Luo Lin nodded, indicating that he knew.

The death of the golden lion marks the end of the pirates of the old era. Although there are still many powerful pirates surviving in the old era, they are not as crazy as the golden lion, who dared to attack Marlin Vandor alone.

In terms of reputation, Golden Lion Shiji is definitely far greater than those powerful pirates in the old days.

"So what are you going to ask me to do?"

Luo Lin was in a good mood. He played lightly with his fingers on the hilt of the sword, and the ditty turned into notes and floated in the room.

Zhan Guo and Garp also sat in their seats, Zhan Guo took a deep breath, and said to Luo Lin: "Rolin, I plan to push you out and spread the news of your defeat of the Golden Lion, and there will be a large number of them. Let everyone! Whether it is the navy, pirates, bounty hunters, ordinary people, or those rebels who have just been born, they all know that there is a general in the navy named Black Crow, who makes you a navy Celebrities!"

Luo Lin naturally understood what the subtext that Warring States wanted to express meant.

As long as he is pushed out, the chaotic sea will become a little calmer because of his appearance, and many people who are going to sea to become pirates will think in their hearts. The possibility of surviving will fundamentally prevent the expansion of the pirate's strength.

This is a good idea, and it can be said to be very forward-looking.

Being able to put aside the shadow of the Tianlong people behind him and push himself out is enough to show that the overall situation of the Warring States Period is very strong.

But Rowling knew that it was far from enough to rely on himself alone, because the extremely evil generation of pirates was about to come. Generations to look forward to together!

And I also need this generation!This chaotic generation is needed!

Only in this generation can he gather enough strength to overthrow the navy in one fell swoop!Overthrow Worldgover!Overthrow the Celestial Dragons!Establishing his own dynasty, this is Luo Lin's ultimate ambition!

"Hold me up, hold me up hard! The higher you hold me up, the more shocked and regretful you will be in the end!"

Luo Lin thought so in his heart, but there was no flaw on his face.

In this way, Luo Lin and Warring States began to discuss the detailed operation content of this incident.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The 16th Chapter [-] is ready to go, the goal is the East China Sea

During the discussion, Garp yawned, and said to Zhan Guo and Luo Lin: "You guys talk first, I'll go back and get ready to go back to the East China Sea."

Garp has not been back to Donghai for a long time, and Garp still misses his grandson very much.

Hearing Garp's words, Luo Lin, who had no expression at first, suddenly lit up his eyes.

Facing Garp, he received it with a smile: "Master Garp, are you planning to return to the world?"

Garp nodded subconsciously and said to Luo Lin: "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Karp originally thought that Luo Lin was looking for something to do with him, but he never expected that Luo Lin would say to himself: "Master Garp, I happen to be on vacation, so let me follow you to the world to have a look. Master Garp's hometown, Donghai, is very curious, what kind of hometown can cultivate such a strong and responsible person as Lieutenant General Garp?"

Rowling's words made Garp laugh out loud, "Hahahaha, am I as good as you say? Why don't I know?"

Garp was very happy. He didn't expect that Luo Lin could discover his shining point. He felt that what Luo Lin said was right. He was indeed very caring, and he often gave his grandson an iron fist of love.

Zhan Guo looked helplessly at Luo Lin and Garp, the two unreliable guys, and sighed, but he didn't stop him.

There is still about one week left for Luo Lin's vacation. If he goes to the East China Sea with Garp, the time required for the round trip will be about one month, which can be regarded as indirectly increasing his vacation time.

"Forget it, let's extend it. Anyway, Luo Lin just killed the golden lion recently, so it should be able to calm the sea for a while."

Zhan Guo thought so, and said nothing, "Luo Lin, then the plan is settled like this, no problem."

"Don't worry, Mr. Marshal, just leave it to me, oh, yes, if possible, you can give me more bonuses at the end of this month~"

Hearing Luo Lin's words of being good-looking when he got a bargain, Zhan Guo was quite speechless for a while, "It's okay, it's okay, I'll use my own money to wrap you a big red envelope when the time comes, so I'm satisfied now."

"Of course I'm satisfied, Marshal." Luo Lin said again: "You know, Marshal, the expenses of the women in my family are a bit high, and the salaries they pay are just barely enough to get by."

Luo Lin sold another wave of poverty, and then left the conference room behind Garp.

As for Luo Linpoor?how is this possible!

The storage space in the system, but there are still [-] billion Baileys left!Even if Luo Lin himself and the women in his family were to let go, it would still take a whole year!

Luo Lin and Garp separated downstairs, and the two lived in different directions, so they didn't go back together.

Seeing Garp disappear from his field of vision, Rowling stretched and yawned, and his whole body instantly became sluggish.

"Today's harvest is good, a bunch of SSS rewards, except for the one that Aokiji exploded, the rest are useful to me."

Thinking of this, the corners of Luo Lin's mouth became even more charming, and the smile pervaded Luo Lin's handsome cheeks as if cut by a knife, making all the female soldiers along the way feel that they were in love.

But what they knew was that the relationship between Taotu and Luo Lin was very close, and there were five blood-related sisters in the family, as well as a talented apprentice, so they had no chance at all.

16 Chapter [-] is ready to go, aiming at the East China Sea

Chapter 17 Chapter [-] Packing up

Rollin returned to his villa.

As soon as he walked through the door, Luo Lin felt that he had entered Peach Blossom Lane.

The blossoming peach blossoms are red, and the swallow ring is fat and thin, which is a superb view.

All the daughters of Yingying Yanyan are wearing home clothes, sitting, lying, or standing, chatting about topics that belong to women.

Luo Lin's sudden appearance attracted their attention in an instant, and they all had their eyes lit up, and they turned into moths and rushed towards Luo Lin, the raging flame.

Especially Ain, during the period when Luo Lin left, Ain really missed Luo Lin very much, and basically called Luo Lin every now and then, even though Luo Lin and Ain were thousands of miles apart, but I can also clearly feel that Ain's feelings for him have not become unfamiliar due to the increase in distance. Instead, there is a feeling of "a little farewell is better than a newly married", which makes the relationship between Ain and Luo Lin even stronger. .

"Master, master, you are finally back, Ain misses you to death!"

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