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The battle between Luo Lin and the Golden Lion was so powerful that the whole sky seemed to turn into their battlefield.

The little pirates that Golden Lion has brought in recently are all standing on the edge of the island, watching the battle between the two of them, I feel very frightened!

"Is this a battle between the strong! It's too scary!"

"The ability to change the weather in an instant, only a god can do it!"

"Do you think the captain will be defeated?"

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about? How could the captain be defeated? If the captain is defeated, wouldn't we have to fall from the sky!"

"I'm afraid it will be smashed into meat sauce by then!"


Although a few of them have this kind of thought, most of them still believe that the winner must be the Golden Lion!

Because the golden lion is a legendary pirate!

However, at this moment, the legendary big pirate, Golden Lion Shiji's expression became extremely solemn, because he felt more and more powerful aura from Luo Lin's body.

It was as if Rowling was just letting him down just now.

"Now, crush, start!"

Luo Lin murmured softly, and in the next second, golden-red gas filled his body.

A large amount of sword energy circulated and surged in Luo Lin's body, which increased Luo Lin's strength several times, and instantly tilted the balance that was originally evenly matched!

The Golden Lion stared wide-eyed, as if he couldn't believe that Luo Lin had such power. However, the Golden Lion was still calm and calm on the surface: "Are you putting on a show! Scaring me? Do you really think that? Am I terrified!"

Regarding the words of the golden lion, Luo Lin just said: "Hehe!"

The short words were so forcefully conveyed to the golden lion's ears, and Luo Lin's figure disappeared in an instant.

Jin Shizi has been tense since just now, and now, knowledge and knowledge are scattered around him, predicting the direction of Luo Lin's appearance!


The golden lion wrapped his hands in armed domineering colors, and grabbed them behind him.

The air was directly scratched by the golden lion, and the whine of the air echoed in the air.

But apart from disturbing Rollin's afterimage, nothing happened.

"not good!"

After Golden Lion saw that he had captured the afterimage of Luo Lin, a haze appeared in his heart.

I saw Luo Lin's figure appearing from the sky above the golden lion, and Gan Wuzhuo lightly passed by!

"Singing Serenade" played its own movement in the air.

Silently, like a silver thread, it came quietly!

With a sound of "Zeng!", the Golden Lion raised his hand and covered Luo Lin's slash with his arm, barely blocking it.

The silver thread ran across the golden lion's arm, and a trace of blood flowed out.

A few drops of blood fell from the sky and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that the golden lion resisted his own attack, Luo Lin didn't feel surprised. After all, he is also a big pirate. If he doesn't have any strength, he can't justify it.

When slowly lowering his body from the air, Luo Lin held Gan Wuzhuo in his hand, slashed upwards from the lower part, and pushed upwards with the other hand on the blade to make the upward momentum stronger, intending to cut through the golden blade. Lion's Throat!

This technique is the "Longxiang flash!"

The alarm bell in Jin Shizi's heart rang loudly, and he subconsciously distanced himself from Luo Lin, and patted Luo Lin's clothes at the same time.

Inject the ability of fluttering fruit into it.

The ability of Piao Piao Guo couldn't make people other than Golden Lion float, but it could make clothes float. In this short moment, it slightly affected Luo Lin's movements.

From here, it can be seen how rich the Golden Lion's combat experience is!

Chapter two hundred and thirty nine is more than enough

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Luo Lin stabilized his figure in the air, and the golden lion had already distanced himself from him at this time.

"As expected of you, you were able to come up with such a way to stop me at such a dangerous time."

Luo Lin had to admit that when he was fighting the Golden Lion, he always had a feeling that his fighting ideas were opened.

It's like a dry sea surface, constantly absorbing the trickle of water, and using it to expand itself.

"The person who really didn't think of it should be me! If you want to follow me, it doesn't matter whether you are an admiral or not. As long as you are willing to follow me, I am willing to give you the position of deputy captain. In addition, after we unify the world , I am willing to give you half of the world."

"Hahahahahaha~ Golden Lion! I'm afraid you are as stupid as a bear now, trying to use words to get an admiral to join your pirate team. Who gave you this confidence."

A hostility flashed across Jin Lion's face, "Do you really think that my strength is just that?"

"Is not it?"

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