as famous as Gore D. Roger and "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate. You brat I'm going to die!"

The voice of the golden lion reverberated in the air, and the fluttering fruit ability was activated, and the island that had been falling down before was controlled by the golden lion, "Lion's Might Land Scroll!"

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The golden lion used the ability of the fluttering fruit to pull up the falling island not far away, turned into multiple lion-head-shaped soil, and then rolled towards Luo Lin.

Each lion's head looks very intimidating, and even the sideburns are vividly carved by the golden lion Shiji.

Luo Lin's poisonous snake skill activated: "Golden Lion, if you become a sculptor, you will be even more successful than you are now!"

"I'm a man who wants to dominate the world! Nishine!"

With the roar of the golden lion Shiji, the dozen or so lion heads came to life immediately, and kept rushing towards Luo Lin.

Luo Lin swung Gan Wuzhuo quickly in his hand, and the sword energy filled the air - waltz!

The sword energy that filled the sky turned many lion heads into powder, and under the gust of wind, they dissipated in the sky in an instant.

The golden lion didn't give Luo Lin any time to breathe, and the figure appeared behind Luo Lin, "Lion Thousand Cut Valley!"

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