This move is an upgraded version of chopping, its lethality and penetrating power are several times stronger than chopping, it can easily split the sword energy in the thick water area, and scrape straight towards Luo Lin.


The moment Luo Lin turned around, the sword energy struck Luo Lin's chest.

Luo Lin squinted his eyes, the pain didn't make him cry out, the smile on his face was still there, and his gaze towards the golden lion was more like looking at a dead person.

"People who practice the way of the sword! Getting hurt on the back is a disgrace!"

Before the words fell, the wound on Luo Lin's chest had recovered to its original state, and the strength of the Sword God's blood was undoubtedly revealed at this time.

This is also the reason why Luo Lin dared to be so big, because the blessing brought by the blood of the Sword God is really too great!

Nearly unlimited physical strength, quick recovery, storage of sword energy, and the bearing and comprehension of sword intent, it is like a fighting machine without weaknesses. At present, Luo Lin has not thought about what kind of ability he has. , in order to completely kill yourself.

But Luo Lin knew that the golden lion didn't have this ability!

Luo Lin tore up the clothes on his body that had been cut by the sword energy, revealing his strong and strong upper body. There was not a single scar on his body, and he looked very smooth, not at all like a person who had experienced battle.

"Animal fruit awakening ability?" Golden Lion Shiji expressed the biggest doubt in his heart. Regarding Luo Lin's speed of reply, apart from this explanation, Golden Lion Shiji couldn't think of anything else.

"I'm sorry~ I'm not a person with animal fruit ability, but I don't even have the ability to eat fruit."

"Impossible! Since you haven't eaten the fruit ability, how did you manage to recover so quickly?"

Golden Lion Shiji didn't believe Luo Lin's words at all, and was even thinking whether Luo Lin was hiding his clumsiness, and then gave himself a blow in the head when the time came!

Rowling didn't give any explanation for the Golden Lion's thoughts.

Luo Lin's body was facing outwards, in the shape of grasping.

Seeing Luo Lin's action, the golden lion concentrated his attention, his eyes were calm, and his muscles tensed~

A light blue sci-fi light flashed in Luo Lin's hand, and a white robe with justice printed on it appeared in Luo Lin's hand.

"Isn't it an attack? Wait, that's it!"

The Golden Lion originally thought it was Luo Lin's attack, but he didn't expect a flash of light, and a piece of clothing appeared in Luo Lin's hands. Looking at the robe, the Golden Lion's eyes slowly widened!

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The Robe of Justice of the Navy!"

The golden lion muttered to himself, and then said to Luo Lin: "Who the hell are you!"

Luo Lin put the robe of justice on his back, but it still felt a little weird, so he tied it casually, and it looked similar to Sauron's robe.

"Didn't I just say that? I'm an admiral, codenamed Black Crow!" While speaking, Luo Lin's smile grew more and more, and he looked at the golden lion with malicious intent.

"You said if I brought your head to Sengoku Karp, what would their expressions look like?"

"Jie ha ha ha ha! I think you didn't know where to play with mud when I was fighting with Karp in the Warring States Period! If you want to bring my head to them, okay! Come and get it! As long as you can get it!"

Golden Lion recognized Luo Lin's identity, and he became more serious in his heart.

At this time, the Golden Lion had the aura that a legendary big pirate should have.

The huge coercion brought by the domineering arrogance directly pressed on Luo Lin's head, and in an instant Luo Lin's head was covered with cold sweat.

"Isn't it just domineering and domineering! Who hasn't!"

Speaking of this, Luo Lin's body also burst out with a strong domineering look, and with Luo Lin's strong belief, he even stood up against the Golden Lion for a while.

"Sure enough, it has become weaker!"

Luo Lin thought to himself: I think it's because when the Golden Lion came out of the undersea prison, his strength began to gradually decrease, and his training was not as strict as in the past, and his whole mind was immersed in IQ. research.

In Luo Lin's own words, when the golden lion escaped from the deep sea prison, the whole person went astray.

The current him might be even worse than the current White Beard!

It's really sad!

The fall of a generation of strong men!

Golden Lion didn't know what Luo Lin was thinking, if he knew, he might just go berserk right away!

"Lion Chikiri Valley!"

"Lion Wanche Valley!"

The Golden Lion knew Luo Lin's level of swordsmanship, so every time he slashed, he went all out!And combined with my own experience, the places to attack are all tricky and very difficult to defend.

Luo Lin didn't panic at all, Gan Wuzhuo exuded a cold and gloomy breath, "Withered! Come out!"

"Dead Song Confession Song!" Cooperating with the power of withering, Luo Lin slashed out with a sword, and the sword energy like a crescent moon cut off the sky in an instant, and the sky was directly divided into two parts. The bone-piercing cold and the dense white air caused the surrounding clouds to freeze into ice crystals in an instant.

Facing Luo Lin's slash, Golden Lion opened his hands, "Shishiwei Gosho Jishou!"

I saw that the golden lion used the ability of fluttering fruit to control the surrounding ice crystals, which turned into lion head-shaped ice crystals, which were extremely hard, and rushed towards Luo Lin's song of death song.

"Are the current generals of the Navy so weak in actual combat experience? It's really uncomfortable to create such a powerful condition for me to use the ice crystals you created to block your attack!"

The strong wind blew the golden lion's body, making the golden lion look very domineering.

Luo Lin tilted his head, Gan Wuzhuo carried it on his shoulders, but there was no trace of sadness on his face, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Luo Lin's voice reached the golden lion's ears: "It's more than enough to kill you! "

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